2 research outputs found


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    The Ngeni Village community is a productive economic community with various sources of income. However, in this village, there are still fundamental problems. The main problem is accessing clean water and the lack of public street lighting. Two aspects of the problem in the community service activities have been carried out. The first aspect is about access to clean water, and this activity was implemented in 2020. The second aspect is the lack of public street lighting on the streets of Ngeni Village. Therefore, the service team has implemented appropriate science and technology to be utilized by the community, namely making solar street lighting. The purpose of this service activity is to build solar-powered public street lighting and provide ICT technology skills training so that people can be skilled in using ICT technology for their daily needs. The transfer of appropriate technology knowledge given to the community is hoped that the community can make their solar street lighting independently and can carry out maintenance independently in the future. The method applied in this activity is the Quantitative Method Approach, which emphasizes the in-depth understanding of a problem and is assisted by in-depth analysis techniques. The result of this activity is that 87 people attended the training well, and 20 expert teams succeeded and are skilled in advanced training by utilizing ICT technology as an alternative to solar-powered street lighting (PJU) at night. --- Masyarakat Desa Ngeni adalah masyarakat ekonomi produktif dengan berbagai sumber pendapatan yang dicapai. Akan tetapi, di Desa ini masih terdapat permasalahan yang mendasar. Masalah utamanya adalah sulitnya akses air bersih dan minimnya penerangan jalan umum. Terdapat dua aspek permasalahan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilakukan. Aspek pertama adalah tentang akses air bersih dan kegiatan ini telah di implementasikan pada 2020. Aspek kedua adalah minimnya penerangan jalan umum di jalan-jalan Desa Ngeni. Oleh karena itu, tim pengabdi telah menerapkan IPTEK yang tepat guna sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat dengan maksimal, yakni membuat penerangan jalan umum tenaga surya. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah melakukan pembangunan penerangan jalan umum bertenaga surya serta memberikan pelatihan keterampilan teknologi ICT sehingga masyarakat dapat terampil dalam pemanfaatan teknologi ICT untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Transfer ilmu teknologi tepat guna yang diberikan ke masyarakat harapannya agar masyarakat dapat membuat penerangan jalan umum tenaga surya sendiri secara swadaya dan dapat melakukan maintenance secara mandiri di masa depan. Metode yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini adalah Pendekatan Metode Kuantitatif dengan menekankan pada aspek pemahaman secara mendalam terhadap suatu masalah yang dibantu dengan teknik analisis mendalam (in-depth analysis). Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah sejumlah 87 msyarakat mengikuti pelatihan dengan baik dan 20 tim ahli telah berhasil dan terampil dalam pelatihan lanjutan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi ICT sebagai alternatif penerangan jalan umum (PJU) bertenaga surya pada malam hari

    Design of a photovoltaic system for a house in Pakistan and its open source ultra-low power data logger

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    This thesis presents an open-source, ultra-low powered data-logger for off-grid photovoltaic (PV) applications. An off-grid PV energy system is also designed for a rural house in Pakistan. The real-life power consumption data of this house is collected for the design and simulation purpose. The expected annual output energy of designed system is calculated by using Homer Pro software. Annual solar irradiance, average temperature and other environmental aspects are also considered for simulation of the designed system in Homer Pro. The data-logger is designed to log major parameters of designed PV energy system. Deep-sleep mode of ESP32-S2 microcontroller is used along with voltage, current, and light sensors for logging the data of PV system in an external micro SD card. Data-logger is programmed to operate in deep-sleep and web-portal monitoring modes and a manual or automatic switch is used to select these modes. Real-time PV data can be monitored in a local web-portal programmed in the microcontroller only by switching the toggle switch to on position. The same web-portal is also used to check and download the historical data of a PV system. The energy consumption of the designed system is 7.33mWh during deep-sleep mode and 425mWh during the web-portal monitoring mode. The total cost of the designed data-logger is approximately 30 CAD