3 research outputs found


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    Skladište podataka (SP) se u današnje vrijeme nalazi u iznimno dinamičnom poslovnom okruženju. S jedne strane imamo brojne (heterogene) izvore podataka koji su podložni čestim promjenama podataka i strukture, dok s druge strane imamo brojne promjene u informacijskim zahtjevima koje postavljaju poslovni korisnici. Višedimenzionalna shema (VDS) u svakom trenutku mora moći usvojiti promjene iz izvora podataka te im se prilagoditi, kao i zadovoljiti korisničke zahtjeve za informacijama, što je iznimno složen zadatak. Problem koji se istražuje kod evolucije skladišta podataka jest pamćenje promjena opsega te strukture podataka i meta-podataka, u dužem vremenskom periodu. Akademska zajednica je do danas napravila određene korake prema rješavanju ovoga problema, no uvijek ima prostora za poboljšanje postojećih istraživanja, kao i za osmišljanje novih rješenja. Cilj ovog doktorskog istraživanja bio je razviti model repozitorija meta-podataka (MDV) koji se zasniva na Data Vault (DV) metodi za modeliranje baza podataka. Ovako definiran repozitorij meta-podataka služi za integraciju skladišta podataka (SP) i sustava za upravljanje matičnim podacima (UMP) te za praćenje i upravljanje promjenama u SP/UMP podacima i meta-podacima, kao i u njihovim shemama. Na ovaj način evolucija sheme skladišta podataka provodi se isključivo uz proširenje postojeće sheme i bez gubitka informacija. Također, složenost provedbe evolucije SP/UMP sheme je smanjena u odnosu na tradicionalne pristupe zasnovane na relacijskom modelu, a repozitorij zasnovan na MDV modelu služi kao proširenje tradicionalnog relacijskog sistemskog kataloga. U svrhu izgradnje praktičnog prototipa i testiranja predloženog rješenja razvijen je trajni i obuhvatni model repozitorija meta-podataka za integraciju i praćenje promjena shema SP i UMP, sistematiziran je formalni konačni skup osnovnih promjena nad shemom SP i UMP, definirana je formalna algebra za održavanje SP i UMP sheme te je razvijena arhitektura integriranog SP i UMP. Na kraju je razvijen i sam praktični prototip koji služi za empirijsku verifikaciju predloženog rješenja.Data Warehouse (DW) environment nowadays is an extremely dynamic one. On the one hand we have a number of (heterogeneous) data sources that are subject to frequent changes of data and structure, while on the other hand we have the frequent changes in the information requirements (set by business users). DW has an extremely complex task it must at all times be able to adapt to changes from data sources as well as to satisfy user's requests for information. This problem that we explore here is known and recognized in literature as a DW evolution problem tracking and storing the scope and structure changes of data and metadata for a very long time period. The academic community has taken some steps towards solving this problem but there is always some room for an improvement of the existing research, as well as for a development of new solutions. The goal of this doctoral thesis was to develop a metadata repository model (MDV) which is based on the Data Vault (DV) method for database modeling. Thus defined metadata repository model is used for integrating a data warehouse (DW) system and a master data management (MDM) system and for tracking and managing changes in the DW/MDM data and metadata, as well as in their schemas. In this way, a DW schema evolution is carried out only with the expansion of the existing schema and without loss of information. Also, the complexity of the DW schema evolution implementation is decreased compared to traditional approaches based on the relational model. Additionally, MDV repository serves as an extension of traditional relational database system catalog. In order to build a practical prototype and to test the proposed solution, a permanent and comprehensive metadata repository model for integration and tracking of DW/MDM data and schema changes was developed, a final set of fundamental changes over the DW/MDM schema was systematized, a formal algebra for DW/MDM schema maintenance was develped, an architecture of integrated DW/MDM was proposed, and a prototype of our dual DW/MDM solution was developed and empirically verifie

    Data, Technology, and People: Demystifying Master Data Management

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    With the amount of data constantly increasing, better practices are needed to manage it. Master data management (MDM) is an organizationally horizontal flow of activities aimed at managing core business data (i.e., master data). MDM differs from traditional data management practices as an organization-wide function. The idea of managing an organization’s most important data is impossible to achieve if MDM is simply treated as a data management practice or a technology-driven phenomenon. Establishing an MDM function involves introducing changes to an organization, which can relate to people and their ways of working, or technology and how it is used. If only a certain aspect is emphasized, the function will not deliver desired results.The object of this thesis is to study MDM not as a straightforward IT project, but as a complicated and multi-dimensional function. The goal is to understand the factors that should be taken into account in the development of an MDM function. The empirical part of this study is an ethnographic case study in a public sector organization, where MDM development was in early phases when the observation began. Altogether, the two data collection periods lasted for 32 months and during this, two MDM development projects were carried out, and MDM development became rooted as part of the organization’s routine operations.MDM development was analyzed as an ensemble that includes social and material components. Its theorization begins with understanding the role of master data in an organization’s information landscape and continues to examine the different views of MDM. Theories of change assist in understanding how change should be observed, understood, and managed.The study indicates that MDM effects multiple levels of an organization. Many organizational factors influence its development, and extensive dependencies exist between these factors. Especially in terms of ownership, other roles and responsibilities assume key positions. By understanding these factors and their roles in MDM development, it is easier to manage them.The study sheds light on the strong alignment between the complex concept of MDM and the organization. MDM literature is scarce and literature of public sector MDM is almost nonexistent. This dissertation contributes to research by widening the understanding of MDM in the public sector context, and by presenting a framework for establishing an MDM function as an organizational function that is closely linked with technology

    Data Warehouse Schema Evolution Perspectives

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