2 research outputs found

    DF 2.0: An Automated, Privacy Preserving, and Efficient Digital Forensic Framework That Leverages Machine Learning for Evidence Prediction and Privacy Evaluation

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    The current state of digital forensic investigation is continuously challenged by the rapid technological changes, the increase in the use of digital devices (both the heterogeneity and the count), and the sheer volume of data that these devices could contain. Although data privacy protection is not a performance measure, however, preventing privacy violations during the digital forensic investigation, is also a big challenge. With a perception that the completeness of investigation and the data privacy preservation are incompatible with each other, the researchers have provided solutions to address the above-stated challenges that either focus on the effectiveness of the investigation process or the data privacy preservation. However, a comprehensive approach that preserves data privacy without affecting the capabilities of the investigator or the overall efficiency of the investigation process is still an open problem. In the current work, the authors have proposed a digital forensic framework that uses case information, case profile data and expert knowledge for automation of the digital forensic analysis process; utilizes machine learning for finding most relevant pieces of evidence; and maintains data privacy of non-evidential private files. All these operations are coordinated in a way that the overall efficiency of the digital forensic investigation process increases while the integrity and admissibility of the evidence remain intact. The framework improves validation which boosts transparency in the investigation process. The framework also achieves a higher level of accountability by securely logging the investigation steps. As the proposed solution introduces notable enhancements to the current investigative practices more like the next version of Digital Forensics, the authors have named the framework `Digital Forensics 2.0\u27, or `DF 2.0\u27 in short

    A Comprehensive Analysis of the Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Modern Digital Forensics and Incident Response

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    In the dynamic landscape of digital forensics, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) stands as a transformative technology, poised to amplify the efficiency and precision of digital forensics investigations. However, the use of ML and AI in digital forensics is still in its nascent stages. As a result, this paper gives a thorough and in-depth analysis that goes beyond a simple survey and review. The goal is to look closely at how AI and ML techniques are used in digital forensics and incident response. This research explores cutting-edge research initiatives that cross domains such as data collection and recovery, the intricate reconstruction of cybercrime timelines, robust big data analysis, pattern recognition, safeguarding the chain of custody, and orchestrating responsive strategies to hacking incidents. This endeavour digs far beneath the surface to unearth the intricate ways AI-driven methodologies are shaping these crucial facets of digital forensics practice. While the promise of AI in digital forensics is evident, the challenges arising from increasing database sizes and evolving criminal tactics necessitate ongoing collaborative research and refinement within the digital forensics profession. This study examines the contributions, limitations, and gaps in the existing research, shedding light on the potential and limitations of AI and ML techniques. By exploring these different research areas, we highlight the critical need for strategic planning, continual research, and development to unlock AI's full potential in digital forensics and incident response. Ultimately, this paper underscores the significance of AI and ML integration in digital forensics, offering insights into their benefits, drawbacks, and broader implications for tackling modern cyber threats