11 research outputs found

    Semantic Versus Syntactic Cutting Planes

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    In this paper, we compare the strength of the semantic and syntactic version of the cutting planes proof system. First, we show that the lower bound technique of [22] applies also to semantic cutting planes: the proof system has feasible interpolation via monotone real circuits, which gives an exponential lower bound on lengths of semantic cutting planes refutations. Second, we show that semantic refutations are stronger than syntactic ones. In particular, we give a formula for which any refutation in syntactic cutting planes requires exponential length, while there is a polynomial length refutation in semantic cutting planes. In other words, syntactic cutting planes does not p-simulate semantic cutting planes. We also give two incompatible integer inequalities which require exponential length refutation in syntactic cutting planes. Finally, we pose the following problem, which arises in connection with semantic inference of arity larger than two: can every multivariate non-decreasing real function be expressed as a composition of non-decreasing real functions in two variables

    Graph Colouring is Hard for Algorithms Based on Hilbert's Nullstellensatz and Gr\"{o}bner Bases

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    We consider the graph kk-colouring problem encoded as a set of polynomial equations in the standard way over 0/10/1-valued variables. We prove that there are bounded-degree graphs that do not have legal kk-colourings but for which the polynomial calculus proof system defined in [Clegg et al '96, Alekhnovich et al '02] requires linear degree, and hence exponential size, to establish this fact. This implies a linear degree lower bound for any algorithms based on Gr\"{o}bner bases solving graph kk-colouring using this encoding. The same bound applies also for the algorithm studied in a sequence of papers [De Loera et al '08,'09,'11,'15] based on Hilbert's Nullstellensatz proofs for a slightly different encoding, thus resolving an open problem mentioned in [De Loera et al '08,'09,'11] and [Li '16]. We obtain our results by combining the polynomial calculus degree lower bound for functional pigeonhole principle (FPHP) formulas over bounded-degree bipartite graphs in [Mik\v{s}a and Nordstr\"{o}m '15] with a reduction from FPHP to kk-colouring derivable by polynomial calculus in constant degree

    Complexity of optimizing over the integers

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    In the first part of this paper, we present a unified framework for analyzing the algorithmic complexity of any optimization problem, whether it be continuous or discrete in nature. This helps to formalize notions like "input", "size" and "complexity" in the context of general mathematical optimization, avoiding context dependent definitions which is one of the sources of difference in the treatment of complexity within continuous and discrete optimization. In the second part of the paper, we employ the language developed in the first part to study information theoretic and algorithmic complexity of {\em mixed-integer convex optimization}, which contains as a special case continuous convex optimization on the one hand and pure integer optimization on the other. We strive for the maximum possible generality in our exposition. We hope that this paper contains material that both continuous optimizers and discrete optimizers find new and interesting, even though almost all of the material presented is common knowledge in one or the other community. We see the main merit of this paper as bringing together all of this information under one unifying umbrella with the hope that this will act as yet another catalyst for more interaction across the continuous-discrete divide. In fact, our motivation behind Part I of the paper is to provide a common language for both communities

    Frege systems for quantified Boolean logic

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    We define and investigate Frege systems for quantified Boolean formulas (QBF). For these new proof systems, we develop a lower bound technique that directly lifts circuit lower bounds for a circuit class C to the QBF Frege system operating with lines from C. Such a direct transfer from circuit to proof complexity lower bounds has often been postulated for propositional systems but had not been formally established in such generality for any proof systems prior to this work. This leads to strong lower bounds for restricted versions of QBF Frege, in particular an exponential lower bound for QBF Frege systems operating with AC0[p] circuits. In contrast, any non-trivial lower bound for propositional AC0[p]-Frege constitutes a major open problem. Improving these lower bounds to unrestricted QBF Frege tightly corresponds to the major problems in circuit complexity and propositional proof complexity. In particular, proving a lower bound for QBF Frege systems operating with arbitrary P/poly circuits is equivalent to either showing a lower bound for P/poly or for propositional extended Frege (which operates with P/poly circuits). We also compare our new QBF Frege systems to standard sequent calculi for QBF and establish a correspondence to intuitionistic bounded arithmetic.This research was supported by grant nos. 48138 and 60842 from the John Templeton Foundation, EPSRC grant EP/L024233/1, and a Doctoral Prize Fellowship from EPSRC (third author). The second author was funded by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013)/ERC grant agreement no. 279611 and under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme/ERC grant agreement no. 648276 AUTAR. The fourth author was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under project number P28699 and by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2014)/ERC Grant Agreement no. 61507. Part of this work was done when Beyersdorff and Pich were at the University of Leeds and Bonacina at Sapienza University Rome.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Lower bounds: from circuits to QBF proof systems

