27,129 research outputs found

    Encouraging Offline Banking Customers to Adopt Online Banking: A Study on Customers of Dhaka City

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    While the use of technologies in banking services is on the rise worldwide, a substantial percentage of customers, specially in developing countries, still prefer the traditional forms of banking. This study aims to investigate the factors that inhibit customers of offline banking to switch towards online banking. In addition, it also identifies the factors that influence those customers positively towards online banking. Data were collected from 236 customers who conduct transactions traditionally in different banks in Dhaka city and who do not take any online services from any bank. The data collected from the survey were analyzed using the IBM SPSS package. Both descriptive and inferential statistical tools were used for analysis. Our study shows that customers of offline banking have lack of trust/confidence in online banking services and consider the services are associated with risk, which inhibits them to switch to online banking. On the other hand, customers of offline banking are found to perceive that online banking services are useful and facilitating conditions are favorable for taking online services. However, the customers are found to be in a confusing state about the ease of use of the services. Interestingly, about 71% of the traditional customers are found to switch to online banking mode if their concerns with the later system are addressed. Finally, based on these findings, implications for banking practitioners and policy makers are articulated. Keywords: Offline banking, switching, adoption, online banking, Dhaka DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-3-06 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Marketing implications of traditional and ICT-mediated leisure activities

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    This study investigates the role of traditional and information and communication technology (ICT)-mediated leisure activities in consumer behaviour. An online survey of 558 members and 1319 ex-members of an Australian DVD rental company gathered preferences for nine traditional leisure activities and seven ICT-mediated leisure activities. The results of a cluster analysis showed four clusters with significant cluster differences across leisure activities and across demographics and consumer behaviours. For practitioners, the study illustrates how profiling customers on their leisure preferences can increase advertising effectiveness, reflect loyalty and help predict customer lifetime value. For academia, the results reveal how another consumer dimension, leisure activities, relates to demographic and behavioural characteristics

    Cross-channel retail services as a remedy for retailer switching?: An investigation of retailer switching and potential of cross-channel retail services

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    This cumulative dissertation consists of four papers that investigate retailer switching and identify potential and threat of cross-channel retail services (CCRS) for retail businesses. The first, conceptual paper compares different theories and models of retail quality. It derives the concept of retailer aspects as a framework to measure retailer quality and further discusses how CCRS can serve as a tool to enhance those retailer aspects. The second paper discusses results from a consumer panel survey and quantifies the influence of satisfaction with retailer aspects on retailer switching during webrooming behavior. The findings of this second paper present the two retailer aspects assurance of delivery and competitive product pricing as key determinants for retailer switching. The third paper defines CCRS and outlines a conceptual classification scheme for CCRS assessments – the CCRS Pentagon. The fourth paper quantifies the impact of CCRS adoption and retailer aspect preferences on CCRS-induced retailer switching based on a second consumer panel survey. Results from this second study affirm the existence of CCRS-induced retailer switching. The paper concludes that CCRS can serve as a retailer’s lock-in mechanism, but that the availability of CCRS in retail environments also threatens retail businesses. In sum, the dissertation provides academic contributions and suggestions for further academic research as well as practical implications and management tools for application in retail businesses.:I. Introduction II. Enhancing Multi-Channel Retail Quality through Cross-Channel Services III. What Drives Competitive Webrooming? The Roles of Channel and Retailer Aspects IV. Cross-Channel Retail Services: A Service Classification Along The Retail Function V. Service-induced Retailer Switching – Power of Cross-Channel Retail Services VI. Conclusion Appendix A: Estimated parameters in baseline-category logit model Appendix B: Conditional marginal effects and conditional probability Appendix C: T-Tests for retailer aspects per service exampl

    Mobile Service and Phone as Consumption System -the Impact on Customer Switching

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    Mobile telecommunications service sector is, in spite of providing high service quality and striving for customer satisfaction, characterized by dynamic customer activities and provider switching. In this research with data from Slovenia we explore the impact of usage, budgetary constraints, involvement and customer characteristics on customers\u27 intention to switch mobile service provider. By using the consumption system perspective on mobile services and mobile phone, we seek to provide explanation on the factors of customer switching. It is shown that the mobile services usage effect on switching intentions is curvilinear (positive linear and negative quadratic) and that only the budgetary constraint regarding the service matters and not the one related to the mobile phone. Past mobile service providers switching experience also contributes to the intention to switch. Mobile phone ego involvement has positive impact on customer retention, however purchase involvement (both mobile phone and mobile services) increases customer risk. This research thus emphasizes the studying of the mobile services system together with its phone subsystem and it based on extensive survey. Managerial implications are discussed

    Understanding the role of demographic, perceptual and personality factors in the use of mobile data services

