8 research outputs found

    Fault Analysis Study of the Block Cipher FOX64

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    FOX is a family of symmetric block ciphers from MediaCrypt AG that helps to secure digital media, communications, and storage. The high-level structure of FOX is the so-called (extended) Lai-Massey scheme. This paper presents a detailed fault analysis of the block cipher FOX64, the 64-bit version of FOX, based on a differential property of tworound Lai-Massey scheme in a fault model. Previous fault attack on FOX64 shows that each round-key (resp. whole round-keys) could be recovered through 11.45 (resp. 183.20) faults on average. Our proposed fault attack, however, can deduce any round-key (except the first one) through 4.25 faults on average (4 in the best case), and retrieve the whole round-keys through 43.31 faults on average (38 in the best case). This implies that the number of needed faults in the fault attack on FOX64 can be significantly reduced. Furthermore, the technique introduced in this paper can be extended to other series of the block cipher family FOX

    Efficient Methods for Exploiting Faults Induced at AES Middle Rounds

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    Faults occurred during the operations in a hardware device cause many problems such as performance deterioration, unreliable output, etc. If a fault occurs in a cryptographic hardware device, the effect can be even serious because an adversary may exploit it to find the secret information stored in the device. More precisely, the adversary can find the key of a block cipher using differential information between correct and faulty ciphertexts obtained by inducing faults during the computation of ciphertexts. This kind of attack is called \emph{Differential Fault Analysis} (DFA). Among many ciphers \emph{Advanced Encryption Standard} (AES) has been the main target of DFA due to its popularity. AES is widely used in different platforms and systems including Intel and AMD microprocessors. Normally DFA on AES exploits faults induced at the last few rounds. Hence, a general countermeasure is to recompute the last few rounds of AES and compare it with the original output. As redundancy is a costly countermeasure, one should ascertain exactly which rounds need to be protected. In 2006, Phan and Yen introduced a new type of DFA, so called Square-DFA, that works even when faults are induced into some middle rounds. However, it is impractical as it requires several hundreds of faulty ciphertexts as well as a bit fault model. In this article, we propose new attacks that need only dozens of faulty ciphertexts in a byte fault model. Normally it is believed that randomly corrupting a byte is easier than corrupting a specific bit. In addition, we extend the attacks to the AES-192 and AES-256, which is the first result in the literature

    From AES-128 to AES-192 and AES-256, How to Adapt Differential Fault Analysis Attacks

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    Since its announcement, AES has been subject to different DFA attacks. Most of these attacks target the AES with 128-bit key. However, the two other variants are nowadays deployed in various applications and are also submitted to the same attack path. In this paper, we adapt the DFA techniques originally used on AES-128 in order to obtain the keys of AES-192 and AES-256. To illustrate this method, we propose efficient attacks on AES-192 and AES-256 based on a known DFA on KeyExpansion

    Analysis and Design of Clock-glitch Fault Injection within an FPGA

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    In modern cryptanalysis, an active attacker may induce errors during the computation of a cryptographic algorithm and exploit the faulty results to extract information about the secret key in embedded systems. This kind of attack is called a fault attack. There have been various attack mechanisms with diff erent fault models proposed in the literature. Among them, clock glitch faults support practically dangerous fault attacks on cryptosystems. This thesis presents an FPGA-based practical testbed for characterizing exploitable clock glitch faults and uniformly evaluating cryptographic systems against them. Concentrating on Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), simulation and experimental results illustrates proper features for the clock glitches generated by the implemented on-chip glitch generator. These glitches can be injected reliably with acceptably accurate timing. The produced faults are random but their eff ect domain is finely controllable by the attacker. These features makes clock glitch faults practically suitable for future possible complete fault attacks on AES. This research is important for investigating the viability and analysis of fault injections on various cryptographic functions in future embedded systems

    Electromagnetic Fault Injection On Two Microcontrollers: Methodology, Fault Model, Attack and Countermeasures

