7 research outputs found

    Skeleton based gait recognition for long and baggy clothes

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    Human gait is a significant biometric feature used for the identification of people by their style of walking. Gait offers recognition from a distance at low resolution while requiring no user interaction. On the other hand, other biometrics are likely to require a certain level of interaction. In this paper, a human gait recognition method is presented to identify people who are wearing long baggy clothes like Thobe and Abaya. Microsoft Kinect sensor is used as a tool to establish a skeleton based gait database. The skeleton joint positions are obtained and used to create five different datasets. Each dataset contained different combination of joints to explore their effectiveness. An evaluation experiment was carried out with 20 walking subjects, each having 25 walking sequences in total. The results achieved good recognition rates up to 97%

    Gait Recognition from Motion Capture Data

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    Gait recognition from motion capture data, as a pattern classification discipline, can be improved by the use of machine learning. This paper contributes to the state-of-the-art with a statistical approach for extracting robust gait features directly from raw data by a modification of Linear Discriminant Analysis with Maximum Margin Criterion. Experiments on the CMU MoCap database show that the suggested method outperforms thirteen relevant methods based on geometric features and a method to learn the features by a combination of Principal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis. The methods are evaluated in terms of the distribution of biometric templates in respective feature spaces expressed in a number of class separability coefficients and classification metrics. Results also indicate a high portability of learned features, that means, we can learn what aspects of walk people generally differ in and extract those as general gait features. Recognizing people without needing group-specific features is convenient as particular people might not always provide annotated learning data. As a contribution to reproducible research, our evaluation framework and database have been made publicly available. This research makes motion capture technology directly applicable for human recognition.Comment: Preprint. Full paper accepted at the ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), special issue on Representation, Analysis and Recognition of 3D Humans. 18 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1701.00995, arXiv:1609.04392, arXiv:1609.0693

    Human Gait Recognition from Motion Capture Data in Signature Poses

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    Most contribution to the field of structure-based human gait recognition has been done through design of extraordinary gait features. Many research groups that address this topic introduce a unique combination of gait features, select a couple of well-known object classiers, and test some variations of their methods on their custom Kinect databases. For a practical system, it is not necessary to invent an ideal gait feature -- there have been many good geometric features designed -- but to smartly process the data there are at our disposal. This work proposes a gait recognition method without design of novel gait features; instead, we suggest an effective and highly efficient way of processing known types of features. Our method extracts a couple of joint angles from two signature poses within a gait cycle to form a gait pattern descriptor, and classifies the query subject by the baseline 1-NN classier. Not only are these poses distinctive enough, they also rarely accommodate motion irregularities that would result in confusion of identities. We experimentally demonstrate that our gait recognition method outperforms other relevant methods in terms of recognition rate and computational complexity. Evaluations were performed on an experimental database that precisely simulates street-level video surveillance environment

    Using Skeleton Correction to Improve Flash Lidar-Based Gait Recognition

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    This paper presents GlidarPoly, an efficacious pipeline of 3D gait recognition for flash lidar data based on pose estimation and robust correction of erroneous and missing joint measurements. A flash lidar can provide new opportunities for gait recognition through a fast acquisition of depth and intensity data over an extended range of distance. However, the flash lidar data are plagued by artifacts, outliers, noise, and sometimes missing measurements, which negatively affects the performance of existing analytics solutions. We present a filtering mechanism that corrects noisy and missing skeleton joint measurements to improve gait recognition. Furthermore, robust statistics are integrated with conventional feature moments to encode the dynamics of the motion. As a comparison, length-based and vector-based features extracted from the noisy skeletons are investigated for outlier removal. Experimental results illustrate the superiority of the proposed methodology in improving gait recognition given noisy, low-resolution flash lidar data

    Sistema para análise automatizada de movimento durante a marcha usando uma câmara RGB-D

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    Nowadays it is still common in clinical practice to assess the gait (or way of walking) of a given subject through the visual observation and use of a rating scale, which is a subjective approach. However, sensors including RGB-D cameras, such as the Microsoft Kinect, can be used to obtain quantitative information that allows performing gait analysis in a more objective way. The quantitative gait analysis results can be very useful for example to support the clinical assessment of patients with diseases that can affect their gait, such as Parkinson’s disease. The main motivation of this thesis was thus to provide support to gait assessment, by allowing to carry out quantitative gait analysis in an automated way. This objective was achieved by using 3-D data, provided by a single RGB-D camera, to automatically select the data corresponding to walking and then detect the gait cycles performed by the subject while walking. For each detected gait cycle, we obtain several gait parameters, which are used together with anthropometric measures to automatically identify the subject being assessed. The automated gait data selection relies on machine learning techniques to recognize three different activities (walking, standing, and marching), as well as two different positions of the subject in relation to the camera (facing the camera and facing away from it). For gait cycle detection, we developed an algorithm that estimates the instants corresponding to given gait events. The subject identification based on gait is enabled by a solution that was also developed by relying on machine learning. The developed solutions were integrated into a system for automated gait analysis, which we found to be a viable alternative to gold standard systems for obtaining several spatiotemporal and some kinematic gait parameters. Furthermore, the system is suitable for use in clinical environments, as well as ambulatory scenarios, since it relies on a single markerless RGB-D camera that is less expensive, more portable, less intrusive and easier to set up, when compared with the gold standard systems (multiple cameras and several markers attached to the subject’s body).Atualmente ainda é comum na prática clínica avaliar a marcha (ou o modo de andar) de uma certa pessoa através da observação visual e utilização de uma escala de classificação, o que é uma abordagem subjetiva. No entanto, existem sensores incluindo câmaras RGB-D, como a Microsoft Kinect, que podem ser usados para obter informação quantitativa que permite realizar a análise da marcha de um modo mais objetivo. Os resultados quantitativos da análise da marcha podem ser muito úteis, por exemplo, para apoiar a avaliação clínica de pessoas com doenças que podem afetar a sua marcha, como a doença de Parkinson. Assim, a principal motivação desta tese foi fornecer apoio à avaliação da marcha, permitindo realizar a análise quantitativa da marcha de forma automatizada. Este objetivo foi atingido usando dados em 3-D, fornecidos por uma única câmara RGB-D, para automaticamente selecionar os dados correspondentes a andar e, em seguida, detetar os ciclos de marcha executados pelo sujeito durante a marcha. Para cada ciclo de marcha identificado, obtemos vários parâmetros de marcha, que são usados em conjunto com medidas antropométricas para identificar automaticamente o sujeito que está a ser avaliado. A seleção automatizada de dados de marcha usa técnicas de aprendizagem máquina para reconhecer três atividades diferentes (andar, estar parado em pé e marchar), bem como duas posições diferentes do sujeito em relação à câmara (de frente para a câmara e de costas para ela). Para a deteção dos ciclos da marcha, desenvolvemos um algoritmo que estima os instantes correspondentes a determinados eventos da marcha. A identificação do sujeito com base na sua marcha é realizada usando uma solução que também foi desenvolvida com base em aprendizagem máquina. As soluções desenvolvidas foram integradas num sistema de análise automatizada de marcha, que demonstrámos ser uma alternativa viável a sistemas padrão de referência para obter vários parâmetros de marcha espácio-temporais e alguns parâmetros angulares. Além disso, o sistema é adequado para uso em ambientes clínicos, bem como em cenários ambulatórios, pois depende de apenas de uma câmara RGB-D que não usa marcadores e é menos dispendiosa, mais portátil, menos intrusiva e mais fácil de configurar, quando comparada com os sistemas padrão de referência (múltiplas câmaras e vários marcadores colocados no corpo do sujeito).Programa Doutoral em Informátic