3 research outputs found

    The United Nation data governance: a panopticon and a catalyst for cooperation

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    With the rapid advancement of technology and digitalization, the collection, String, processing through machine learning and deep learning, trading of data has become widespread. However, because data privacy laws vary greatly from one jurisdiction to the next, personal information is not consistently secured. For people, corporations, and governments, this lack of harmonization creates challenges in a world that is ever more interconnected. This study looks into the viability of establishing a global data privacy body, specifically as a UN agency. By serving as the global regulatory authority for data privacy, a global data privacy organization can aid in the resolution of these issues. We examine some of these institution's possible benefits in this study, including enhanced privacy protection, safer data storage, and easier international data transfers. Additionally, it covers the obstacles that can develop when establishing an international organization and provides answers to those issues. By utilizing the expertise and resources of the United Nations, an international data privacy body can assist in making sure that data protection rules remain current with technological advancements. Additionally, it can contribute to increasing transparency and accountability in the digital economy, which is advantageous for both governments and enterprises. To further the International Data Governance, establishment of a UN agency to address data privacy, cross border data transfer and global data governance issues is speculative from history, as happened in the development of IPR as important field in International Law WIPO was established. The adoption of a brand-new, comprehensive international data privacy policy is not required to happen (at least not right away) when a global organization is established. By harnessing the knowledge and resources of the United Nations, an international data privacy agency can ensure that data protection laws keep up with technological advancements and foster trust and responsibility in the digital ecosystem. The challenges brought on by the Collection, processing, analysis and transfer of stored data in different geographical locations, gives call for Data Globalization & Data Sovereignty Debate, therefore by establishing an institution by United Nations dedicated to promoting data privacy & related issues will act as a panopticon for State & Non-State actors

    Historical Data Management in Big Databases

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    It is very likely that most information systems have at short-term information management problems. This requires the creation of new types of data management techniques more efficient and specific to each case, with the capacity to govern and ensure compliance with the management measures defined for operational systems, and ensure the desired performance and quality. In this work, we address the problem of data management, and, using a solution based on machine learning techniques, we tried to perceive, learn and classify the data contained in any database, according to its relevance for the users. Being able to identify what is really important to the users and separate this information from the rest, it is a great way for reducing the size of unnecessary data in a system and to define a more appropriate management model for the data that must be maintained in the system

    Per una salvezza ubiqua. Una riflessione “artivista” tra tecnologia e cura

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    In the last century the progress of technology applied to biology, robotics, neuroscience have flowed into the algorithmiclandscape "freeing" spaces of hybridization and contamination. Multimedia arts and new artistic practices have called intoquestion some historical axioms, such as the concept of authorship and uniqueness of the work. An "earlier future" ofcommunication and connection is opening up, increasingly extended and ready to give us a collective imaginationcapable of interpreting epochal changes. Technological art and its experiments have "activated" in the kaleidoscopicgaze of art a performative connective action where art, life and politics are integrated in a "battle" betweendemocratization processes of the network and information and mediated by "liberated" bodies. This is a story of many possible stories, where care fulfills its function in the connection between media and experience amplified by the artisticpractice of a New Living for an ecosystemic culture. The body-device with all its possibilities is disseminated in the network, reinventing the real and the disease and creating "augmented" spaces for criticism, for expression, for action andfor a "ubiquitous salvation". The great opportunity of existence is to express oneself "po(i)etically" through data togenerate an existential debate in culture.Nell'ultimo secolo i progressi della tecnologia applicata alla biologia, alla robotica, alle neuroscienze sono confluite nel paesaggio algoritmico “liberando” spazi di ibridazione e contaminazione. Le arti multimediali, e le nuove pratiche artistiche hanno rimesso in discussione alcuni assiomi storici, come il concetto di autorialità e di unicità dell’opera. Si apre un “futuro anteriore" di comunicazione, di connessione, sempre più esteso e pronto a consegnarci un immaginario collettivo capace di interpretare cambiamenti epocali. L’arte tecnologica e le sue sperimentazioni hanno “attivato” nello sguardo caleidoscopio dell’arte un’azione performativa connettiva dove arte, vita e politica si integrano in una “battaglia” tra processi di democratizzazione della rete e dell’informazione e mediata da corpi “liberati”. Questa è una storia di tante storie possibili, dove la cura assolve la sua funzione nella connessione fra media e vissuto amplificato dalla pratica artistica di un "Nuovo Abitare" per una cultura ecosistemica. Il corpo-dispositivo con tutte le sue possibilità si dissemina nella rete, reinventando il reale e la malattia e creando spazi “aumentati” per la critica, per l’espressione, per l’azione e per una “salvezza ubiqua”. La grande opportunità dell’esistenza è quella di esprimersi “po(i)eticamente” attraverso i dati per generare un dibattito esistenziale nella cultura