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    Cryptographic algorithms are being applied to various kinds of embedded devices such as credit card, smart phone, etc. Those cryptographic algorithms are designed to be resistant to mathematical analysis, however, passive Side Channel Attack (SCA) was demonstrated to be a serious security concern for embedded systems. These attacks analyzed the relationship between the side channel leakages (such as the execution time or power consumption) and the cryptographic operations in order to retrieve the secret information. Various countermeasures were proposed to thwart passive SCA by hiding this relationship. Another different type of SCA, known as the active SCA is Fault Injection Attack (FIA). FIA can be divided into two phases. The first one is the fault injection phase where the attacker aims at injecting a fault to a target circuit with a specific timing and spatial accuracy. The second phase is the fault exploitation phase where the attacker exploits the induced fault and forms an attack. The major targets for the fault exploitation phase are the cryptographic algorithms and the application-sensitive processes. Over the last one and a half decades, FIA has attracted expanding research attention. There are various techniques which could be used to conduct an FIA such as laser, Electromagnetic (EM) pulse, voltage/clock glitch, etc. EM FIA achieves a moderate spatial resolution and a high timing resolution. Moreover, since the EM pulse can pass through the package of the chip, the chip does not need to be fully decapsulated to run the attack. However, there remains a lack of understanding of the fault injected to the cryptographic devices and the countermeasures to protect them. Therefore, it is important to conduct in-depth research on EM FIA. This dissertation concentrates on the study of EM FIA by analyzing the experimental results on two different devices, PIC16F687 and LPC1114. The PIC16F687 applies a two-stage pipeline with a Harvard structure. Faults injected to the PIC16F687 resulted in instruction replacement faults. After analysis of detailed experiments, two new Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-128 attacks were proposed and empirically verified using a two-step attack approach. These new AES attacks were proposed with lower computational complexity unlike previous Differential Fault Analysis (DFA) algorithms. Instruction specific countermeasures were designed and verified empirically for AES to prevent known attacks and provide fault tolerant protection. The second target chip was the LPC1114, which utilizes an ARM Cortex-M0 core with a three-stage pipeline and a Von Neumann structure. Fault injection on multiple LDR instructions were analyzed indicating both address faults and data faults were found. Moreover, the induced faults were investigated with detailed timing analysis taking the pipeline stall stage into consideration. Fault tolerant countermeasures were also proposed and verified empirically unlike previous fault tolerant countermeasures which were designed only for the instruction skip fault. Based on empirical results, the charge-based fault model was proposed as a new fault model. It utilizes the critical charge concept from single event upset and takes the supply voltage and the clock frequency of the target microcontroller into consideration. Unlike previous research where researchers suggested that the EM pulse induced delay or perturbation to the chip, the new fault model has been empirically verified on both PIC16F687 and LPC1114 over several frequencies and supply voltages. This research contributes to state of the art in EM FIA research field by providing further advances in how to inject the fault, how to analyze the fault, how to build an attack with the fault, and how to mitigate the fault. This research is important for improving resilience and countermeasures for fault injection attacks for secure embedded microcontrollers


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    This thesis deals with theoretical and implementation analysis of cryptographic functions. Theoretical attacks exploit weaknesses in the mathematical structure of the cryptographic primitive, while implementation attacks leverage on information obtained by its physical implementation, such as leakage through physically observable parameters (side-channel analysis) or susceptibility to errors (fault analysis). In the area of theoretical cryptanalysis, we analyze the resistance of the Keccak-f permutations to differential cryptanalysis (DC). Keccak-f is used in different cryptographic primitives: Keccak (which defines the NIST standard SHA-3), Ketje and Keyak (which are currently at the third round of the CAESAR competition) and the authenticated encryption function Kravatte. In its basic version, DC makes use of differential trails, i.e. sequences of differences through the rounds of the primitive. The power of trails in attacks can be characterized by their weight. The existence of low-weight trails over all but a few rounds would imply a low resistance with respect to DC. We thus present new techniques to effciently generate all 6-round differential trails in Keccak-f up to a given weight, in order to improve known lower bounds. The limit weight we can reach with these new techniques is very high compared to previous attempts in literature for weakly aligned primitives. This allows us to improve the lower bound on 6 rounds from 74 to 92 for the four largest variants of Keccak-f. This result has been used by the authors of Kravatte to choose the number of rounds in their function. Thanks to their abstraction level, some of our techniques are actually more widely applicable than to Keccak-f. So, we formalize them in a generic way. The presented techniques have been integrated in the KeccakTools and are publicly available. In the area of fault analysis, we present several results on differential fault analysis (DFA) on the block cipher AES. Most DFA attacks exploit faults that modify the intermediate state or round key. Very few examples have been presented, that leverage changes in the sequence of operations by reducing the number of rounds. In this direction, we present four DFA attacks that exploit faults that alter the sequence of operations during the final round. In particular, we show how DFA can be conducted when the main operations that compose the AES round function are corrupted, skipped or repeated during the final round. Another aspect of DFA we analyze is the role of the fault model in attacks. We study it from an information theoretical point of view, showing that the knowledge that the attacker has on the injected fault is fundamental to mount a successful attack. In order to soften the a-priori knowledge on the injection technique needed by the attacker, we present a new approach for DFA based on clustering, called J-DFA. The experimental results show that J-DFA allows to successfully recover the key both in classical DFA scenario and when the model does not perfectly match the faults effect. A peculiar result of this method is that, besides the preferred candidate for the key, it also provides the preferred models for the fault. This is a quite remarkable ability because it furnishes precious information which can be used to analyze, compare and characterize different specific injection techniques on different devices. In the area of side-channel attacks, we improve and extend existing attacks against the RSA algorithm, known as partial key exposure attacks. These attacks on RSA show how it is possible to find the factorization of the modulus from the knowledge of some bits of the private key. We present new partial key exposure attacks when the countermeasure known as exponent blinding is used. We first improve known results for common RSA setting by reducing the number of bits or by simplifying the mathematical analysis. Then we present novel attacks for RSA implemented using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, a scenario that has never been analyzed before in this context