957 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Anonymized ONS Queries

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    Electronic Product Code (EPC) is the basis of a pervasive infrastructure for the automatic identification of objects on supply chain applications (e.g., pharmaceutical or military applications). This infrastructure relies on the use of the (1) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to tag objects in motion and (2) distributed services providing information about objects via the Internet. A lookup service, called the Object Name Service (ONS) and based on the use of the Domain Name System (DNS), can be publicly accessed by EPC applications looking for information associated with tagged objects. Privacy issues may affect corporate infrastructures based on EPC technologies if their lookup service is not properly protected. A possible solution to mitigate these issues is the use of online anonymity. We present an evaluation experiment that compares the of use of Tor (The second generation Onion Router) on a global ONS/DNS setup, with respect to benefits, limitations, and latency.Comment: 14 page

    Is DNS Ready for Ubiquitous Internet of Things?

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    The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) covers not only the well-regulated processes of specific applications in different areas but also includes ubiquitous connectivity of more generic objects (or things and devices) in the physical world and the related information in the virtual world. For example, a typical IoT application, such as a smart city, includes smarter urban transport networks, upgraded water supply, and waste-disposal facilities, along with more efficient ways to light and heat buildings. For smart city applications and others, we require unique naming of every object and a secure, scalable, and efficient name resolution which can provide access to any object\u27s inherent attributes with its name. Based on different motivations, many naming principles and name resolution schemes have been proposed. Some of them are based on the well-known domain name system (DNS), which is the most important infrastructure in the current Internet, while others are based on novel designing principles to evolve the Internet. Although the DNS is evolving in its functionality and performance, it was not originally designed for the IoT applications. Then, a fundamental question that arises is: can current DNS adequately provide the name service support for IoT in the future? To address this question, we analyze the strengths and challenges of DNS when it is used to support ubiquitous IoT. First, we analyze the requirements of the IoT name service by using five characteristics, namely security, mobility, infrastructure independence, localization, and efficiency, which we collectively refer to as SMILE. Then, we discuss the pros and cons of the DNS in satisfying SMILE in the context of the future evolution of the IoT environment

    K-resolver: Towards Decentralizing Encrypted DNS Resolution

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    Centralized DNS over HTTPS/TLS (DoH/DoT) resolution, which has started being deployed by major hosting providers and web browsers, has sparked controversy among Internet activists and privacy advocates due to several privacy concerns. This design decision causes the trace of all DNS resolutions to be exposed to a third-party resolver, different than the one specified by the user's access network. In this work we propose K-resolver, a DNS resolution mechanism that disperses DNS queries across multiple DoH resolvers, reducing the amount of information about a user's browsing activity exposed to each individual resolver. As a result, none of the resolvers can learn a user's entire web browsing history. We have implemented a prototype of our approach for Mozilla Firefox, and used it to evaluate the performance of web page load time compared to the default centralized DoH approach. While our K-resolver mechanism has some effect on DNS resolution time and web page load time, we show that this is mainly due to the geographical location of the selected DoH servers. When more well-provisioned anycast servers are available, our approach incurs negligible overhead while improving user privacy.Comment: NDSS Workshop on Measurements, Attacks, and Defenses for the Web (MADWeb) 202

    The Road Ahead for Networking: A Survey on ICN-IP Coexistence Solutions

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    In recent years, the current Internet has experienced an unexpected paradigm shift in the usage model, which has pushed researchers towards the design of the Information-Centric Networking (ICN) paradigm as a possible replacement of the existing architecture. Even though both Academia and Industry have investigated the feasibility and effectiveness of ICN, achieving the complete replacement of the Internet Protocol (IP) is a challenging task. Some research groups have already addressed the coexistence by designing their own architectures, but none of those is the final solution to move towards the future Internet considering the unaltered state of the networking. To design such architecture, the research community needs now a comprehensive overview of the existing solutions that have so far addressed the coexistence. The purpose of this paper is to reach this goal by providing the first comprehensive survey and classification of the coexistence architectures according to their features (i.e., deployment approach, deployment scenarios, addressed coexistence requirements and architecture or technology used) and evaluation parameters (i.e., challenges emerging during the deployment and the runtime behaviour of an architecture). We believe that this paper will finally fill the gap required for moving towards the design of the final coexistence architecture.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, 3 table

    A Survey on Enterprise Network Security: Asset Behavioral Monitoring and Distributed Attack Detection

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    Enterprise networks that host valuable assets and services are popular and frequent targets of distributed network attacks. In order to cope with the ever-increasing threats, industrial and research communities develop systems and methods to monitor the behaviors of their assets and protect them from critical attacks. In this paper, we systematically survey related research articles and industrial systems to highlight the current status of this arms race in enterprise network security. First, we discuss the taxonomy of distributed network attacks on enterprise assets, including distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) and reconnaissance attacks. Second, we review existing methods in monitoring and classifying network behavior of enterprise hosts to verify their benign activities and isolate potential anomalies. Third, state-of-the-art detection methods for distributed network attacks sourced from external attackers are elaborated, highlighting their merits and bottlenecks. Fourth, as programmable networks and machine learning (ML) techniques are increasingly becoming adopted by the community, their current applications in network security are discussed. Finally, we highlight several research gaps on enterprise network security to inspire future research.Comment: Journal paper submitted to Elseive

    Making DNSSEC Future Proof

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    Network Traffic Based Botnet Detection Using Machine Learning

