41 research outputs found

    Cooperative Wideband Spectrum Sensing Based on Joint Sparsity

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    COOPERATIVE WIDEBAND SPECTRUM SENSING BASED ON JOINT SPARSITY By Ghazaleh Jowkar, Master of Science A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Commonwealth University 2017 Major Director: Dr. Ruixin Niu, Associate Professor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering In this thesis, the problem of wideband spectrum sensing in cognitive radio (CR) networks using sub-Nyquist sampling and sparse signal processing techniques is investigated. To mitigate multi-path fading, it is assumed that a group of spatially dispersed SUs collaborate for wideband spectrum sensing, to determine whether or not a channel is occupied by a primary user (PU). Due to the underutilization of the spectrum by the PUs, the spectrum matrix has only a small number of non-zero rows. In existing state-of-the-art approaches, the spectrum sensing problem was solved using the low-rank matrix completion technique involving matrix nuclear-norm minimization. Motivated by the fact that the spectrum matrix is not only low-rank, but also sparse, a spectrum sensing approach is proposed based on minimizing a mixed-norm of the spectrum matrix instead of low-rank matrix completion to promote the joint sparsity among the column vectors of the spectrum matrix. Simulation results are obtained, which demonstrate that the proposed mixed-norm minimization approach outperforms the low-rank matrix completion based approach, in terms of the PU detection performance. Further we used mixed-norm minimization model in multi time frame detection. Simulation results shows that increasing the number of time frames will increase the detection performance, however, by increasing the number of time frames after a number of times the performance decrease dramatically

    Wideband Autonomous Cognitive Radios: Spectrum Awareness and PHY/MAC Decision Making

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    The cognitive radios (CRs) have opened up new ways of better utilizing the scarce wireless spectrum resources. The CRs have been made feasible by recent advances in software-defined radios (SDRs), smart antennas, reconfigurable radio frequency (RF) front-ends, and full-duplex RF front-end architectures, to name a few. Generally, a CR is considered as a dynamically reconfigurable radio capable of adapting its operating parameters to the surrounding environment. Recent developments in spectrum policy and regulatory domains also allow more flexible and efficient utilization of wider RF spectrum range in the future. In line with the future directions of CRs, a new vision of a future autonomous CR device, called Radiobots, was previously proposed. The goals of the proposed Radiobot surpass the dynamic spectrum access (DSA) to achieve wideband operability and the main features of cognition. In order to ensure the practicality and robust operation of the Radiobot structure, the research focus of this dissertation includes the following aspects: 1) robust spectrum sensing and operability in a centralized CR network setup; 2) robust multivariate non-parametric quickest detection for dynamic spectrum usage tracking in an alien RF environment; 3) joint physical layer and medium access control layer (PHY/MAC) decision-making for wideband bandwidth aggregation (simultaneous operation over multiple modes/networks); and 4) autonomous spectrum sensing scheduling solutions in an alien ultra wideband RF environment. The major contribution of this dissertation is to investigate the feasibility of the autonomous CR operation in heterogeneous RF environments, and to provide novel solutions to the fundamental and crucial problems/challenges, including spectrum sensing, spectrum awareness, wideband operability, and autonomous PHY/MAC protocols, thus bringing the autonomous Radiobot one step closer to reality

    On the Performance of Quickest Detection Spectrum Sensing: The Case of Cumulative Sum

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    Quickest change detection (QCD) is a fundamental problem in many applications. Given a sequence of measurements that exhibits two different distributions around a certain flipping point, the goal is to detect the change in distribution around the flipping point as quickly as possible. The QCD problem appears in many practical applications, e.g., quality control, power system line outage detection, spectrum reuse, and resource allocation and scheduling. In this paper, we focus on spectrum sensing as our application since it is a critical process for proper functionality of cognitive radio networks. Relying on the cumulative sum (CUSUM), we derive the probability of detection and the probability of false alarm of CUSUM based spectrum sensing. We show the correctness of our derivations using numerical simulations.Comment: This paper is accepted for publication in IEEE Communication Letters Jan 202

    A Unified Multi-Functional Dynamic Spectrum Access Framework: Tutorial, Theory and Multi-GHz Wideband Testbed

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    Dynamic spectrum access is a must-have ingredient for future sensors that are ideally cognitive. The goal of this paper is a tutorial treatment of wideband cognitive radio and radar—a convergence of (1) algorithms survey, (2) hardware platforms survey, (3) challenges for multi-function (radar/communications) multi-GHz front end, (4) compressed sensing for multi-GHz waveforms—revolutionary A/D, (5) machine learning for cognitive radio/radar, (6) quickest detection, and (7) overlay/underlay cognitive radio waveforms. One focus of this paper is to address the multi-GHz front end, which is the challenge for the next-generation cognitive sensors. The unifying theme of this paper is to spell out the convergence for cognitive radio, radar, and anti-jamming. Moore’s law drives the system functions into digital parts. From a system viewpoint, this paper gives the first comprehensive treatment for the functions and the challenges of this multi-function (wideband) system. This paper brings together the inter-disciplinary knowledge

    A Comparative Study Of Spectrum Sensing Methods For Cognitive Radio Systems

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    With the increase of portable devices utilization and ever-growing demand for greater data rates in wireless transmission, an increasing demand for spectrum channels was observed since last decade. Conventionally, licensed spectrum channels are assigned for comparatively long time spans to the license holders who may not over time continuously use these channels, which creates an under-utilized spectrum. The inefficient utilization of inadequate wireless spectrum resources has motivated researchers to look for advanced and innovative technologies that enable an efficient use of the spectrum resources in a smart and efficient manner. The notion of Cognitive Radio technology was proposed to address the problem of spectrum inefficiency by using underutilized frequency bands in an opportunistic method. A cognitive radio system (CRS) is aware of its operational and geographical surroundings and is capable of dynamically and independently adjust its functioning. Thus, CRS functionality has to be addressed with smart sensing and intelligent decision making techniques. Therefore, spectrum sensing is one of the most essential CRS components. The few sensing techniques that have been proposed are complicated and come with the price of false detection under heavy noise and jamming scenarios. Other techniques that ensure better detection performance are very sophisticated and costly in terms of both processing and hardware. The objective of the thesis is to study and understand the three of the most basic spectrum sensing techniques i.e. energy detection, correlation based sensing, and matched filter sensing. Simulation platforms were developed for each of the three methods using GNU radio and python interpreted language. The simulated performances of the three methods have been analyzed through several test matrices and also were compared to observe and understand the corresponding strengths and weaknesses. These simulation results provide the understanding and base for the hardware implementation of spectrum sensing techniques and work towards a combined sensing approach with improved sensing performance with less complexity

    Improving Spectrum Sensing Performance by Exploiting Multiuser Diversity

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