927 research outputs found

    Optimized intermolecular potential for nitriles based on Anisotropic United Atoms model

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    An extension of the Anisotropic United Atoms intermolecular potential model is proposed for nitriles. The electrostatic part of the intermolecular potential is calculated using atomic charges obtained by a simple Mulliken population analysis. The repulsion-dispersion interaction parameters for methyl and methylene groups are taken from transferable AUA4 literature parameters [Ungerer et al., J. Chem. Phys., 2000, 112, 5499]. Non-bonding Lennard-Jones intermolecular potential parameters are regressed for the carbon and nitrogen atoms of the nitrile group (–C≡N) from experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium data of acetonitrile. Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo simulations and experimental data agreement is very good for acetonitrile, and better than previous molecular potential proposed by Hloucha et al. [J. Chem. Phys., 2000, 113, 5401]. The transferability of the resulting potential is then successfully tested, without any further readjustment, to predict vapor-liquid phase equilibrium of propionitrile and n-butyronitrile

    Soft-SAFT modeling of vapour liquid equilibria of nitriles and their mixtures

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    Nitriles are strong polar compounds showing a highly non-ideal behavior, which makes them challenging systems from a modeling point of view; in spite of this, accurate predictions for the vapor-liquid equilibria of these systems are needed, as some of them, like acetonitrile (CH3CN) and propionitrile (C2H5CN), play an important role as organic solvents in several industrial processes. This work deals with the calculation of the vapor - liquid equilibria (VLE) of nitriles and their mixtures by using the crossover soft-SAFT Equation of State (EoS). Both polar and associating interactions are taken into account in a single association term in the crossover soft-SAFT equation, while the crossover term allows for accurate calculations both far from and close to the critical point. Molecular parameters for acetonitrile, propionitrile and n-butyronitrile (C3H7CN) are regressed from experimental data. Their transferability is tested by the calculation of the VLE of heavier linear nitriles, namely, valeronitrile (C4H9CN) and hexanonitrile (C5H11CN), not included in the fitting procedure. Crossover soft-SAFT results are in excellent agreement with experimental data for the whole range of thermodynamic conditions investigated, proving the robustness of the approach. Parameters transferability has also been used to describe the isomers n-butyronitrile and i-butyronitrile. Finally, the nitriles soft-SAFT model is further tested in VLE calculation of mixtures with benzene, carbon tetrachloride and carbon dioxide, which proved to be satisfactory as well

    HIx system thermodynamic model for hydrogen production by the sulfur-iodine cycle

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    The HIx ternary system (H2O – HI – I2) is the latent source of hydrogen for the Sulfur – Iodine thermo-chemical cycle. After analysis of the literature data and models, a homogeneous approach with the Peng-Robinson equation of state used for both the vapor and liquid phase fugacity calculations is proposed for the first time to describe the phase equilibrium of this system. The MHV2 mixing rule is used, with UNIQUAC activity coefficient model combined with of hydrogen iodide solvation by water. This approach is theoretically consistent for HIx separation processes operating above HI critical temperature. Model estimation is done on selected literature vapor – liquid, liquid – liquid, vapor – liquid – liquid and solid – liquid equilibrium data for the ternary system and the three binaries subsystems. Validation is done on the remaining literature data. Results agree well with the published data, but more experimental effort is needed to improve modeling of the HIx system

    Simultaneous description of bulk and interfacial properties of fluids by the Mie potential

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    The vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) of the Mie potential, where the dispersive exponent is constant (m = 6) while the repulsive exponent n is varied between 9 and 48, is systematically investigated by molecular simulation. For systems with planar vapor-liquid interfaces, long-range correction expressions are derived, so that interfacial and bulk properties can be computed accurately. The present simulation results are found to be consistent with the available body of literature on the Mie fluid which is substantially extended. On the basis of correlations for the considered thermodynamic properties, a multicriteria optimization becomes viable. Thereby, users can adjust the three parameters of the Mie potential to the properties of real fluids, weighting different thermodynamic properties according to their importance for a particular application scenario. In the present work, this is demonstrated for carbon dioxide for which different competing objective functions are studied which describe the accuracy of the model for representing the saturated liquid density, the vapor pressure and the surface tension. It is shown that models can be found which describe simultaneously the saturated liquid density and vapor pressure with good accuracy, and it is discussed to what extent this accuracy can be upheld as the model accuracy for the surface tension is further improved

    Modeling of Phase Equilibria Containing Associating Fluids

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    Phase Behavior of strongly associating systems

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    The modeling of associating fluids has been an active area of research for several decades. Attention has gradually shifted from the so called chemical theories, where molecular association is treated as a chemical reaction, to molecular models where association naturally arises from strong attractive intermolecular forces; among the last ones the Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (SAFT) and related approaches are becoming very popular. We will present calculations performed with the soft-SAFT EoS [F.J. Blas and L.F. Vega, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 37 (1998) 660-674.] to simulate the equilibrium thermodynamic properties of the acetic acid and the nitriles family (two classes of strongly associating compounds) as well as their mixtures[K. Jackowski and E. Wielogorska, Journal of Molecular Structure355 (1995) 287-290.]. Carboxylic acids form stable double hydrogen bridged dimers which in the gas phase exist in equilibrium with the monomers. Molecular association in liquid phase of the nitriles family is interesting as they are important organic solvents which are soluble in water without any limits. Pure-component molecular parameters are obtained by fitting the equation to available experimental data. The equation enables to search for physical trends, allowing the transferability of the parameters. The complex behavior of these mixtures is also investigated with the same approach
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