1,637 research outputs found

    Toward Network-based DDoS Detection in Software-defined Networks

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    To combat susceptibility of modern computing systems to cyberattack, identifying and disrupting malicious traffic without human intervention is essential. To accomplish this, three main tasks for an effective intrusion detection system have been identified: monitor network traffic, categorize and identify anomalous behavior in near real time, and take appropriate action against the identified threat. This system leverages distributed SDN architecture and the principles of Artificial Immune Systems and Self-Organizing Maps to build a network-based intrusion detection system capable of detecting and terminating DDoS attacks in progress

    Impact Assessment of Hypothesized Cyberattacks on Interconnected Bulk Power Systems

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    The first-ever Ukraine cyberattack on power grid has proven its devastation by hacking into their critical cyber assets. With administrative privileges accessing substation networks/local control centers, one intelligent way of coordinated cyberattacks is to execute a series of disruptive switching executions on multiple substations using compromised supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. These actions can cause significant impacts to an interconnected power grid. Unlike the previous power blackouts, such high-impact initiating events can aggravate operating conditions, initiating instability that may lead to system-wide cascading failure. A systemic evaluation of "nightmare" scenarios is highly desirable for asset owners to manage and prioritize the maintenance and investment in protecting their cyberinfrastructure. This survey paper is a conceptual expansion of real-time monitoring, anomaly detection, impact analyses, and mitigation (RAIM) framework that emphasizes on the resulting impacts, both on steady-state and dynamic aspects of power system stability. Hypothetically, we associate the combinatorial analyses of steady state on substations/components outages and dynamics of the sequential switching orders as part of the permutation. The expanded framework includes (1) critical/noncritical combination verification, (2) cascade confirmation, and (3) combination re-evaluation. This paper ends with a discussion of the open issues for metrics and future design pertaining the impact quantification of cyber-related contingencies

    A Novel Approach for Detection of DoS / DDoS Attack in Network Environment using Ensemble Machine Learning Model

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    One of the most  serious threat to network security is Denial of service (DOS) attacks. Internet and computer networks are now important parts of our businesses and daily lives. Malicious actions have become more common as our reliance on computers and communication networks has grown. Network threats are a big problem in the way people communicate today. To make sure that the networks work well and that users' information is safe, the network data must be watched and analysed to find malicious activities and attacks. Flooding may be the simplest DDoS assault. Computer networks and services are vulnerable to DoS and DDoS attacks. These assaults flood target systems with malicious traffic, making them unreachable to genuine users. The work aims to enhance the resilience of network infrastructures against these attacks and ensure uninterrupted service delivery. This research develops and evaluates enhanced DoS/DDoS detection methods. DoS attacks usually stop or slow down legal computer or network use. Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks prevent genuine users from accessing and using information systems and resources. The OSI model's layers make up the computer network. Different types of DDoS strikes target different layers. The Network Layer can be broken by using ICMP Floods or Smurf Attacks. The Transport layer can be attacked using UDP Floods, TCP Connection Exhaustion, and SYN Floods. HTTP-encrypted attacks can be used to get through to the application layer. DoS/DDoS attacks are malicious attacks. Protect network data from harm. Computer network services are increasingly threatened by DoS/DDoS attacks. Machine learning may detect prior DoS/DDoS attacks. DoS/DDoS attacks proliferate online and via social media. Network security is IT's top priority. DoS and DDoS assaults include ICMP, UDP, and the more prevalent TCP flood attacks. These strikes must be identified and stopped immediately. In this work, a stacking ensemble method is suggested for detecting DoS/DDoS attacks so that our networked data doesn't get any worse. This paper used a method called "Ensemble of classifiers," in which each class uses a different way to learn. In proposed  methodology Experiment#1 , I used the Home Wifi Network Traffic Collected and generated own Dataset named it as MywifiNetwork.csv, whereas in proposed methodology Experiment#2, I used the kaggle repository “NSL-KDD benchmark dataset” to perform experiments in order to find detection accuracy of dos attack detection using python language in jupyter notebook. The system detects attack-type or legitimate-type of network traffic during detection ML classification methods are used to compare how well the suggested system works. The results show that when the ensembled stacking learning model is used, 99% of the time it is able to find the problem. In proposed methodology two Experiments are implemented for comparing detection accuracy with the existing techniques. Compared to other measuring methods, we get a big step forward in finding attacks. So, our model gives a lot of faith in securing these networks. This paper will analyse the behaviour of network traffics

