17 research outputs found

    Customizing IT Service Agreements as a Self Service by means of Productized Service Propositions

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    A methodical procedure for designing consumer oriented on-demand IT service propositions

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    IT providers are increasingly facing the challenge to adapt their previously resource oriented service portfolios in order to offer their customers services which explicitly support business processes. Such customer centric service propositions, however, seem to contradict the demand for standardized and automated operational IT processes more than traditional IT service offers, as they are even more subject to customer individual reengineering efforts due to permanently changing business requirements. In order to reconcile increased efficiency in operational processes and effectiveness in consumer oriented service propositions, we propose (1) to predefine all service propositions in consideration of both consumer oriented commitments and operational processes, and (2) to allow for standardized customization by offering a selection of complementary service propositions that extend commitments regarding customer oriented functionality and performance. Such service propositions are aligned with a company's entities such as workplaces. Thereby the customer organization is enabled to trace, control and adjust commitments, value and expenses of IT services per entity in its business. We introduce a procedural model for designing and on-demand requesting this kind of service propositions, and we illustrate the model's application and impact by examples taken from two large projects with an associated IT provide

    Productisation business model in non-OEM aero-engine MRO service providers

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    The combination of product and service to provide customer’s satisfaction has been known since 1990s in the aerospace industry, particularly within MRO (Maintenance-Repair-Overhaul) service providers. Initially, the OEMs offered servitisation solutions by bundling the product with services. However, to remain competitive, the non-OEM MRO service providers also initiated bundling its service with products as offerings. This productisation business model is a reverse approach of a servitisation business model. This paper identifies and proposes five types of the productisation business model and each of these types will be shown with a descriptive analysis and illustrations to highlight the understanding of the evolution towards providing offers by bundling services with products. Through this study, non-OEM aero-engine MRO service providers will be able to assess the most suitable business model, based on the MRO service provider’s strengths and challenges

    The Business Perspective on Cloud Computing - A Literature Review of Research on Cloud Computing

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    This literature review synthesized the existing research on cloud computing from a business perspective by investigating 60 sources. It integrates their results in order to offer an overview about the existing body of knowledge. Using an established framework our results are structured according to the four dimensions following: cloud computing characteristics, adoption determinants, governance mechanisms, and business impact. This work reveals a shifting focus from technological aspects to a broader understanding of cloud computing as a new IT delivery model. There is a growing consensus about its characteristics and design principles. Unfortunately, research on factors driving or inhibiting the adoption of cloud services, as well as research investigating its business impact empirically, is still limited. This may be attributed to cloud computing being a rather recent research topic. Research on structures, processes and employee qualification to govern cloud services is at an early stage as well

    Managing and designing dyadic R&D collaboration

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    Escaping the commoditization trap by going downstream : how does a manufacturer manage its capabilities to create wealth from solutions?

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    Teknologiayritykset tarjoavat aikaisempaa enemmän palveluita asiakkailleen. Syinä tähän ovat taloudellinen epävarmuus, globalisaatio sekä valmistus- ja tuoteliiketoiminnan hyödykkeistyminen. Palveluiden avulla teknologiayritykset ovat pyrkineet saavuttamaan tasaisemman tulovirran, joka auttaa suhdannevaihteluiden yli. Teknologiayritykset ovat siten alkaneet muistuttaa palveluyrityksiä palveluiden muodostaessa merkittävän osan niiden kokonaisliikevaihdosta ja -tuloksesta. Tätä strategista siirtymää kuvataan palvelullistumisilmiöksi, jonka on nähty tuottavan erilaisia strategisia, taloudellisia ja markkinoinnillisia hyötyjä. Väitöskirja rakentuu resurssiperustaisen strategianäkemyksen ja palvelullistamiskirjallisuuden perustalle vastaten seuraavaan tutkimuskysymykseen: Miten teknologiayritys johtaa resursseja ja kyvykkyyksiään luodakseen arvoa asiakaskohtaisista palveluista ja ratkaisuista? Väitöskirja pyrkii vastaamaan tähän tutkimuskysymykseen neljän toisiinsa kytkeytyneen tutkimusartikkelin avulla. Väitöskirjan tutkimustapana on laadullinen vertaileva monitapaustutkimus. Sen kohteena ovat olleet palvelu- ja ratkaisuliiketoiminnan avulla kansainvälisesti menestyneet suomalaiset teknologiayritykset. Väitöskirja pyrkii lisäämään ymmärrystä resurssien johtamisen käytännöistä palvelullistamisen kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan menestyneet palvelullistuneet teknologiayritykset kehittävät järjestelmällisesti kyvykkyyksiä, jotka mahdollistavat tiiviimmän yhteistyön heidän asiakkai-densa kanssa. Se on tapahtunut esimerkiksi kehittämällä konsultatiivista myyntikyvykkyyttä tai operoimalla asennettua laitekantaa älykkäämmin. Toiseksi, tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että menestyneet yritykset hyödyntävät aktiivisesti olemassa olevia kyvykkyyksiä uusilla toimialoilla ja tuote-palveluyhdistelmissä. Se on tapahtunut esimerkiksi laajentamalla palveluporftolion kehittämiseen liittyviä kyvykkyyksiä nykyisten asiakkaiden kanssa. Kolmanneksi, menestyneet valmistavat teknologiayritykset luopuivat järjestelmällisesti ydinliiketoimintaan kuulumattomista tai valmistustoimintaan liittyvistä kyvykkyyksistä keskittyäkseen uuden strategian mukaisten kyvykkyyksien kehittämiseen. Tutkimuksen mukaan siirtymä tuotteista palveluihin ei tapahdu hetkessä, eikä se ole toimiva strategia kaikille valmistaville yrityksille. Tutkimusten tulosten valossa tämä strateginen siirtymä vaatii aikaa, näkemystä ja sitoutumista teknologiayrityksen ylimmältä johdolta sisäisten ja ulkoisten voimavarojen kehittämiseen ja uudelleensuuntaamiseen.Economic turmoil, globalization, and increased price pressure in product businesses, have prompted leading manufacturers to provide services/solutions to their customers to avoid the commoditization trap and generate more stable income. Manufacturers have thus started to resemble service companies as services account for a considerable share of their total revenues and profits. This strategic transition has been termed servitization and has been said to generate various strategic, financial, and marketing advantages for those exploiting successful service strategies. This dissertation builds on the intersection of the resource-based perspective and servitization literature to answer the following research question: How does a manufacturer manage its capabilities to create wealth from customer solutions? To address this question, four empirical research articles have been formulated to advance knowledge of resource management practices in servitization. By using a qualitative comparative multiple case study method, this dissertation scrutinizes those internationally operating Finnish manufacturers that have outperformed their rivals by establishing service strategies and capabilities. This dissertation attempts to advance both theoretical and managerial understanding of the resource management practices in servitization The results of the study indicate that highly performing manufacturers systematically build new capabilities required to manage better their customer relationships (e.g., consultative selling, or fleet management capabilities). Second, the results indicate that the solution providers leverage their extant capabilities to enter new industries and product-service markets (e.g., nurturing capabilities to expand their service portfolio with existing customers). Third, solution providers released their non-core and upstream resources to focus on developing downstream resources. This research highlights that entering the solution business may not be a viable strategy for every manufacturer. The strategic transitioning from goods to services does not happen overnight but requires managerial time, vision, attention, and commitment to develop and redirect internal and external resources.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Measurement of service innovation project success:A practical tool and theoretical implications

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