29 research outputs found


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    Remote correspondence networks are exceptionally inclined to security dangers. The significant uses of remote correspondence networks are in military, business, medical care, retail, and transportations. These frameworks utilize wired, cell, or specially appointed organizations. Remote sensor organizations, actuator organizations, and vehicular organizations have gotten an extraordinary consideration in the public eye and industry. As of late, the Internet of Things (IoT) has gotten significant examination consideration. The IoT is considered as eventual fate of the web. In future, IoT will assume an essential job and will change our living styles, guidelines, just as plans of action. The use of IoT in various applications is required to rise quickly in the coming years. The IoT permits billions of gadgets, people groups, and administrations to interface with others and trade data. Because of the expanded use of IoT gadgets, the IoT networks are inclined to different security assaults. The arrangement of proficient security and protection conventions in IoT networks is amazingly expected to guarantee secrecy, validation, access control, and respectability, among others. In this paper, a broad exhaustive examination on security and protection issues in IoT networks is given

    Analisa Pencegahan Aktivitas Ilegal Didalam Jaringan Dengan Wireshark

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    Faktor kemanan jaringan computer adalah satu hal yang mutlak dalam membangun suatu jaringan. Pada dasarnya sistem keamanan yang dimiliki oleh sistem operasi tidaklah cukup untuk mengamankan jaringan komputer. Oleh karena itu untuk mendapatkan sebuah keamanan jaringan computer  maka diperlukan suatu tools yang dapat mendeteksi adanya suatu mekanisme serangan dari jaringan. Jenis serangan yang terjadi bisa flooding ataupun syn flood. Dimana tujuan serangan ini adalah untuk membuat komputer yang mengakses tidak bisa berjalan dengan normal jaringan komputer. Wireshark merupakan software yang dapat menganalisa aktivitas jaringan komputer sehingga dapat membantu mendeteksi serangan yang akan terjadi sehingga pengguna tidak perlu khawatir dengan serangan tersebut

    Security and Privacy in Resource-constrained Devices

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    Recent adversarial attacks have been shown IoT devices weaknesses due to their limited computing power. Given also their ubiquitous presence, lower costs and limitations in keeping security measures up-todate, resource-constrained devices represent a growing risk for the security of IT infrastructure. The scope of the research is to investigate the weaknesses of resource-constrained IoT devices. The methodology for the investigation is the legal analysis of existing legal frameworks regulating IoT cybersecurity and data security; afterwards it will be carried out a critical evaluation of the existing best practices. This critical analysis should face the twofold challenge of increasing transparency and trust in resource-constrained systems. Users and companies are two faces of the same coin: accountability of data collectors and user awareness are crucial in the security and data protection debate. Thus, a comprehensive overview of the relevant legal frameworks and guidelines would increase the understanding of risks of the users, whilst data controllers (especially of small and medium enterprises) may have an instrument to implement properly security measures


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    Internet has become a vital part of our lives. The number of Internet connected devices are increasing every day and approximate there will be 34 billion IoT devices by 2020. It is observed that security is very weak in these devices and can be easily compromised by hackers as some manufactures failed to implement basic security. Current devices use standards that are easy to implement and works for most forms of communications and storage. There is no such standard solution that will work on every device within the Internet of Things, because of the varied constraints between different devices; resulting in classifications within the Internet of Things. This study addresses security challenges in the Internet of Things (IoT); first will discuss the IoT evolution, architecture and its applications in industries. Further, classify and examine privacy threats, including survey, and pointing out the challenges that need to be overcome to ensure that the Internet of Things becomes a reality

    IoT Design Challenges and the Social IoT Solution

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    The IoT (Internet of Things) promises to be the major phenomenon in information technology in the near term. By some forecasts more than half of all new IT system deployments by 2020 will incorporate some form of IoT technology. Currently, however, there is no dominant IoT platform and no universal IoT design standards currently in use. This contributes to Architectural Heterogeneity which in turn contributes to high integration costs and inhibits IoT benefits realisation. The use of universal design standards presents one solution to this problem. Social Internet of Things (SIoT) methods use the way that people manage social relationships as a reference architecture for the way to manage the interaction between the various Things in an IoT network. This paper discusses some of the current IoT design challenges and presents solutions couched in SIoT that can be used as standards for future IoT designs to reduce Architectural Heterogeneity

    ViotSOC: Controlling Access to Dynamically Virtualized IoT Services using Service Object Capability

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    Virtualization of Internet of Things(IoT) is a concept of dynamically building customized high-level IoT services which rely on the real time data streams from low-level physical IoT sensors. Security in IoT virtualization is challenging, because with the growing number of available (building block) services, the number of personalizable virtual services grows exponentially. This paper proposes Service Object Capability(SOC) ticket system, a decentralized access control mechanism between servers and clients to effi- ciently authenticate and authorize each other without using public key cryptography. SOC supports decentralized partial delegation of capabilities specified in each server/- client ticket. Unlike PKI certificates, SOC’s authentication time and handshake packet overhead stays constant regardless of each capability’s delegation hop distance from the root delegator. The paper compares SOC’s security bene- fits with Kerberos and the experimental results show SOC’s authentication incurs significantly less time packet overhead compared against those from other mechanisms based on RSA-PKI and ECC-PKI algorithms. SOC is as secure as, and more efficient and suitable for IoT environments, than existing PKIs and Kerberos