467 research outputs found

    Comparison of CSMA based MAC protocols of wireless sensor networks

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    Energy conservation has been an important area of interest in Wireless Sensor networks (WSNs). Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols play an important role in energy conservation. In this paper, we describe CSMA based MAC protocols for WSN and analyze the simulation results of these protocols. We implemented S-MAC, T-MAC, B-MAC, B-MAC+, X-MAC, DMAC and Wise-MAC in TOSSIM, a simulator which unlike other simulators simulates the same code running on real hardware. Previous surveys mainly focused on the classification of MAC protocols according to the techniques being used or problem dealt with and presented a theoretical evaluation of protocols. This paper presents the comparative study of CSMA based protocols for WSNs, showing which MAC protocol is suitable in a particular environment and supports the arguments with the simulation results. The comparative study can be used to find the best suited MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks in different environments.Comment: International Journal of AdHoc Network Systems, Volume 2, Number 2, April 201

    A Time Tree Medium Access Control for Energy Efficiency and Collision Avoidance in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper presents a medium access control and scheduling scheme for wireless sensor networks. It uses time trees for sending data from the sensor node to the base station. For an energy efficient operation of the sensor networks in a distributed manner, time trees are built in order to reduce the collision probability and to minimize the total energy required to send data to the base station. A time tree is a data gathering tree where the base station is the root and each sensor node is either a relaying or a leaf node of the tree. Each tree operates in a different time schedule with possibly different activation rates. Through the simulation, the proposed scheme that uses time trees shows better characteristics toward burst traffic than the previous energy and data arrival rate scheme

    A novel real-time MAC layer protocol for wireless sensor network applications

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    This paper presents a comparative study of existing real-time MAC layer protocols for wireless sensor networks. Then, a new real-Time MAC protocol is presented that is based on a general purpose MAC protocol, called S-MAC. While medium access strategy in S-MAC is based on contention and back-off schemes, protocol proposed in this paper uses feedback approach as a medium access strategy. As a result of this, it increases consistency in data transmission pattern, which enables it to guarantee end-to-end delay deadlines for soft realtime applications. Proposed protocol works in continuous ON mode of operation at MAC layer and is intended to be used for randomly deployed single stream wireless sensor applications. Finally, a comparative performance analysis of proposed realtime protocol is done with other real-time and general purpose MAC protocols for wireless sensor networks

    Collision Free Communication for Energy Saving in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    International audienceA Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) distinguishes from other wireless or wired networks through its capability of interaction with the environment. Such networks have been proposed for various applications including search and rescue, disaster relief, smart environments, and localization systems. These applications require a large amount of battery-powered wireless sensors, and are generally designed for long-term deployments with no human intervention. Consequently, energy efficiency is one of the main design objectives for these sensor networks

    On the Medium Access Control Protocols Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks – A Survey

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    A MAC (Medium Access Control) protocol has direct impact on the energy efficiency and traffic characteristics of any Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Due to the inherent differences in WSN’s requirements and application scenarios, different kinds of MAC protocols have so far been designed especially targeted to WSNs, though the primary mode of communications is wireless like any other wireless network. This is the subject topic of this survey work to analyze various aspects of the MAC protocols proposed for WSNs. To avoid collision and ensure reliability, before any data transmission between neighboring nodes in MAC layer, sensor nodes may need sampling channel and synchronizing. Based on these needs, we categorize the major MAC protocols into three classes, analyze each protocol’s relative advantages and disadvantages, and finally present a comparative summary which could give a snapshot of the state-of-the-art to guide other researchers find appropriate areas to work on. In spite of various existing survey works, we have tried to cover all necessary aspects with the latest advancements considering the major works in this area

    An ultra-low duty cycle sleep scheduling protocol stack for wireless sensor networks