    Analysis of Effects of BGP Black Hole Routing on a Network like the NIPRNET

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    The Department of Defense (DoD) relies heavily on the Non-secure Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNET) to exchange information freely between departments, services, bases, posts, and ships. The NIPRNET is vulnerable to various attacks, to include physical and cyber attacks. One of the most frequently used cyber attacks by criminally motivated hackers is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. DDoS attacks can be used to exhaust network bandwidth and router processing capabilities, and as a leveraging tool for extortion. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) black hole routing is a responsive defensive network technique for mitigating DDoS attacks. BGP black hole routing directs traffic destined to an Internet address under attack to a null address, essentially stopping the DDoS attack by dropping all traffic to the targeted system. This research examines the ability of BGP black hole routing to effectively defend a network like the NIPRNET from a DDoS attack, as well as examining two different techniques for triggering BGP black hole routing during a DDoS attack. This thesis presents experiments with three different DDoS attack scenarios to determine the effectiveness of BGP black hole routing. Remote-triggered black hole routing is then compared against customer-triggered black hole routing to examine how well each technique reacts under a DDoS attack. The results from this study show BGP black hole routing to be highly successful. It also shows that remote-triggered black hole routing is much more effective than customer-triggered

    Machine and deep learning techniques for detecting internet protocol version six attacks: a review

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    The rapid development of information and communication technologies has increased the demand for internet-facing devices that require publicly accessible internet protocol (IP) addresses, resulting in the depletion of internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) address space. As a result, internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) was designed to address this issue. However, IPv6 is still not widely used because of security concerns. An intrusion detection system (IDS) is one example of a security mechanism used to secure networks. Lately, the use of machine learning (ML) or deep learning (DL) detection models in IDSs is gaining popularity due to their ability to detect threats on IPv6 networks accurately. However, there is an apparent lack of studies that review ML and DL in IDS. Even the existing reviews of ML and DL fail to compare those techniques. Thus, this paper comprehensively elucidates ML and DL techniques and IPv6-based distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Additionally, this paper includes a qualitative comparison with other related works. Moreover, this work also thoroughly reviews the existing ML and DL-based IDSs for detecting IPv6 and IPv4 attacks. Lastly, researchers could use this review as a guide in the future to improve their work on DL and ML-based IDS

    Forensics Based SDN in Data Centers

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    Recently, most data centers have adopted for Software-Defined Network (SDN) architecture to meet the demands for scalability and cost-efficient computer networks. SDN controller separates the data plane and control plane and implements instructions instead of protocols, which improves the Quality of Services (QoS) , enhances energy efficiency and protection mechanisms . However, such centralizations present an opportunity for attackers to utilize the controller of the network and master the entire network devices, which makes it vulnerable. Recent studies efforts have attempted to address the security issue with minimal consideration to the forensics aspects. Based on this, the research will focus on the forensic issue on the SDN network of data center environments. There are diverse approaches to accurately identify the various possible threats to protect the network. For this reason, deep learning approach will used to detect DDoS attacks, which is regarded as the most proper approach for detection of threat. Therefore, the proposed network consists of mobile nodes, head controller, detection engine, domain controller, source controller, Gateway and cloud center. The first stage of the attack is analyzed as serious, where the process includes recording the traffic as criminal evidence to track the criminal, add the IP source of the packet to blacklist and block all packets from this source and eliminate all packets. The second stage not-serious, which includes blocking all packets from the source node for this session, or the non-malicious packets are transmitted using the proposed protocol. This study is evaluated in OMNET ++ environment as a simulation and showed successful results than the existing approaches

    Comparative Analysis Based on Survey of DDOS Attacks’ Detection Techniques at Transport, Network, and Application Layers

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    Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) is one of the most prevalent attacks and can be executed in diverse ways using various tools and codes. This makes it very difficult for the security researchers and engineers to come up with a rigorous and efficient security methodology. Even with thorough research, analysis, real time implementation, and application of the best mechanisms in test environments, there are various ways to exploit the smallest vulnerability within the system that gets overlooked while designing the defense mechanism. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of various methodologies implemented by researchers and engineers to detect DDOS attacks at network, transport, and application layers using comparative analysis. DDOS attacks are most prevalent on network, transport, and application layers justifying the need to focus on these three layers in the OSI model
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