87,665 research outputs found

    DNA Computation Based Approach for Enhanced Computing Power

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    DNA computing is a discipline that aims at harnessing individual molecules at the nano-scopic level for computational purposes. Computation with DNA molecules possesses an inherent interest for researchers in computers and biology. Given its vast parallelism and high-density storage, DNA computing approaches are employed to solve many problems. DNA has also been explored as an excellent material and a fundamental building block for building large-scale nanostructures, constructing individual nano-mechanical devices, and performing computations. Molecular-scale autonomous programmable computers are demonstrated allowing both input and output information to be in molecular form. This paper presents a review of recent advancements in DNA computing and presents major achievements and challenges for researchers in the coming future

    Experimental Progress in Computation by Self-Assembly of DNA Tilings

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    Approaches to DNA-based computing by self-assembly require the use of D. T A nanostructures, called tiles, that have efficient chemistries, expressive computational power: and convenient input and output (I/O) mechanisms. We have designed two new classes of DNA tiles: TAO and TAE, both of which contain three double-helices linked by strand exchange. Structural analysis of a TAO molecule has shown that the molecule assembles efficiently from its four component strands. Here we demonstrate a novel method for I/O whereby multiple tiles assemble around a single-stranded (input) scaffold strand. Computation by tiling theoretically results in the formation of structures that contain single-stranded (output) reported strands, which can then be isolated for subsequent steps of computation if necessary. We illustrate the advantages of TAO and TAE designs by detailing two examples of massively parallel arithmetic: construction of complete XOR and addition tables by linear assemblies of DNA tiles. The three helix structures provide flexibility for topological routing of strands in the computation: allowing the implementation of string tile models

    A Mathematical Formulation of DNA Computation

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    DNA computation is to use DNA molecules for information storing and processing. The task is accomplished by encoding and interpreting DNA molecules in suspended solutions before and after the complementary binding reactions. DNA computation is attractive, due to its fast parallel information processing, remarkable energy efficiency, and high storing capacity. Challenges currently faced by DNA computation are (1) lack of theoretical computational models for applications, and (2) high error rate for implementation. This paper attempts to address these problems from mathematical modeling and genetic coding aspects. The first part of this paper presents a mathematical formulation of DNA computation. The model may serve as a theoretical framework for DNA computation. In the second part, a genetic code based DNA computation approach is presented to reduce error rate for implementation, which has been a major concern for DNA computation. The method provides a promising alternative to reduce error rate for DNA computation

    DNA sequences classification and computation scheme based on the symmetry principle

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    The DNA sequences containing multifarious novel symmetrical structure frequently play crucial role in how genomes work. Here we present a new scheme for understanding the structural features and potential mathematical rules of symmetrical DNA sequences using a method containing stepwise classification and recursive computation. By defining the symmetry of DNA sequences, we classify all sequences and conclude a series of recursive equations for computing the quantity of all classes of sequences existing theoretically; moreover, the symmetries of the typical sequences at different levels are analyzed. The classification and quantitative relation demonstrate that DNA sequences have recursive and nested properties. The scheme may help us better discuss the formation and the growth mechanism of DNA sequences because it has a capability of educing the information about structure and quantity of longer sequences according to that of shorter sequences by some recursive rules. Our scheme may provide a new stepping stone to the theoretical characterization, as well as structural analysis, of DNA sequences

    Construction, analysis, ligation, and self-assembly of DNA triple crossover complexes

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    This paper extends the study and prototyping of unusual DNA motifs, unknown in nature, but founded on principles derived from biological structures. Artificially designed DNA complexes show promise as building blocks for the construction of useful nanoscale structures, devices, and computers. The DNA triple crossover (TX) complex described here extends the set of experimentally characterized building blocks. It consists of four oligonucleotides hybridized to form three double-stranded DNA helices lying in a plane and linked by strand exchange at four immobile crossover points. The topology selected for this TX molecule allows for the presence of reporter strands along the molecular diagonal that can be used to relate the inputs and outputs of DNA-based computation. Nucleotide sequence design for the synthetic strands was assisted by the application of algorithms that minimize possible alternative base-pairing structures. Synthetic oligonucleotides were purified, stoichiometric mixtures were annealed by slow cooling, and the resulting DNA structures were analyzed by nondenaturing gel electrophoresis and heat-induced unfolding. Ferguson analysis and hydroxyl radical autofootprinting provide strong evidence for the assembly of the strands to the target TX structure. Ligation of reporter strands has been demonstrated with this motif, as well as the self-assembly of hydrogen-bonded two-dimensional crystals in two different arrangements. Future applications of TX units include the construction of larger structures from multiple TX units, and DNA-based computation. In addition to the presence of reporter strands, potential advantages of TX units over other DNA structures include space for gaps in molecular arrays, larger spatial displacements in nanodevices, and the incorporation of well-structured out-of-plane components in two-dimensional arrays

    A Pseudo DNA Cryptography Method

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    The DNA cryptography is a new and very promising direction in cryptography research. DNA can be used in cryptography for storing and transmitting the information, as well as for computation. Although in its primitive stage, DNA cryptography is shown to be very effective. Currently, several DNA computing algorithms are proposed for quite some cryptography, cryptanalysis and steganography problems, and they are very powerful in these areas. However, the use of the DNA as a means of cryptography has high tech lab requirements and computational limitations, as well as the labor intensive extrapolation means so far. These make the efficient use of DNA cryptography difficult in the security world now. Therefore, more theoretical analysis should be performed before its real applications. In this project, We do not intended to utilize real DNA to perform the cryptography process; rather, We will introduce a new cryptography method based on central dogma of molecular biology. Since this method simulates some critical processes in central dogma, it is a pseudo DNA cryptography method. The theoretical analysis and experiments show this method to be efficient in computation, storage and transmission; and it is very powerful against certain attacks. Thus, this method can be of many uses in cryptography, such as an enhancement insecurity and speed to the other cryptography methods. There are also extensions and variations to this method, which have enhanced security, effectiveness and applicability.Comment: A small work that quite some people asked abou

    Error Correction in DNA Computing: Misclassification and Strand Loss

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    We present a method of transforming an extract-based DNA computation that is error-prone into one that is relatively error-free. These improvements in error rates are achieved without the supposition of any improvements in the reliability of the underlying laboratory techniques. We assume that only two types of errors are possible: a DNA strand may be incorrectly processed or it may be lost entirely. We show to deal with each of these errors individually and then analyze the tradeoff when both must be optimized simultaneously
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