188,238 research outputs found

    Localized Backreacted Flavor Branes in Holographic QCD

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    We investigate the perturbative (in gsND8g_s N_{D8}) backreaction of localized D8 branes in D4-D8 systems including in particular the Sakai Sugimoto model. We write down the explicit expressions of the backreacted metric, dilaton and RR form. We find that the backreaction remains small up to a radial value of uâ‰Șℓs/(gsND8)u \ll \ell_s/(g_s N_{D8}), and that the background functions are smooth except at the D8 sources. In this perturbative window, the original embedding remains a solution to the equations of motion. Furthermore, the fluctuations around the original embedding, describing scalar mesons, do not become tachyonic due to the backreaction in the perturbative regime. This is is due to a cancelation between the DBI and CS parts of the D8 brane action in the perturbed background.Comment: 1+48 pages (7 figures) + 15 pages, citations added & minor correction

    Coisotropic D8-branes and Model-building

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    Up to now chiral type IIA vacua have been mostly based on intersecting D6-branes wrapping special Lagrangian 3-cycles on a CY three-fold. We argue that there are additional BPS D-branes which have so far been neglected, and which seem to have interesting model-building features. They are coisotropic D8-branes, in the sense of Kapustin and Orlov. The D8-branes wrap 5-dimensional submanifolds of the CY which are trivial in homology, but contain a worldvolume flux that induces D6-brane charge on them. This induced D6-brane charge not only renders the D8-brane BPS, but also creates D=4 chirality when two D8-branes intersect. We discuss in detail the case of a type IIA Z2 x Z2 orientifold, where we provide explicit examples of coisotropic D8-branes. We study the chiral spectrum, SUSY conditions, and effective field theory of different systems of D8-branes in this orientifold, and show how the magnetic fluxes generate a superpotential for untwisted Kahler moduli. Finally, using both D6-branes and coisotropic D8-branes we construct new examples of MSSM-like type IIA vacua.Comment: 63 pages, 11 figures. Typos corrected and comments adde

    d8···d10 RhI···AuI Interactions in Rh 2,6-Xylylisocyanide Complexes with [Au(CN)2]: Bond Analysis and Crystal Effects

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    ProducciĂłn CientĂ­ficaThe well known [RhL4]n(anion)n structures, with RhI···RhI d8···d8 interactions, are replaced by others with RhI···AuI d8···d10 interactions such as [{RhL4}{Au(CN)2}] (L = 2,6-Xylylisocyanide) or [{RhL4}{Au(CN)2} {RhL4}{Au2(CN)3}·4(CHCl3)]∞ when the anion is [Au(CN)2]–. Orbital (Rh···Au), coulombic, and inter-unit π-π aryl stacking interactions stabilize these crystal structures.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a, Industria y Competitividad (grant CTQ2017-89217-P)Junta de Castilla y LeĂłn (project VA038G18

    D-branes from N non-BPS D9-branes in Type IIA theory

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    We construct unstable system D8-brane+D8-antibrane as a kink solution on world-volume of non-BPS D9-brane in Type IIA theory. Further we will make other checks confirming validity of our appro.Comment: 30 pages, corrected some typo

    Electromagnetic and Axial Current Form Factors and Spectroscopy of Three-Flavor Holographic Baryons

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    We present an analysis of the three-flavor holographic model of QCD associated to a D4/D8D4/D8 brane configuration, with symmetry breaking induced by a worldsheet instanton associated to a closed loop connecting D4−D8−D6−D8‟D4-D8-D6-\overline{D8}. We calculate the electromagnetic and axial couplings of all octet and decuplet baryons, as well as several negative parity excitations, with and without symmetry breaking effects, and demonstrate qualitative and quantitative agreement with many available experimental measurements, with marked improvement over the analogous two-flavor models.Comment: 23 page

    Stable D8-branes and Tachyon Condensation in Type 0 Open String Theory

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    We consider non-BPS D8 (and D7) branes in type 0 open string theory and describe under which circumstances these branes are stable. We find stable non-BPS D7 and D8 in type 0 with and without D9-branes in the background. By extending the descent relations between D-branes to type 0 theories, the non-BPS D8-brane is considered as the result of a tachyon condensation of a D9 anti-D9 pair in type 0. We study the condensation of the open string tachyons in type 0 with generic gauge groups giving rise to different configurations involving non-BPS D8-branes and discuss the stability in each case. The results agree with the topological analysis of the vacuum manifold of the tachyon potential for each case.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure, minor changes, references adde

    Holographic QCD with Topologically Charged Domain-Wall/Membranes

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    We study the thermodynamical phase structures of holographic QCD with nontrivial topologically charged domain-wall/membranes which are originally related to the multiple Ξ\theta-vacua in the large NcN_c limit. We realize the topologically charged membranes as the holographic D6-brane fluxes in the Sakai-Sugimoto model. The D6-brane fluxes couple to the probe D8-anti-D8 via Chern-Simon term, and act as the source for the baryonic current density of QCD. We find rich phase structures of the dual meson system by varying asymptotic separation of D8 and anti-D8. Especially, there can be a thermodynamically favored and stable phase of finite baryonic current density. This provides the supporting evidence for the discovery of the topologically charged membranes found in the lattice QCD calculations. We also find a crossover phase with the limiting baryonic current density and temperature which suggest a Hagedorn-like phase transition of meson dissociation.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figures;v2 typos corrected;v3 text improve

    Microscopic string analysis of the D0-D8 brane system and dual R-R states

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    Using the boundary state formalism, we perform a microscopic string analysis of the interaction between two D-branes and provide a local interpretation for the R-R force in the D0-D8 brane system. To do so, we construct BRST invariant vertex operators for the massless R-R states in the asymmetric picture that are proportional to potentials rather than field strengths. The Hilbert space of such R-R states contains combinations of two vectors that decouple from all physical amplitudes, even in the presence of boundaries. Identifying these vectors, we remove the null states and recover duality relations among R-R potentials. If we specify to the D0-D8 brane system, this mechanism implies that the R-R 1-form state has a non-zero overlap with both the D0-brane and the D8-brane, thus explaining from a local point of view the non-vanishing R-R contribution in the interaction for the D0-D8 brane system and those related to it by duality.Comment: 31 pages, final version to be published in Nucl. Phys.

    Baryons in Holographic QCD

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    We study the baryon in holographic QCD with D4/D8/D8ˉD4/D8/\bar{D8} multi-DD brane system. In holographic QCD, the baryon appears as a topologically non-trivial chiral soliton in a four-dimensional effective theory of mesons. We call this topological soliton as Brane-induced Skyrmion. Some review of D4/D8/D8ˉD4/D8/\bar{D8} holographic QCD is presented from the viewpoints of recent hadron physics and phenomenologies. Four-dimensional effective theory with pions and ρ\rho mesons is uniquely derived from the non-abelian Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) action of D8D8 brane with D4D4 supergravity background, without small amplitude expansion of meson fields to discuss chiral solitons. For the hedgehog configuration of pion and ρ\rho-meson fields, we derive the energy functional and the Euler-Lagrange equation of Brane-induced Skyrmion from the meson effective action induced by holographic QCD. Performing the numerical calculation, we obtain the pion profile F(r)F(r) and the ρ\rho-meson profile G(r)G(r) of the Brane-induced Skyrmion, and estimate its total energy, energy density distribution, and root-mean-square radius. These results are compared with the experimental quantities of baryons and also with the profiles of standard Skyrmion without ρ\rho mesons. We analyze interaction terms of pions and ρ\rho mesons in Brane-induced Skyrmion, and consider the role of ρ\rho-meson component appearing in baryons.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure