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    The field of information and computer security is rapidly developing in today’s world as the number of security risks is continuously being explored every day. The moment a new software or a product is launched in the market, a new exploit or vulnerability is exposed and exploited by the attackers or malicious users for different motives. Many attacks are distributed in nature and carried out by botnets that cause widespread disruption of network activity by carrying out DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, email spamming, click fraud, information and identity theft, virtual deceit and distributed resource usage for cryptocurrency mining. Botnet detection is still an active area of research as no single technique is available that can detect the entire ecosystem of a botnet like Neris, Rbot, and Virut. They tend to have different configurations and heavily armored by malware writers to evade detection systems by employing sophisticated evasion techniques. This report provides a detailed overview of a botnet and its characteristics and the existing work that is done in the domain of botnet detection. The study aims to evaluate the preprocessing techniques like variance thresholding and one-hot encoding to clean the botnet dataset and feature selection technique like filter, wrapper and embedded method to boost the machine learning model performance. This study addresses the dataset imbalance issues through techniques like undersampling, oversampling, ensemble learning and gradient boosting by using random forest, decision tree, AdaBoost and XGBoost. Lastly, the optimal model is then trained and tested on the dataset of different attacks to study its performance

    Measuring Name System Health

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    Modern critical infrastructure assets are exposed to security threats arising from their use of IP networks and the Domain Name System (DNS). This paper focuses on the health of DNS. Indeed, due to the increased reliance on the Internet, the degradation of DNS could have significant consequences for the critical infrastructure. This paper describes the Measuring Naming System (MeNSa), a framework designed to provide a formal methodology, metrics and tools for evaluating DNS health. Additionally, it proposes a process for aggregating health and security metrics to provide potential threat indicators. Results from a scenario-based experiment demonstrate the utility of the framework and aggregation metrics

    On The Impact of Internet Naming Evolution: Deployment, Performance, and Security Implications

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    As one of the most critical components of the Internet, the Domain Name System (DNS) provides naming services for Internet users, who rely on DNS to perform the translation between the domain names and network entities before establishing an In- ternet connection. In this dissertation, we present our studies on different aspects of the naming infrastructure in today’s Internet, including DNS itself and the network services based on the naming infrastructure such as Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). We first characterize the evolution and features of the DNS resolution in web ser- vices under the emergence of third-party hosting services and cloud platforms. at the bottom level of the DNS hierarchy, the authoritative DNS servers (ADNSes) maintain the actual mapping records and answer the DNS queries. The increasing use of upstream ADNS services (i.e., third-party ADNS-hosting services) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds facilitates the deployment of web services, and has been fostering the evo- lution of the deployment of ADNS servers. to shed light on this trend, we conduct a large-scale measurement to investigate the ADNS deployment patterns of modern web services and examine the characteristics of different deployment styles, such as perfor- mance, life-cycle of servers, and availability. Furthermore, we specifically focus on the DNS deployment for subdomains hosted in IaaS clouds. Then, we examine a pervasive misuse of DNS names and explore a straightforward solution to mitigate the performance penalty in DNS cache. DNS cache plays a critical role in domain name resolution, providing (1) high scalability at Root and Top-level- domain nameservers with reduced workloads and (2) low response latency to clients when the resource records of the queried domains are cached. However, the pervasive misuses of domain names, e.g., the domain names of “one-time-use” pattern, have negative impact on the effectiveness of DNS caching as the cache has been filled with those entries that are highly unlikely to be retrieved. By leveraging the domain name based features that are explicitly available from a domain name itself, we propose simple policies for improving DNS cache performance and validate their efficacy using real traces. Finally, we investigate the security implications of a fundamental vulnerability in DNS- based CDNs. The success of CDNs relies on the mapping system that leverages the dynamically generated DNS records to distribute a client’s request to a proximal server for achieving optimal content delivery. However, the mapping system is vulnerable to malicious hijacks, as it is very difficult to provide pre-computed DNSSEC signatures for dynamically generated records in CDNs. We illustrate that an adversary can deliberately tamper with the resolvers to hijack CDN’s redirection by injecting crafted but legitimate mappings between end-users and edge servers, while remaining undetectable by exist- ing security practices, which can cause serious threats that nullify the benefits offered by CDNs, such as proximal access, load balancing, and DoS protection. We further demonstrate that DNSSEC is ineffective to address this problem, even with the newly adopted ECDSA that is capable of achieving live signing for dynamically generated DNS records. We then discuss countermeasures against this redirection hijacking

    Sharing Computer Network Logs for Security and Privacy: A Motivation for New Methodologies of Anonymization

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    Logs are one of the most fundamental resources to any security professional. It is widely recognized by the government and industry that it is both beneficial and desirable to share logs for the purpose of security research. However, the sharing is not happening or not to the degree or magnitude that is desired. Organizations are reluctant to share logs because of the risk of exposing sensitive information to potential attackers. We believe this reluctance remains high because current anonymization techniques are weak and one-size-fits-all--or better put, one size tries to fit all. We must develop standards and make anonymization available at varying levels, striking a balance between privacy and utility. Organizations have different needs and trust other organizations to different degrees. They must be able to map multiple anonymization levels with defined risks to the trust levels they share with (would-be) receivers. It is not until there are industry standards for multiple levels of anonymization that we will be able to move forward and achieve the goal of widespread sharing of logs for security researchers.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur
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