797 research outputs found

    Cyber-victimization and Cybersecurity in China

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    Seeking insights into cyberattacks associated with China

    Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in India: Causes, Consequences and Implications for the Future

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    Cybercrime is rising rapidly in India. Developing economies such as India face unique cybercrime risks. This paper examines cybercrime and cybersecurity in India. The literature on which this paper draws is diverse, encompassing the work of economists, criminologists, institutionalists and international relations theorists. We develop a framework that delineates the relationships of formal and informal institutions, various causes of prosperity and poverty and international relations related aspects with cybercrime and cybersecurity and apply it to analyze the cybercrime and cybersecurity situations in India. The findings suggest that developmental, institutional and international relations issues are significant to cybercrime and cybersecurity in developing countries

    Research Trends in Cybercrime and Cybersecurity: A Review Based on Web of Science Core Collection Database

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    Studies on cybercrime and cybersecurity have expanded in both scope and breadth in recent years. This study offers a bibliometric review of research trends in cybercrime and cybersecurity over the past 26 years (1995-2021) based on Web of Science core collection database. Specifically, we examine the growth of scholarship and the expanded scope of subject categories and relevant journals. We also analyze the research collaboration network based on authors’ affiliated institutions and countries. Finally, we identify major topics within the fields, how each topic relates to – and diverges from – one another, and their evolution over time. Overall, we illustrate the scientific landscape of cybercrime and cybersecurity scholarship by quantitatively synthesizing major components of existing literature. This study offers actionable insights to help researchers identify key research resources, establish/expand collaboration networks, and investigate emerging research topics in this increasingly important domain in criminology and criminal justice


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    Cybercrime is a combination of information, financial and personal security threats. The purpose of this research is to target statistical data to allocate the most effective preventive measures against cybercrime that would contribute to the combat at the level of potential (or real) cyber victims and cyber criminals. Brining the so-called Cyberethics into the life of people will be preventive against cybercrimes, as it will add to their culture of cyberspace through educational and popular science projects (such-like program that was put into action in Nigeria stroke positively). With the rapid spread of cybercrime, preventive measures geared towards individuals such as anti-criminalization, anti-bullying and anti-phishing propaganda, the practice of shaping negative attitude towards crimes, and discovery of responsibility for committing cybercrimes gain in importance. Society improvement as a counter-move to cut out criminal factors provoking a positive or neutral attitude to cybercrimes should be geared towards better living, as the higher is the standard the lower is the level of cybercrime. Taking individualized preventing measures to people prone to commit cybercrimes will prevent against such even before they take place (with cyber extortion and ransomware threats, such actions gain in relevance). For the fight against cybercrime, special programs are to level down victimization in the field of cybersecurity by fostering a shielding attitude in persons who can become victims. The path of designing such programs will lead to a drop cybercrime activity. Specific public authorities and non-governmental organizations should take part in the preventive process. All-encompassing preventive measures against cybercrime approaching individual at the international level will allow designing specific pilot programs for individualized prevention.Kibernetički kriminal je kombinacija informacijskih, financijskih i osobnih sigurnosnih prijetnji. Svrha ovog istraživanja je ciljati statističke podatke za dodjelu najučinkovitijih preventivnih mjera protiv cyber kriminala koje bi doprinijele borbi na razini potencijalnih (ili stvarnih) cyber žrtava i cyber kriminalaca. Uvođenjem tzv. Cyber-etike u život ljudi bit će preventiva protiv cyber kriminala, jer će doprinijeti njihovoj kulturi korištenja cyber-prostora kroz obrazovne i popularno-znanstvene projekte (takav program je pozitivno djelovao u Nigeriji). S naglim širenjem cyber kriminala, preventivne mjere usmjerene prema pojedincima kao što su anti-kriminalizacija, propaganda protiv zlostavljanja i anti-phishing, praksa oblikovanja negativnog stava prema zločinima i otkrivanje odgovornosti za počinjenje kibernetičkih kriminala dobivaju na važnosti. Poboljšanje društva kao protupotez za izostavljanje kriminalnih čimbenika koji izazivaju pozitivan ili neutralan stav prema kiberkriminalitetu treba biti usmjereno prema boljem životu, jer što je viši standard, to je niža razina cyber kriminala. Poduzimanje individualiziranih mjera za sprječavanje ljudi koji su skloni počiniti kibernetički kriminal spriječit će takve napade čak i prije nego što se dogode (s prijetnjama cyber iznuđivanja i ransomwarea, takve akcije dobivaju na važnosti). Za borbu protiv kibernetičkog kriminala, posebni programi su smanjivanje viktimizacije u području kibernetičke sigurnosti poticanjem zaštitnog stava osoba koje mogu postati žrtve. Put izrade takvih programa dovest će do pada aktivnosti cyber kriminala. U preventivnom procesu trebaju sudjelovati posebna javna tijela i nevladine organizacije. Sveobuhvatne preventivne mjere protiv cyber kriminala koje se približavaju pojedincu na međunarodnoj razini omogućit će osmišljavanje specifičnih pilot-programa za individualiziranu prevenciju

