41,035 research outputs found

    Mapping the Customer Experience Management Strategies for Customer Loyalty in Retail Hypermarket Jabodetabek

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    Today, competition in the global market has become increasingly difficult and and at the same time products and services provided by retail companies tend to be similar. So in such circumstances, customers expect not only satisfied with the products and services, but also the pursuit of the perfect shopping experience during the shopping process. The purpose of this study was to devise a customer experience management strategy at a hypermarket retailer Carrefour, Hypermart, Giant, and Lotte Mart. Both overall and per hypermarket retail chains that have the same character. The method used is Factor Analysis, Multi Dimension Scaling (MDS). The object of research is the hypermarket retail customers in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi to sample 360 people. The results of MDS mapping CEM variable per retail hypermarket retail hypermarket seen no one who is in the first quadrant in which the dimensions 1 and 2 positive namely Gianthypermarket retail. Tthere are three retail hypermarket located in quadrant 2 wherein the dimensions of 1 positive and 2 negative dimension namely retail Carrefour, Hypermart and Lotte Mart. In MDS can be classified Group 1 are the outlets; Group 1 are GPS (Giant Plaza Semanggi), CLB (Carrefour Lebak Bulus), CPH (Carrefour Permata Hijau) and HPV (Hypermart Pejaten Village) which leads to a positive value. While other outlets in group 2 are CCB (Carrefour Cibinong Bogor), GBT (Giant BSD Tangerang), GMD (Giant Margo city Depok), HPB (Hypermart Pondok Gede Bekasi), HJT (Hypermart JACC Thamrin), LRP (Lotte Mart Ratu Plaza), LKG (Lotte Mart Kelapa Gading), LF (Lotte Mart Fatmawati) have in common in the lower quadrant (negative)

    Equity drivers and the customer experience

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    Customer experience has become a top priority for business managers and marketing scholars. However, research on this topic remains relatively scarce, particularly with regard to the drivers of the customer experience. To bridge this important gap, we propose a unified framework to understand the customer experience that integrates the customer’s perceptions of value, brand and the relationship, i.e. the three equity drivers, and test it empirically in a service setting. This study intends to demonstrate that the three equity drivers are central to explaining the way individuals perceive their experiences with the firm and its products and services

    Analisis Customer Experience Dan Lifestyle Model Terhdap Keputusan Menonton Film (Survei Terhadap Member Bioskop Blitzmegaplex Paris Van Java Bandung)

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    Penonton adalah pelaku utama pembuat keputusan untuk menonton di bioskop dalam industri hiburan. Namun beberapa tahun terakhir terjadi penurunan pertumbuhan jumlah penonton bioskop BlitzMegaplex Paris Van Java Bandung. Hal ini terjadi karena lambatnya laju pertumbuhan jumlah penonton setiap bulannya dan sebagai bioskop yang memiliki konsep beyonds experience, dimensi customer experience BlitzMegaplex Paris Van Java Bandung kurang baik. Melalui upaya penilaian customer experience diharapkan BlitzMegaplex dapat mengevaluasi dimensi customer experience dan memahami lifestyle model penonton pada saat ini. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) gambaran customer experience BlitzMegaplex Paris Van Java Bandung (2) gambaran lifestyle model penonton bioskop BlitzMegaplex Paris Van Java Bandung (3) gambaran keputusan menonton bioskop BlitzMegaplex Paris Van Java Bandung(4) besarnya pengaruh customer experience dan lifestyle model terhadap keputusan menonton di Bioskop BlitzMegaplex Paris Van Java Bandung.Metode penelitiannya menggunakan deskriptif dan verifikatif. Sumber data yang dipergunakan adalah primer dan sekunder. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah member bioskop BlitzMegaplex Paris Van Java Bandung sebanyak 943.164 orang dan diambil sampel penelitian sejumlah 165 orang menggunakan Simple Random Sampling dan Probability Sampling merupakan teknik pengambilan sampel yang penulis pilih. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, kuesioner. Untuk mengukur besarnya pengaruh customer experience dan lifestyle model digunakan teknik analisis Regresi Linear Berganda.Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa analisis customer experience cukup tinggi. Lifestyle model cukup tinggi, dan keputusan menonton cukup tinggi. Customer experience memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap keputusan menonton di bioskop BlitzMegaplex Paris Van Java Bandung. Lifestyle model memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap keputusan menonton di bioskop BlitzMegaplex Paris Van Java Bandun

    VICTORS: A New Framework for Managing Customer Experience in Gaming

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    With competition increasing all over the world, integrated casino resorts are finding it increasingly difficult to acquire new customers and retain existing customers. The days of “build it and they will come” are well and truly behind us. Offering a superior customer experience (CX) is the only way for operators to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Based on an exhaustive literature review and validated by real world implementation, this presentation will introduce the audience to a new framework of customer experience management for gaming companies. Discussed under the acronym VICTORS, the author argues that a superior customer experience is comprised of six ingredients: Voice of Customer, Incentives, Culture, Touchpoints, Organization, Relationships, and Strategy. This paper (presentation) will first establish the salience of customer experience for casino companies. Each of the components of VICTORS and their interrelationships among them will also be discussed. The tone of the paper will be research-driven with strong practical applications