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    A general and long-standing belief in the proof complexity community asserts that there is a close connection between progress in lower bounds for Boolean circuits and progress in proof size lower bounds for strong propositional proof systems. Although there are famous examples where a transfer from ideas and techniques from circuit complexity to proof complexity has been effective, a formal connection between the two areas has never been established so far. Here we provide such a formal relation between lower bounds for circuit classes and lower bounds for Frege systems for quantified Boolean formulas (QBF). Starting from a propositional proof system P we exhibit a general method how to obtain a QBF proof system P+∀red{P}, which is inspired by the transition from resolution to Q-resolution. For us the most important case is a new and natural hierarchy of QBF Frege systems C-Frege+∀red that parallels the well-studied propositional hierarchy of C-Frege systems, where lines in proofs are restricted to belong to a circuit class C. Building on earlier work for resolution [Beyersdorff, Chew and Janota, 2015a] we establish a lower bound technique via strategy extraction that transfers arbitrary lower bounds for the circuit class C to lower bounds in C-Frege+∀red. By using the full spectrum of state-of-the-art circuit lower bounds, our new lower bound method leads to very strong lower bounds for QBF \FREGE systems: 1. exponential lower bounds and separations for the QBF proof system ACo[p]-Frege+∀red for all primes p; 2. an exponential separation of ACo[p]-Frege+∀red from TCo/d-Frege+∀red; 3. an exponential separation of the hierarchy of constant-depth systems ACo/d-Frege+∀red by formulas of depth independent of d. In the propositional case, all these results correspond to major open problems

    Short Propositional Refutations for Dense Random 3CNF Formulas

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    Random 3CNF formulas constitute an important distribution for measuring the average-case behavior of propositional proof systems. Lower bounds for random 3CNF refutations in many propositional proof systems are known. Most notably are the exponential-size resolution refutation lower bounds for random 3CNF formulas with Ω(n1.5ϵ)\Omega(n^{1.5-\epsilon}) clauses [Chvatal and Szemeredi (1988), Ben-Sasson and Wigderson (2001)]. On the other hand, the only known non-trivial upper bound on the size of random 3CNF refutations in a non-abstract propositional proof system is for resolution with Ω(n2/logn)\Omega(n^{2}/\log n) clauses, shown by Beame et al. (2002). In this paper we show that already standard propositional proof systems, within the hierarchy of Frege proofs, admit short refutations for random 3CNF formulas, for sufficiently large clause-to-variable ratio. Specifically, we demonstrate polynomial-size propositional refutations whose lines are TC0TC^0 formulas (i.e., TC0TC^0-Frege proofs) for random 3CNF formulas with n n variables and Ω(n1.4) \Omega(n^{1.4}) clauses. The idea is based on demonstrating efficient propositional correctness proofs of the random 3CNF unsatisfiability witnesses given by Feige, Kim and Ofek (2006). Since the soundness of these witnesses is verified using spectral techniques, we develop an appropriate way to reason about eigenvectors in propositional systems. To carry out the full argument we work inside weak formal systems of arithmetic and use a general translation scheme to propositional proofs.Comment: 62 pages; improved introduction and abstract, and a changed title. Fixed some typo

    Lifting with Simple Gadgets and Applications to Circuit and Proof Complexity

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    We significantly strengthen and generalize the theorem lifting Nullstellensatz degree to monotone span program size by Pitassi and Robere (2018) so that it works for any gadget with high enough rank, in particular, for useful gadgets such as equality and greater-than. We apply our generalized theorem to solve two open problems: * We present the first result that demonstrates a separation in proof power for cutting planes with unbounded versus polynomially bounded coefficients. Specifically, we exhibit CNF formulas that can be refuted in quadratic length and constant line space in cutting planes with unbounded coefficients, but for which there are no refutations in subexponential length and subpolynomial line space if coefficients are restricted to be of polynomial magnitude. * We give the first explicit separation between monotone Boolean formulas and monotone real formulas. Specifically, we give an explicit family of functions that can be computed with monotone real formulas of nearly linear size but require monotone Boolean formulas of exponential size. Previously only a non-explicit separation was known. An important technical ingredient, which may be of independent interest, is that we show that the Nullstellensatz degree of refuting the pebbling formula over a DAG G over any field coincides exactly with the reversible pebbling price of G. In particular, this implies that the standard decision tree complexity and the parity decision tree complexity of the corresponding falsified clause search problem are equal

    Cutting Planes, Connectivity, and Threshold Logic

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    Originating from work in operations research the cutting plane refutation system CP is an extension of resolution, where unsatisfiable propositional logic formulas in conjunctive normal form are recognized by showing the non-existence of boolean solutions to associated families of linear inequalities. Polynomial size CP proofs are given for the undirected s-t connectivity principle. The subsystems CPq of CP , for q 2, are shown to be polynomially equivalent to CP , thus answering problem 19 from the list of open problems of [8]. We present a normal form theorem for CP2-proofs and thereby for arbitrary CP -proofs. As a corollary, we show that the coefficients and constant terms in arbitrary cutting plane proofs may be exponentially bounded by the number of steps in the proof, at the cost of an at most polynomial increase in the number of steps in the proof. The extension CPLE + , introduced in [9] and there shown to p- simulate Frege systems, is proved to be polynomially equivalen..