7 research outputs found

    Digital twin na manufatura: Uma revisão sistemática da literatura / Digital twin in manufacture: A systematic review of literature

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    O digital twin está sendo considerado uma grande ferramenta na Indústria 4.0. As tecnologias atuais de comunicação e informação, incluindo processamento de dados, armazenamento e transmissão sem fio, podem ser aproveitadas para refletir o ambiente físico num ambiente virtual. Para entender como o digital twin pode auxiliar a manufatura, este artigo tem como objetivo investigar como ele vem sendo utilizado, através da metodologia da revisão sistemática de literatura. Foi possível analisar o crescimento dos estudos a partir de 2016, em que a engenharia possui a parcela mais significativa dos documentos publicados. Sendo assim, apresentando as diversas aplicações possíveis para o tema, suas vantagens e a necessidade de ser utilizados em conjunto com as outras tecnologias da indústria 4.0. Dentre as principais vantagens estão a assertividade e previsibilidade, pois a cópia virtualizada simula condições reais de operação


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    Recent advances in open-source geospatial technologies in WebGIS allowed the visualization of a 3D complex environment on the web, exploiting realistic Globe reproduction of the real territorial asset. At the same time, in the field of gaming technologies, the new possibilities offered by open-source WebGL JavaScript libraries allowed the creation of Virtual Reality navigation models on the web. The integration between 3D GIS globe navigation models and VR environment navigation is a solution that offers a further level of detail in web navigation, exploiting the capabilities of web browsers in the best way. This research further contributes to this field, showing a workflow to integrate different 3D data in a VR and 3D WebGIS navigation model. The case study for this research is the new building of the University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of Enschede (The Netherlands). This work tests the online integration of variety of 3D input data that can lead to different Levels of Details (LoD) of the buildings inside the Globe-based WebGIS platform. The developed solution works on desktop and mobile devices using the capabilities of the most common web browsers, avoiding any software installation. The result of this work is based on completely open-source solutions that offers the possibility to navigate within a 3D model, which is useful for citizens, governmental or private institutions in decision-making processes. This work represents a first step towards the ambition to generate a web Digital Twin platform to combine datasets from different sources in a unique open-source solution

    Decision Support Systems in the Context of Cyber-Physical Systems: Influencing Factors and Challenges for the Adoption in Production Scheduling

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    Cyber-physical systems promise a complete networking of all actors and resources involved in production and thus an improved availability of information. In this context decision support systems enable appropriate processing and presentation of the captured data. In particular, production scheduling could benefit from this, since it is responsible for the short-term planning and control of released orders. Since decision support systems and cyber-physical systems together are not yet widely used in production scheduling, the aim of this research study is to analyze the adoption of these technologies. In order to do so, we conducted a qualitative interview study with experts on production scheduling. Thereby, we identified eleven influencing factors and 22 related challenges, which affect the adoption of decision support systems in production scheduling in the context of cyber-physical systems. The results help to explain the adoption and can serve as a starting point for the development of those systems

    Cyber Physical Systems for Industry 4.0: Towards Real Time Virtual Reality in Smart Manufacturing

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    Cyber Physical System (CPS) together with Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing and Industrial Wireless Networks are the core technologies allowing the introduction of the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0. Along with the advances in new generation information technologies, smart manufacturing is becoming the focus of global manufacturing transformation. Considering the competitive nature of industry, it requires manufacturers to implement new methodologies. Realistic virtual models mirroring the real world are becoming essential to bridge the gap between design and manufacturing. In this paper model conceptualization, representation, and implementation of the digital twin is presented, on the real use case of manufacturing industry and in the cyber physical environment. A novel CPS architecture for real time visualization of complex industrial process is proposed. It essentially considers the Simulation technological pillar of Industry 4.0. The results from a real industrial environment show good performances in terms of real time behaviour, virtual reality and WebGL CPS visualization features, usability and readability