8,108 research outputs found

    Chromosome Centromeres: Structural and Analytical Investigations with High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy in Combination with Focused Ion Beam Milling

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    Whole mount mitotic metaphase chromosomes of different plants and animals were investigated with high resolution field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) to study the ultrastructural organization of centromeres, including metacentric, acrocentric, telocentric, and holocentric chromosome variants. It could be shown that, in general, primary constrictions have distinctive ultrastructural features characterized by parallel matrix fibrils and fewer smaller chromomeres. Exposure of these structures depends on cell cycle synchronization prior to chromosome isolation, chromosome size, and chromosome isolation technique. Chromosomes without primary constrictions, small chromosomes, and holocentric chromosomes do not exhibit distinct ultrastructural elements that could be directly correlated to centromere function. Putative spindle structures, although rarely observed, spread over the primary constriction to the bordering pericentric regions. Analytical FESEM techniques, including specific DNA staining with Pt blue, staining of protein as a substance class with silver-colloid, and artificial loosening of fixed chromosomes with proteinase K, were applied, showing that centromere variants and ultrastructural elements in the centromere differ in DNA and protein distribution. Immunogold localization allowed high-resolution comparison between chromosomes with different centromere orientations of the distribution of centromere-related histone variants, phosphorylated histone H3 (ser10), and CENH3. A novel application of FESEM combined with focused ion beam milling (FIB) provided new insights into the spatial distribution of these histone variants in barley chromosomes. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Base

    Giardia Cyst Wall Protein 1 Is a Lectin That Binds to Curled Fibrils of the GalNAc Homopolymer

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    The infectious and diagnostic stage of Giardia lamblia (also known as G. intestinalis or G. duodenalis) is the cyst. The Giardia cyst wall contains fibrils of a unique β-1,3-linked N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) homopolymer and at least three cyst wall proteins (CWPs) composed of Leu-rich repeats (CWPLRR) and a C-terminal conserved Cys-rich region (CWPCRR). Our goals were to dissect the structure of the cyst wall and determine how it is disrupted during excystation. The intact Giardia cyst wall is thin (~400 nm), easily fractured by sonication, and impermeable to small molecules. Curled fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer are restricted to a narrow plane and are coated with linear arrays of oval-shaped protein complex. In contrast, cyst walls of Giardia treated with hot alkali to deproteinate fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer are thick (~1.2 µm), resistant to sonication, and permeable. The deproteinated GalNAc homopolymer, which forms a loose lattice of curled fibrils, is bound by native CWP1 and CWP2, as well as by maltose-binding protein (MBP)-fusions containing the full-length CWP1 or CWP1LRR. In contrast, neither MBP alone nor MBP fused to CWP1CRR bind to the GalNAc homopolymer. Recombinant CWP1 binds to the GalNAc homopolymer within secretory vesicles of Giardia encysting in vitro. Fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer are exposed during excystation or by treatment of heat-killed cysts with chymotrypsin, while deproteinated fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer are degraded by extracts of Giardia cysts but not trophozoites. These results show the Leu-rich repeat domain of CWP1 is a lectin that binds to curled fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer. During excystation, host and Giardia proteases appear to degrade bound CWPs, exposing fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer that are digested by a stage-specific glycohydrolase. Author SummaryWhile the walls of plants and fungi contain numerous sugar homopolymers (cellulose, chitin, and β-1,3-glucans) and dozens of proteins, the cyst wall of Giardia is relatively simple. The Giardia wall contains a unique homopolymer of β-1,3-linked N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) and at least three cyst wall proteins (CWPs), each of which is composed of Leu-rich repeats and a C-terminal Cys-rich region. The three major discoveries here are: 1) Fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer are curled and form a lattice that is compressed into a narrow plane by bound protein in intact cyst walls. 2) Leu-rich repeats of CWP1 form a novel lectin domain that is specific for fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer, which can be isolated by methods used to deproteinate fungal walls. 3) A cyst-specific glycohydrolase is able to degrade deproteinated fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer. We incorporate these findings into a new curled fiber and lectin model of the intact Giardia cyst wall and a protease and glycohydrolase model of excystation.National Institutes of Health (AI048082, AI44070, GM31318, RR1088

    Evidence for a nuclear compartment of transcription and splicing located at chromosome domain boundaries

