2,129 research outputs found

    Persistent Memory File Systems:A Survey

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    Persistent Memory (PM) is non-volatile byte-addressable memory that offers read and write latencies in the order of magnitude smaller than flash storage, such as SSDs. This survey discusses how file systems address the most prominent challenges in the implementation of file systems for Persistent Memory. First, we discuss how the properties of Persistent Memory change file system design. Second, we discuss work that aims to optimize small file I/O and the associated meta-data resolution. Third, we address how existing Persistent Memory file systems achieve (meta) data persistence and consistency

    Impacts of Social-Emotional Learning Via a Daily Writing Reflection in the Secondary Classroom

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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine a time effective and subject area friendly way to address students’ social-emotional needs as a means to alleviate stress, communicate with teachers, and improve their overall wellbeing. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been many unforeseen or unaddressed repercussions that educators will continue to be dealing with as schools return to traditional formats or as they adjust to new ones. What impact can the use of daily journal writing have for high school students as an immediate and potentially long-term social-emotional learning or competency technique? This study was conducted using a qualitative method design for a period of four weeks. The qualitative data was collected through student journals and field notes, as well as surveys at the beginning and end of the study. The sophomore class was specifically chosen by the researcher. Since the study focused particularly on adolescence, sophomores best fit the peak range of adolescent age (15-17 years of age). This group of students also had the experiences of starting high school in the traditional classroom setting as seventh graders, the abrupt transition to school in the home and distance learning as eighth graders, experience with the hybrid method of classroom delivery as ninth graders, and back to traditional in-person learning five days a week as sophomores, all during adolescence. Results determined that although initially met with hesitation, daily journaling became an enjoyable daily activity, allowing students to express themselves and relieve stress in a different way than they had while quarantining or isolating. Student attitudes toward writing, understanding of emotional regulation, and communication between teacher and student also improved


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    Rule-based modeling (RBM) is a powerful and increasingly popular approach to modeling cell signaling networks. However, novel visual tools are needed in order to make RBM accessible to a broad range of users, to make specification of models less error prone, and to improve workflows. We introduce RuleBender, a novel visualization system for the integrated visualization, modeling and simulation of rule-based intracellular biochemistry. We present the user requirements, visual paradigms, algorithms and design decisions behind RuleBender, with emphasis on visual global/local model exploration and integrated execution of simulations. The support of RBM creation, debugging, and interactive visualization expedites the RBM learning process and reduces model construction time; while built-in model simulation and results with multiple linked views streamline the execution and analysis of newly created models and generated networks. RuleBender has been adopted as both an educational and a research tool and is available as a free open source tool at http://www.rulebender.org. A development cycle that includes close interaction with expert users allows RuleBender to better serve the needs of the systems biology community

    EDLD 550.50: Foundations of Educational Leadership

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    Reducing Stress Through Morning Meetings

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    Stress in the lives of urban students, caused by multiple factors, specifically from violence and bullying, can affect their ability to do well both academically and socially. Student observation notes that the majority of students lack the coping mechanisms needed to deal with this stress in healthy and productive ways. This thesis project examines some of the causes of urban childhood stress and how educators can help their students reduce that stress and develop appropriate coping strategies for dealing with situations students may encounter daily at school. As part of this action research project, the use of daily morning meetings, student journals, weekly surveys, and group meetings were conducted. The literature review section briefly discusses the following as they bear on the research topic: family, violence, bullying, coping strategies, stress, and social constructivism. The project was conducted in a third grade classroom in an urban school district in western New York. Analysis of the research data confirms the positive effect of morning meetings to reduce stress and increase coping strategies for students
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