4 research outputs found

    DHCPv6 Redundancy Deployment Considerations

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    IPv6 Address Assignment in GNS3 Tool.

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je popis možností získání IP adresy v prostředí protokolu IPv6. Teoretická část popisuje způsoby adresování zařízení a získání jiných konfiguračních parametrů, jako je DNS server, prostřednictvím technologií SLAAC, zero configuration, stateless DHCPv6 a statefull DHCPv6. V praktické části je popsáno jakým způsobem se pracuje v prostředí GNS3 souběžně s virtuálními zařízeními s operačním systémem Ubuntu. V této části je také popsaná konfigurace malé místní sítě skládající se z DHCPv6 serveru a 3 klientů, kde každý z nich bude mít přiřazenou IPv6 adresu jiným způsobem. Následuje ověření konfigurace pomocí screenshotů a zhodnocení popsaných metod.Purpose of my bachelors thesis is to describe options of obtaining IP address in the IPv6 environment. Theoretical part describes different ways of device addressing and gaining other configuration parameters, for example DNS server, through technology called SLAAC, zero configuration, stateless and statefull DHCPv6. In the practical part is described how to work in GNS3 environment in parallel with virtual machines running on operation system Ubuntu. In this part there is also described configuration of LAN consisting of DHCPv6 server and 3 clients, where each of them will have assigned address by different method. Verification by screenshots and evaluation of described methods follows.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvelmi dobř

    Análisis, diseño e implementación de una red prototipo utilizando el protocolo IPv6 y QoS para la empresa Santanet

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    El proyecto realiza el análisis tanto de software y hardware de los equipos que dispone la empresa Santanet, mediante un diseño físico y lógico se procede a utilizar los equipos disponibles y se adquiere lo necesario para la implementación de una red con el protocolo IPv6, utilizando eficientemente los recursos de la empresa. Utilizando una dirección IPv4 pública fija y mediante Hurricane Electric se creó un túnel 6in4 en donde se obtuvo direcciones IPv6 con prefijos 48 y 64 que permite comunicarse con redes IPv6, mediante un PC que funciona como router se crea el túnel 6in4 y también se ejecuta el software de ruteo Quagga. Adicionalmente en el PC router se ejecutan los servidores DHCPv4, DHCPv6, RADVD, DNS y QoS. En el servidor principal se ejecutan los servidores web, de correos, FTP y SSH. Estos servidores funcionan tanto para IPv4 e IPv6 y son accesibles desde cualquier destino. Utilizando QoS se realiza un control de tráfico, en donde mediante filtros e iptables se asigna prioridades a los puertos de determinadas aplicaciones que se utilizan tanto para IPv4 e IPv6.In this project performs the analysis of both software and hardware of computers that have the company Santanet, through a design of hardware and software is proceeds to use the equipment available and necessary for the implementation of an IPv6 network using efficiently the resources of the company. Using a fixed public IPv4 address and by means of Hurricane Electric is created a 6in4 tunnel where is obtained the IPv6 address with prefixes 48 and 64 to communicate with IPv6 networks, using a PC that works like router is created 6in4 tunnel and runs the Zebra routing software. Additionally in the PC router is running servers DHCPv4, DHCPv6, RADVD, DNS and QoS. On the primary server running web servers, email, FTP, and SSH. These services work for both IPv4 and IPv6 and are accessible from any destination. Using QoS is performed traffic control, where by iptables and filters are assigned priorities to ports of certain applications that are used for both IPv4 and IPv6

    DHC Working Group Internet-Draft Intended status: Standards Track

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    draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-active-leasequery-01 The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) has been extended with a Leasequery capability that allows a requestor to request information about DHCPv6 bindings. That mechanism is limited to queries for DHCPv6 binding data updates prior to the time the DHCPv6 server receives the Leasequery request. Continuous update of an external requestor with Leasequery data is sometimes desired. This document expands on the DHCPv6 Leasequery protocol, and allows for active transfer of real-time DHCPv6 binding information data via TCP. This document also extends DHCPv6 Bulk Leasequery by adding new options. Status of This Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is a