899 research outputs found

    Holographic visions for architecture in a park.

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    The Monza Park, with its more than 7 square meters of green area, divided between lawn and woods, its 110,000 tall trees, its 13 farmhouses, 3 historic villas, 13 m of fences and 90,000 visitors on spring Sundays, represents an irreplaceable source of wellness and sustainability for those who live near it. The pandemic situation of the 20s and 21s by reducing the movements and the possibility of coexistence of a large public in an open space has suggested the possibility of new forms of use and interaction of the same, even remotely, reproducing accurate Virtual Reality experiences. With this paper, the authors intend to illustrate a workflow from Scan to VR applications, taking advantage of the opportunity to explore digital acquisitions and additional materials available and functional to convey the values of open space and historical monuments immersed in them. The VR experiences have been structured for the navigation from the scale of architectural detail to the environmental one, with the goal of using the accurate model results for two different and remote instrumentations: a 7m diameter 360° theatre and a Holographic table, Euclideon Hologram Table©. Both situations, as opposed to hardware tools such as headset, favour the fruition for small groups of users

    Computer Aided Design and Analysis in Die/Mould of Casting Process

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    Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Analysis (CAA) have been investigated and developed since the last twenty years as standalone systems. There is useful link between CAD and CAA in terms of data extraction from the graphics to non-graphics format for the analysis. Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Analysis packages have been developed incorporating AutoCAD for the fluid feeding progress and the thermal behaviour during the casting process. Network analysis process has been adopted for the current development. The Developed package includes the CAD graphics for design, transferring graphics to non-graphics and vice versa for pre-processing and post-processing for the Engineering Analysis. The Developed package has been tested for the Die/Mould design for the proposed model. Finite element packages have been used for the prediction of the residual stresses of the Die/Mould

    Geographically Referenced Data for Social Science

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    An estimated 80% of all information has a spatial reference. Information about households as well as environmental data can be linked to precise locations in the real world. This offers benefits for combining different datasets via the spatial location and, furthermore, spatial indicators such as distance and accessibility can be included in analyses and models. HSpatial patterns of real-world social phenomena can be identified and described and possible interrelationships between datasets can be studied. Michael F. GOODCHILD, a Professor of Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara and principal investigator at the Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (CSISS), summarizes the growing significance of space, spatiality, location, and place in social science research as follows: "(...) for many social scientists, location is just another attribute in a table and not a very important one at that. After all, the processes that lead to social deprivation, crime, or family dysfunction are more or less the same everywhere, and, in the minds of social scientists, many other variables, such as education, unemployment, or age, are far more interesting as explanatory factors of social phenomena than geographic location. Geographers have been almost alone among social scientists in their concern for space; to economists, sociologists, political scientists, demographers, and anthropologists, space has been a minor issue and one that these disciplines have often been happy to leave to geographers. But that situation is changing, and many social scientists have begun to talk about a "spatial turn," a new interest in location, and a new "spatial social science" that crosses the traditional boundaries between disciplines. Interest is rising in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and in what GIS makes possible: mapping, spatial analysis, and spatial modelling. At the same time, new tools are becoming available that give GIS users access to some of the big ideas of social science."

    3-d visualization and animation of architectonic elements for prehistoric megalithic temples of the island of Gozo: the temple of Ggantija

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    Laser scanning can now be defined without doubt as the newest frontier in the field of survey technique, and recent technological developments of instruments and processing software have encouraged the introduction of this technique in the world of applications connected to archaeological site and other related disciplines. The temple of Ggantija on the island of Gozo was considered to be representative of the entire series of temple complexes due to their particular architectural characteristics, their stage of evolution and form of deterioration, both material and structural. The survey was conducted by the use of the local geodetic network in the different phases: • Topographic survey • 3D laser scanner survey • Photographic Survey: both traditional and digital pictures will be taken in order to fully documentation internal and external surfaces of the site. The treatment and analysis of data collections was divided into the following sub-stages: elaboration and compensation of close polygonal, thickening polygonal and direct measurements; elaboration and compensation of altimetric network; linking of the above data with the existing Maltese national networks; elaboration of laser scanner positions and absolute orientations; elaboration of points coordinates for georeferencing and linking the point clouds coming from laser; final data verification end quality control; analysis of laser measured point clouds, for filtering and subsequent elaboration; scanning orientations and subdivision into “islands” (internal rooms and external sides); analysis of laser measured point clouds over the grid determined by the topographic survey.; modelling of the Archaeological site, elimination of noises and metric "pollution" by statistics and verification; accentuation and reduction of triangles on areas interested by complex geometries; triangles transformation into complex surfaces (mesh); model checking by topographic points; mapping of digital photocolors covering all the surfaces of the site. The digital model will be cut by vertical and horizontal section plans at heights requested by customer 2D graphic editing of the plans, sections and elevations. Finishing of vertical sections (sections and views) using the mapped model created by rendering calculated, generating contours lines from the 3D model; of a light model (low density model) of the laser scanner data using the filtering tools of the software package; of an virtual animation of the high density model; of a mapped VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) model for a web interactive and hypertestual navigation, using the low density model. This part of the study was aimed at defining the architectural characteristics and mode of construction of this monument

    3D visualisation of the laetoli footprints on the internet

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    Bibliography: p. 84-86

    Development Of Building And Road Spatial Database For Parit Buntar New Township

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    The general scope of this project is the development of spatial database for road network system and building information of Parit Buntar New Township. The data capture process applies the utilization of satellite image of high resolution where road and building features can be extracted by means of screen digitization. Spatial database development was carried out using IDRISI GIS database workshop capability where all attributes regarding road network and building lots are obtained through field sampling process. The geo-relational data model that joins spatial data and attributes data was adopted in the development of database, as every spatial data are stored in graphic files while the attribute data are stored in table. There were linked through the features ID which is differentiated by color’s unique value. The final output of this project is a spatial database system that provides attribute and spatial information of Parit Buntar New Township. There seem to be a demand in the development of database as it will became the mechanism for residents to get information and as reference for future development which can be up dated easily

    An architectural generative design process

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    The paper discusses about architectural and urban design tools, and reports a prototype of parametric application that allows the designer to handle the architectural shape by using urban regulations. It is a Decision Support System (DSS), useful at the early stage of city planning as well as at the early stage of architectural design. The System integrates two different research topics: modelling in geo-referenced environment and modelling through constraints. Compared to the related works (Building Modelling on geo-referenced environment), our application is the first Generative System based on the urban regulation. Three case studies are presented to test the System