54 research outputs found

    Cyclic Coloring of Plane Graphs with Maximum Face Size 16 and 17

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    Plummer and Toft conjectured in 1987 that the vertices of every 3-connected plane graph with maximum face size D can be colored using at most D+2 colors in such a way that no face is incident with two vertices of the same color. The conjecture has been proven for D=3, D=4 and D>=18. We prove the conjecture for D=16 and D=17

    Third case of the Cyclic Coloring Conjecture

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    The Cyclic Coloring Conjecture asserts that the vertices of every plane graph with maximum face size D can be colored using at most 3D/2 colors in such a way that no face is incident with two vertices of the same color. The Cyclic Coloring Conjecture has been proven only for two values of D: the case D=3 is equivalent to the Four Color Theorem and the case D=4 is equivalent to Borodin's Six Color Theorem, which says that every graph that can be drawn in the plane with each edge crossed by at most one other edge is 6-colorable. We prove the case D=6 of the conjecture

    3-facial colouring of plane graphs

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    International audienceA plane graph is l-facially k-colourable if its vertices can be coloured with k colours such that any two distinct vertices on a facial segment of length at most l are coloured differently. We prove that every plane graph is 3-facially 11-colourable. As a consequence, we derive that every 2-connected plane graph with maximum face-size at most 7 is cyclically 11-colourable. These two bounds are for one off from those that are proposed by the (3l+1)-Conjecture and the Cyclic Conjecture
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