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    Conventional telecommunication technologies, characterised by wires and fixed locations, are rapidly giving way to mobile data services (MDSs). Recent technological developments have opened up possibilities for various applications of MDSs. This thesis specifically focuses on two promising MDS applications: mobile banking (m-banking) and mobile learning (m-learning). It signifies an important step in the testing of theories related to demographics, perceptions and personality traits in the use of MDSs, through three studies. In Study 1, which examines the digital divide in the use of MDSs, I analyse the effects of gender and age differences on the usage of MDSs. An online survey was disseminated in the United Kingdom (UK), and completed responses were received from 2,000 mobile phone users and non-users on both sides of the divide (i.e., with or without access to mobile information and communication technologies (IeTs)). I developed eight hypotheses and used logistic regression and chi-square tests to test them. My findings demonstrate that men are more likely than women to use MDSs, and that young people are more likely than their older counterparts to use MDSs. The study contributes to the literature on MDSs by highlighting the issue of the digital divide. The study also provides insights to MDS providers and policymakers on how to develop and promote MDSs for different socio-demographic groups. In Study 2, I examine m-banking which is regarded as a killer application amongst all MDSs. This study has two parts. In Study 2 (Part I), I present a literature review of, and a classification framework for, the existing m-banking literature. Sixty-five articles related to m-banking were published in major journals and presented at conferences between January 2000 and June 2010. They belong to various disciplines, including information systems (IS), technology innovation, management and marketing. Study 2 (Part I) classifies these articles into five main categories: (1) m-banking overview and conceptualisation; (2):) m-banking applications and cases; (3) m-banking behaviour; (4) m-banking infrastructures; and (5) m-banking strategic, legal and ethical issues. Several new research questions that could yield valuable results in the m-banking field are given, including a fundamental question on users' switching behaviour from other banking channels to m-banking which is examined in further detail in Study 2 (Part II). In Study 2 (Part II), I develop a model that is anchored by expectancy theory and validate it using data collected from 493 mobile phone users in order to predict intentions to switch to m-banking. I chose the m-banking context because recent advances in mobile devices have made m-banking an attractive option for banks and mobile service providers; however, consumer demand for m-banking is low. The findings suggest that perceived mobility, relative advantage and self-efficacy are positively related to user intentions to switch banking channels. Perceived complexity is negatively related, whereas perceived financial resources and risk are not related to intentions to switch. Study 3 examines another key MDS, m-leaming which proposes to use a text messaging service as a tool to stimulate learners' activities. It examines whether learners' personalities influence their reactions to accessing course materials through m-learning messages. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was used to categorise learners into different personality groups. After conducting a field study with 217 students, it was found that learners of different personalities showed different levels of activities when receiving m-learning messages

    Airline Ticket E-Reservation: Adoption Among Malaysians

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    Sistem tempahan tiket penerbangan telah banyak direvolusikan oleh syarikat-syarikat penerbangan melalui penggunaan Internet dan pengenalan alat-alat mudah alih moden. The air ticket reservation system has been much revolutionized by the airline companies through the usage of the Internet and introduction of modern mobile devices

    Towards anchoring Users’ Switching to Mobile Banking with Expectancy Theory

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    The rapid proliferation of advanced mobile devices has made mobile banking (m-banking) an attractive option for banks and mobile service providers; however, consumer demand for m-banking is low. In this study, we develop a model, anchored by expectancy theory, and validate it using data collected from 493 mobile phone users to predict intentions to switch to m-banking. Our findings suggest that perceived mobility, relative advantage, and self-efficacy are positively related to user intentions to switch banking channels. Perceived complexity is negatively related, perceived financial resources, and perceived risk are not related to user intentions to switch

    Consumer use of mobile banking (M-Banking) in Saudi Arabia: Towards an integrated model

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    YesMobile banking is one of the most promising technologies that has emerged in recent years and could prove to have considerable value to both banks and customers. Thus, this study recognises the need to test the main factors that could predict the use of mobile banking as well as how using such a system could contribute to both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The conceptual model of this study combines two models (i.e. UTAUT2 and the D&M IS Success Model). A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect the required data from convenience sampling of Saudi bank customers. The main factors – performance expectancy, price value, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, habit, system quality and service quality – were found to have a significant impact on actual use behaviour. This study was cross-sectional, therefore future studies should implement longitudinal studies in order to re-collect the findings. Further, this study adopted convenience sampling of Saudi M-Banking users. This may adversely impact the issue of generalisability to the whole population. The gap in the M-Banking literature in Saudi Arabia would be bridged by proposing a comprehensive conceptual model that scrupulously clarifies the use of M-Banking from the perspective of Saudi users. Furthermore, this study would consider the adoption of numeric data in order to inferentially analyse them using SEM. This in turn would assist in generalising the findings to the whole Saudi population

    Understanding Consumer Churning Behaviors in Mobile Telecommunication Service Industry : Cross-national Comparison between Korea and China

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    It is crucial for telecom operators to shift from a subsidy-centered to a service-centered marketing strategy. As the market reaches its saturation point, the effectiveness of customer acquisition through the traditional subsidy decreases and offering differentiated services for existing customer retention is critical. This study aims at finding out factors affecting consumer churning intention based on PPM (Push-Pull-Mooring) theory in order to exactly understand consumer behaviors in the mobile telecommunication service industry (MTSI). This study also analyzes the difference between Korea (saturation market) and China (growth market) in terms of the causality between the intention to switch and the affecting factors. The research findings will encourage telecom operators to establish the effective service strategy that corresponds to their level of market maturity