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    The nuclear topography of splicing snRNPs, mRNA transcripts and chromosome domains in various mammalian cell types are described. The visualization of splicing snRNPs, defined by the Sm antigen, and coiled bodies, revealed distinctly different distribution patterns in these cell types. Heat shock experiments confirmed that the distribution patterns also depend on physiological parameters. Using a combination of fluorescencein situ hybridization and immunodetection protocols, individual chromosome domains were visualized simultaneously with the Sm antigen or the transcript of an integrated human papilloma virus genome. Three-dimensional analysis of fluorescence-stained target regions was performed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. RNA transcripts and components of the splicing machinery were found to be generally excluded from the interior of the territories occupied by the individual chromosomes. Based on these findings we present a model for the functional compartmentalization of the cell nucleus. According to this model the space between chromosome domains, including the surface areas of these domains, defines a three-dimensional network-like compartment, termed the interchromosome domain (ICD) compartment, in which transcription and splicing of mRNA occurs

    Mutations in or near the Transmembrane Domain Alter PMEL Amyloid Formation from Functional to Pathogenic

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    PMEL is a pigment cell-specific protein that forms physiological amyloid fibrils upon which melanins ultimately deposit in the lumen of the pigment organelle, the melanosome. Whereas hypomorphic PMEL mutations in several species result in a mild pigment dilution that is inherited in a recessive manner, PMEL alleles found in the Dominant white (DW) chicken and Silver horse (HoSi)—which bear mutations that alter the PMEL transmembrane domain (TMD) and that are thus outside the amyloid core—are associated with a striking loss of pigmentation that is inherited in a dominant fashion. Here we show that the DW and HoSi mutations alter PMEL TMD oligomerization and/or association with membranes, with consequent formation of aberrantly packed fibrils. The aberrant fibrils are associated with a loss of pigmentation in cultured melanocytes, suggesting that they inhibit melanin production and/or melanosome integrity. A secondary mutation in the Smoky chicken, which reverts the dominant DW phenotype, prevents the accumulation of PMEL in fibrillogenic compartments and thus averts DW–associated pigment loss; a secondary mutation found in the Dun chicken likely dampens a HoSi–like dominant mutation in a similar manner. We propose that the DW and HoSi mutations alter the normally benign amyloid to a pathogenic form that antagonizes melanosome function, and that the secondary mutations found in the Smoky and Dun chickens revert or dampen pathogenicity by functioning as null alleles, thus preventing the formation of aberrant fibrils. We speculate that PMEL mutations can model the conversion between physiological and pathological amyloid

    Review on bibliography related to antimicrobials

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    In this report, a bibliographic research has been done in the field of antimicrobials.In this report, a bibliographic research has been done in the field of antimicrobials. Not all antimicrobials have been included, but those that are being subject of matter in the group GBMI in Terrassa, and others of interest. It includes chitosan and other biopolymers. The effect of nanoparticles is of great interest, and in this sense, the effect of Ag nanoparticles and antibiotic nanoparticles (nanobiotics) has been revised. The report focuses on new publications and the antimicrobial effect of peptides has been considered. In particular, the influence of antimicrobials on membranes has deserved much attention and its study using the Langmuir technique, which is of great utility on biomimetic studies. The building up of antimicrobials systems with new techniques (bottom-up approach), as the Layer-by-Layer technique, can also be found in between the bibliography. It has also been considered the antibiofilm effect, and the new ideas on quorem sensing and quorum quenching.Preprin

    Isolation and histochemistry of the normal human cutaneous basement membrane zone

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    Nanoscale characterization of biopolymers using atomic force microscopy and plasmon-enhanced raman spectroscopy

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    Proteins are large, complex macromolecules found in every cell and cell component and play a variety of roles essential to the body's functioning. There are four levels of protein structures, which can be classified as follows: primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary. Understanding the structure of proteins is often necessary to understand their biological processes. Several analytical techniques are commonly used to characterize the different structures of proteins. For example, X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and electron microscopy (EM) are established techniques. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is another imaging technique that can be used to characterize the nanoscale surface properties of materials. AFM's ability to produce images up to atomic-level resolution is one of its most significant advantages. It can also be used to examine a wide variety of materials, such as metals, semiconductors, polymers, and biological samples, and it can be used in a variety of environments, including air, liquid, and vacuum. Raman spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique that identifies and studies the vibrational modes of molecules. Nonetheless, this Raman effect is a rare event, and proteins in the cell are present at extremely low concentrations, which contributes to the weak Raman signal. In order to improve the sensitivity and resolution of the method, scientists employ a technique based on the surface plasmon resonance effect, which increases the local electric field of the incident light and, consequently, the Raman signal (plasmon-enhanced Raman spectroscopy). When combined with the AFM technique, both high-resolution images and detailed chemical information can be retrieved, making this technique a highly effective method for characterizing protein structures. In this thesis, three levels of protein structures were characterized using AFM and plasmon-enhanced Raman spectroscopy