8 research outputs found

    Adjoint exactness

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    Plato's ideas and Aristotle's real types from the classical age, Nominalism and Realism of the mediaeval period and Whitehead's modern view of the world as pro- cess all come together in the formal representation by category theory of exactness in adjointness (a). Concepts of exactness and co-exactness arise naturally from ad- jointness and are needed in current global problems of science. If a right co-exact valued left-adjoint functor ( ) in a cartesian closed category has a right-adjoint left- exact functor ( ), then physical stability is satis ed if itself is also a right co-exact left-adjoint functor for the right-adjoint left exact functor ( ): a a . These concepts are discussed here with examples in nuclear fusion, in database interroga- tion and in the cosmological ne structure constant by the Frederick construction

    Data Quality and Format for Remote Technologies

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    Quality of data is of paramount importance to the development of remote technologies. In this paper the authors discuss the need for research on data quality oriented to the field of remote technologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modeling Information Quality Risk for Data Mining and Case Studies

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    TV in the Age of the Internet: Information Quality of Science Fiction TV Fansites

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Information Science, 2011Communally created Web 2.0 content on the Internet has begun to compete with information provided by traditional gatekeeper institutions, such as academic journals, medical professionals, and large corporations. On the one hand, such gatekeepers need to understand the nature of this competition, as well as to try to ensure that the general public are not endangered by poor quality information. On the other hand, advocates of free and universal access to basic social services have argued that communal efforts can provide as good or better-quality versions of commonly needed resources. This dissertation arises from these needs to understand the nature and quality of information being produced on such websites. Website-oriented information quality (IQ) literature spans at least 15 different academic fields, a survey of which identified two types of IQ: perceptual and artifactual fitness-related, and representational accuracy and completeness-related. The current project studied websites in terms of all of these, except perceptual fitness. This study may be the only of its kind to have targeted fansites: websites made by fans of a mass media franchise. Despite the Internet's becoming a primary means by which millions of people consume and co-produce their entertainment, little academic attention has been paid to the IQ of sites about the mass media. For this study, the four central non-studio-affiliated sites about a highly popular and fan-engaging science fiction television franchise, Stargate, were chosen, and their IQ examined across sites having different sizes as well as editorial and business models. As exhaustive of samples as possible were collected from each site. Based on 21 relevant variables from the IQ literature, four qualitative and 17 exploratory statistical analyses were conducted. Key findings include: five possibly new IQ criteria; smaller sites concerned more with pleasing connoisseuring fans than the general public; larger sites being targeted towards older users; professional editors serving their own interests more than users'; wikis' greater user freedom attracting more invested and balanced writers; for-profit sites being more imposing upon, and less protecting of, users than non-profit sites; and the emergence of common writing styles, themes, data fields, advertisement types, linking strategies, and page types

    New Fundamental Technologies in Data Mining

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    The progress of data mining technology and large public popularity establish a need for a comprehensive text on the subject. The series of books entitled by "Data Mining" address the need by presenting in-depth description of novel mining algorithms and many useful applications. In addition to understanding each section deeply, the two books present useful hints and strategies to solving problems in the following chapters. The contributing authors have highlighted many future research directions that will foster multi-disciplinary collaborations and hence will lead to significant development in the field of data mining

    Regular Rooted Graph Grammars

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    In dieser Arbeit wir ein pragmatischer Ansatz zur Typisierung, statischen Analyse und Optimierung von Web-Anfragespachen, speziell Xcerpt, untersucht. Pragmatisch ist der Ansatz in dem Sinne, dass dem Benutzer keinerlei Einschränkungen aus Entscheidbarkeits- oder Effizienzgründen auf modellierbare Typen gestellt werden. Effizienz und Entscheidbarkeit werden stattdessen, falls nötig, durch Vergröberungen bei der Typprüfung erkauft. Eine Typsprache zur Typisierung von Graph-strukturierten Daten im Web wird eingeführt. Modellierbare Graphen sind so genannte gewurzelte Graphen, welche aus einem Spannbaum und Querreferenzen aufgebaut sind. Die Typsprache basiert auf reguläre Baum Grammatiken, welche um typisierte Referenzen erweitert wurde. Neben wie im Web mit XML üblichen geordneten strukturierten Daten, sind auch ungeordnete Daten, wie etwa in Xcerpt oder RDF üblich, modellierbar. Der dazu verwendete Ansatz---ungeordnete Interpretation Regulärer Ausdrücke---ist neu. Eine operationale Semantik für geordnete wie ungeordnete Typen wird auf Basis spezialisierter Baumautomaten und sog. Counting Constraints (welche wiederum auf presburgerarithmetische Ausdrücke) basieren. Es wird ferner statische Typ-Prüfung und -Inferenz von Xcerpt Anfrage- und Konstrukttermen, wie auch Optimierung von Xcerpt Anfragen auf Basis von Typinformation eingeführt.This thesis investigates a pragmatic approach to typing, static analysis and static optimization of Web query languages, in special the Web query language Xcerpt. The approach is pragmatic in the sense, that no restriction on the types are made for decidability or efficiency reasons, instead precision is given up if necessary. Pragmatics on the dynamic side means to use types not only to ensure validity of objects operating on, but also influencing query selection based on types. A typing language for typing of graph structured data on the Web is introduced. The Graphs in mind are based on spanning trees with references, the typing languages is based on regular tree grammars with typed reference extensions. Beside ordered data in the spirit of XML, unordered data (i.e. in the spirit of the Xcerpt data model or RDF) can be modelled using regular expressions under unordered interpretation – this approach is new. An operational semantics for ordered and unordered types is given based on specialized regular tree automata and counting constraints (them again based on Presburger arithmetic formulae). Static type checking of Xcerpt query and construct terms is introduced, as well as optimization of Xcerpt query terms based on schema information

    Data Mining in Data Warehouses

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