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    A wireless sensor network is a distributed network system consisting of miniature spatially distributed autonomous devices designed for using sensors to sense the environment and cooperatively perform a specific goal. Each sensor node contains a limited power source, a sensor and a radio through which it can communicate with other sensor nodes within its communication radius. Since these sensor nodes may be deployed in inaccessible terrains, it might not be possible to replace their power sources. The radio transceiver is the hardware component that uses the most power in a sensor node and the optimisation of this element is necessary to reduce the overall energy consumption. In the data link layer there are several major sources of energy waste which should be minimised to achieve greater energy efficiency: idle listening, overhearing, over-emitting, network signalling overhead, and collisions. Sleep scheduling utilises the low-power sleep state of a transceiver and aims to reduce energy wastage caused by idle listening. Idle listening occurs when the radio is on, even though there is no data to transmit or receive. Collisions are reduced by using medium reservation and carrier sensing; collisions occur when there are simultaneous transmissions from several nodes that are within the interference range of the receiver node. The medium reservation packets include a network allocation vector field which is used for virtual carrier sensing which reduces overhearing. Overhearing occurs when a node receives and decodes packets that are not destined to it. Proper scheduling can avoid energy wastage due to over-emitting; over-emitting occurs when a transmitter node transmits a packet while the receiver node is not ready to receive packets. A protocol stack is proposed that achieves an ultra-low duty cycle sleep schedule. The protocol stack is aimed at large nodal populations, densely deployed, with periodic sampling applications. It uses the IEEE 802.15.4 Physical Layer (PHY) standard in the 2.4 GHz frequency band. A novel hybrid data-link/network cross-layer solution is proposed using the following features: a global sleep schedule, geographical data gathering tree, Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) slotted architecture, Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA), Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) with a randomised contention window, adaptive listening using a conservative timeout activation mechanism, virtual carrier sensing, clock drift compensation, and error control. AFRIKAANS : 'n Draadlose sensor-netwerk is 'n verspreide netwerk stelsel wat bestaan uit miniatuur ruimtelik verspreide outonome toestelle wat ontwerp is om in harmonie saam die omgewing te meet. Elke sensor nodus besit 'n beperkte bron van energie, 'n sensor en 'n radio waardeur dit met ander sensor nodusse binne hulle kommunikasie radius kan kommunikeer. Aangesien hierdie sensor nodusse in ontoeganklike terreine kan ontplooi word, is dit nie moontlik om hulle kragbronne te vervang nie. Die radio is die hardeware komponent wat van die meeste krag gebruik in 'n sensor nodus en die optimalisering van hierdie element is noodsaaklik vir die verminder die totale energieverbruik. In die data-koppelvlak laag is daar verskeie bronne van energie vermorsing wat minimaliseer moet word: ydele luister, a uistering, oor-uitstraling, oorhoofse netwerk seine, en botsings. Slaap-skedulering maak gebruik van die lae-krag slaap toestand van 'n radio met die doel om energie vermorsing wat veroorsaak word deur ydele luister, te verminder. Ydele luister vind plaas wanneer die radio aan is selfs al is daar geen data om te stuur of ontvang nie. Botsings word verminder deur medium bespreking en draer deteksie; botsings vind plaas wanneer verskeie nodusse gelyktydig data stuur. Die medium bespreking pakkies sluit 'n netwerk aanwysing vektor veld in wat gebruik word vir virtuele draer deteksie om a uistering te verminder. Afluistering vind plaas wanneer 'n nodus 'n pakkie ontvang en dekodeer maar dit was vir 'n ander nodus bedoel. Behoorlike skedulering kan energie verkwisting as gevolg van oor-uistraling verminder; oor-uistraling gebeur wanneer 'n sender nodus 'n pakkie stuur terwyl die ontvang nog nie gereed is nie. 'n Protokol stapel is voorgestel wat 'n ultra-lae slaap-skedule dienssiklus het. Die protokol is gemik op draadlose sensor-netwerke wat dig ontplooi, groot hoeveelhede nodusse bevat, en met periodiese toetsing toepassings. Dit maak gebruik van die IEEE 802.15.4 Fisiese-Laag standaard in die 2.4 GHz frekwensie band. 'n Nuwe baster datakoppelvlak/netwerk laag oplossing is voorgestel met die volgende kenmerke: globale slaap-skedulering, geogra ese data rapportering, Tyd-Verdeling-Veelvuldige-Toegang (TVVT) gegleufde argitektuur, Draer-Deteksie-Veelvuldige-Toegang met Botsing-Vermyding (DDVT/BV), Skoon-Kanaal-Assessering (SKA) met 'n wisselvallige twis-tydperk, aanpasbare slaap-skedulering met 'n konserwatiewe aktiverings meganisme, virtuele draer-deteksie, klok-wegdrywing kompensasie, en fout beheer. CopyrightDissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2012.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Channel Access Management in Data Intensive Sensor Networks

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    There are considerable challenges for channel access in Data Intensive Sensor Networks - DISN, supporting Data Intensive Applications like Structural Health Monitoring. As the data load increases, considerable degradation of the key performance parameters of such sensor networks is observed. Successful packet delivery ratio drops due to frequent collisions and retransmissions. The data glut results in increased latency and energy consumption overall. With the considerable limitations on sensor node resources like battery power, this implies that excessive transmissions in response to sensor queries can lead to premature network death. After a certain load threshold the performance characteristics of traditional WSNs become unacceptable. Research work indicates that successful packet delivery ratio in 802.15.4 networks can drop from 95% to 55% as the offered network load increases from 1 packet/sec to 10 packets/sec. This result in conjunction with the fact that it is common for sensors in an SHM system to generate 6-8 packets/sec of vibration data makes it important to design appropriate channel access schemes for such data intensive applications.In this work, we address the problem of significant performance degradation in a special-purpose DISN. Our specific focus is on the medium access control layer since it gives a fine-grained control on managing channel access and reducing energy waste. The goal of this dissertation is to design and evaluate a suite of channel access schemes that ensure graceful performance degradation in special-purpose DISNs as the network traffic load increases.First, we present a case study that investigates two distinct MAC proposals based on random access and scheduling access. The results of the case study provide the motivation to develop hybrid access schemes. Next, we introduce novel hybrid channel access protocols for DISNs ranging from a simple randomized transmission scheme that is robust under channel and topology dynamics to one that utilizes limited topological information about neighboring sensors to minimize collisions and energy waste. The protocols combine randomized transmission with heuristic scheduling to alleviate network performance degradation due to excessive collisions and retransmissions. We then propose a grid-based access scheduling protocol for a mobile DISN that is scalable and decentralized. The grid-based protocol efficiently handles sensor mobility with acceptable data loss and limited overhead. Finally, we extend the randomized transmission protocol from the hybrid approaches to develop an adaptable probability-based data transmission method. This work combines probabilistic transmission with heuristics, i.e., Latin Squares and a grid network, to tune transmission probabilities of sensors, thus meeting specific performance objectives in DISNs. We perform analytical evaluations and run simulation-based examinations to test all of the proposed protocols
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