    The Cybercrime Triangle

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    Information technology can increase the convergence of three dimensions of the crime triangle due to the spatial and temporal confluence in the virtual world. In other words, its advancement can lead to facilitating criminals with more chances to commit a crime against suitable targets living in different real-world time zones without temporal and spatial orders. However, within this mechanism, cybercrime can be discouraged “…if the cyber-adversary is handled, the target/victim is guarded, or the place is effectively managed” (Wilcox & Cullen, 2018, p. 134). In fact, Madensen and Eck (2013) assert that only one effective controller is enough to prevent a crime. Given this condition of the crime triangle, it must be noted that each of these components (the offender, the target, and the place) or controllers (i.e., handler, guardian, and manager) can play a pivotal role in reducing cybercrime. To date, scholars and professionals have analyzed the phenomenon of cybercrime and developed cybercrime prevention strategies relying predominantly on cybercrime victimization (suitable targets) but have yet to utilize the broader framework of the crime triangle commonly used in the analysis and prevention of crime. More specifically, the dimensions of cybercrime offenders, places, or controllers have been absent in prior scientific research and in guiding the establishment and examination of cybercrime prevention strategies. Given this gap, much remains to be known as to how these conceptual entities operate in the virtual realm and whether they share similarities with what we know about other crimes in the physical world. Thus, the purpose of this study is to extend the application of the “Crime Triangle,” a derivative of Routine Activity Theory, to crime events in the digital realm to provide scholars, practitioners, and policy makers a more complete lens to improve understanding and prevention of cybercrime incidents. In other words, this dissertation will endeavor to devise a comprehensive framework for our society to use to form cybersecurity policies to implement a secure and stable digital environment that supports continued economic growth as well as national security. The findings of this study suggest that both criminological and technical perspectives are crucial in comprehending cybercrime incidents. This dissertation attempts to independently explore these three components in order to portray the characteristics of cybercriminals, cybercrime victims, and place management. Specifically, this study first explores the characteristics of cybercriminals via a criminal profiling method primarily using court criminal record documents (indictments/complaints) provided by the FIU law library website. Second, the associations between cybercrime victims, digital capable guardianship, perceived risks of cybercrime, and online activity are examined using Eurobarometer survey data. Third, the associations between place management activities and cybercrime prevention are examined using “Phishing Campaign” and “Cybersecurity Awareness Training Program” data derived from FIU’s Division of Information Technology

    Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in Africa

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    Africa has been among the fastest growing regions in terms of cybercrime activities. The continent is also a source of significant cyberattacks targeting the rest of the world. However, a number of measures have been taken to address cyber-threats and improve cybersecurity in the continent. Many countries in the continent have developed legislation to fight cyber-threats. They have also strengthened enforcement measures. Private sector efforts have also been undertaken to strengthen cybersecurity

    Victimization by Deepfake in the Metaverse: Building a Practical Management Framework

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    Deepfake is digitally altered media aimed to deceive online users for political favor, monetary gain, extortion, and more. Deepfakes are the prevalent issues of impersonation, privacy, and fake news that cause substantial damage to individuals, groups, and organizations. The metaverse is an emerging 3-dimensional virtual platform led by AI and blockchain technology where users freely interact with each other. The purpose of this study is to identify the use of illicit deep fakes which can potentially contribute to cybercrime victimization in the metaverse. The data will be derived from expert interviews (n=8) and online open sources to design a framework and provide solutions to mitigate deepfake-related victimization in the metaverse. This study identifies and further suggests a framework for advocacy of deepfake crime victimization in the metaverse through the application of the routine activities theory, as well as offender motivation and potential explanation of criminal behavior through Eysenck’s theory of criminality

    Cyberbullying: Its Social and Psychological Harms Among Schoolers

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    Criminal justice around the world has prioritized the prevention and protection of bullying and its victims due to the rapid increases in peer violence. Nevertheless, relatively few studies have examined what treatments or assistance are effective for peer victims to reduce and recover from their social and psychological suffering, especially in cyberbullying cases. Using data derived from the National Crime Victimization Survey-School Crime Supplement data in 2011 and 2013 (N=823), the current study examined the impact of two emotional support groups (i.e., adult and peer groups) on cyberbullying victims\u27 social and psychological harm. The findings indicated that both adult and peer support reduced social and psychological harm inflicted by cyberbullying victimization. Based on these findings, the study recommends developing or modifying existing adult and peer support groups to minimize victims\u27 social and psychological distress

    CIVIIC: Cybercrime in Virginia: Impacts on Industry and Citizens Final Report

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    [First paragraph] Victimization from cybercrime is a major concern in Virginia, the US, and the world. As individuals and businesses spend more time online, it becomes increasingly important to understand cybercrime and how to protect against it. Such an understanding is dependent on valid and reliable baseline data that identifies the specific nature, extent, and outcomes of cybercrime activity. A better understanding of cybercrime activity is needed to target and prevent it more effectively, minimize its consequences, and provide support for both individual and corporate victims. Before that can occur, however, better baseline data are required, and this project was designed to provide those data for the Commonwealth of Virginia. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of Virginia residents and businesses around cybercrime, identify the specific vulnerabilities that are exploited, and discover the consequences of victimization

    Cybersecurity and Development

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    While scholars and policymakers have realized the importance of information and communication technologies in economic development, relatively less attention has been given to the role of cybersecurity. This research sheds light on issues associated with the "dark side" of digitization in the Global South. We examine the hollowness in the Global South’s digitization initiatives that is associated with a poor cybersecurity. The article also advances our understanding of how institutional and structural characteristics of the Global South influence cybersecurity