4 research outputs found

    Sosialisasi Keamanan Siber untuk Anak-anak di Panti Asuhan Aisiyah Bekasi

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    Anak-anak dan remaja sekarang banyak yang memposting di sosmed seperti Facebook, Twitter, Instagram seringkali menjadi korban kejahatan siber seperti phishing, bullying, social engineering oleh para predator dengan memanfaatkan sosial media, email dan fasilitas siber lainnya. Dengan berbagai macam kasus dan modus kejahatan siber seperti tersebut, maka perlu dibangun kesadaran di kalangan muda untuk memiliki bekal pengetahuan keamanan siber. Kegiatan ini memberikan tip dan tricks serta informasi bagaimana cara berselancar di dunia siber yang aman dalam menghadapi kejahatan siber

    Data Uploading and Exchange Algorithm for Mobile Sensor Networks in the City Traffic Environment

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    Mobile sensor networks (MSN) in the city environment have dynamic topology and large amounts of data. In order to overcome the problem of data uploading and exchange, data uploading and exchange algorithm (DUEA) is proposed. In DUEA, the three-tier network architecture composed of vehicle nodes, relay nodes and sink nodes is considered. The link estimator, routing engine, and forwarding engine are modified based on CTP (collection tree protocol). In the link estimator, beacon packet is simplified. In the routing engine, the numbers of elements in the send queue of neighbor nodes, and link quality are weighed. The new calculation formulae of ETX value and selection method of father node are proposed. In the forwarding engine, different snooping methods are used for two types of data named general data and warning data. Simulation results show that compared with CTP, DUEA increases data throughput and transmission rate and reduces energy consumption of packet transmission when data is uploaded. DUEA also reduces average transmission delay when data is exchanged. Physical test results show that DUEA achieves desired effect in the testbed. DUEA is effective and feasible and outperforms CTP in the city traffic environment