6 research outputs found

    Implementation of Knowledge Management in Different Industries

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    Customer knowledge is a valuable asset, and gathering, managing, and sharing customer knowledge can be a useful competitive activity for organizations. Successful knowledge partnerships with essential and valuable customers can strengthen business performance and create an absolute competitive advantage that is difficult for competitors to emulate. In consumer knowledge management, companies often experience significant obstacles or constraints so that sometimes many companies prevent them from managing consumer knowledge. The company or organization depends on consumers who do not need to understand the industrial field of the company or organization. This paper discusses the comparison of the application of customer knowledge management in various industries. Research findings that all organizations must apply the three essential components of customer-related knowledge within the underlying conceptual framework. Three basic components of customer-related knowledge within a basic conceptual framework: knowledge for customers, knowledge of customers, and customer knowledge, cannot be eliminated. This proves the compatibility with previous studies. In fact, to succeed, they must be applied so that it is of value to the company. Implementation of the framework can present a great opportunity for the organization or company to make new products so that this will improve the performance of the company or organization and maintain the continuity of the company or organization

    Perbandingan Implementasi Manajemen Pengetahuan pada Berbagai Industri

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    Customer knowledge is a valuable asset, and gathering, managing, and sharing customerknowledge can be a useful competitive activity for organizations. Successful knowledgepartnerships with essential and valuable customers can strengthen business performance andcreate an absolute competitive advantage that is difficult for competitors to emulate. Inconsumer knowledge management, companies often experience significant obstacles orconstraints so that sometimes many companies prevent them from managing consumerknowledge. The company or organization depends on consumers who do not need tounderstand the industrial field of the company or organization. This paper discusses thecomparison of the application of customer knowledge management in various industries.Research findings that all organizations must apply the three essential components ofcustomer-related knowledge within the underlying conceptual framework. Three basiccomponents of customer-related knowledge within a basic conceptual framework: knowledgefor customers, knowledge of customers, and customer knowledge, cannot be eliminated. Thisproves that the compatibility with previous studies. In fact, to succeed, they must be applied sothat it is of value to the company. Implementation of the framework can present a greatopportunity for the organization or company to make new products so that this will improvethe performance of the company or organization and maintain the continuity of the companyor organization

    Customer knowledge management in software development: a descriptive field survey

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    Customer Knowledge (CK) plays an important role in the production of high quality and innovative software products. However, there has been little comprehensive academic research on the ‘enablers’ of customer-specific knowledge. Therefore, study aims to analyze Customer Knowledge Management (CKM) ‘enablers’ for enterprise software development companies. Survey questionnaires were distributed to software companies and results showed that most firms focus their efforts more on ‘Technological Infrastructure’ and less on ‘Human’ and ‘Organizational’ CKM enablers. Results demonstrated low positive percent ratings for ‘Human Antecedents’ (Individual Competences & Skills) and ‘Organizational’ enablers (‘Customer Involvement’, CKM ‘Strategy Development’ and ‘Training’). This study contributes to the CKM domain by revealing essential elements that better enable enterprise software development firms to enhance software quality and produce innovative products. The author recommends that software companies place greater emphasis on ‘Human’ and ‘Organizational’ enablers for the successful implementation of CKM strategies

    Toward a survey instrument for investigating customer knowledge management in software companies

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    This paper presents a method of developing an instrument for Customer Knowledge Management (CKM) in Enterprise Software (ES) development. Knowledge-Based View (KBV) and Theory of Technology in a Generic CKM framework were used to demonstrate the Organizational, Human, and Technological factors that enable the CKM process. Human, Organizational and Technological CKM enablers were identified from the literature. The weight and priority of these factors were determined by experts from the ES development companies. Based on the high priority factors, we hypothesized the constructs and develop measurement items to be validated. The measurement items are adopted from the previous validated sources. The instrument was evaluated using content validity and a pilot study. A Content Validity Index (CVI) approach was used to validate the instruments in term of relevancy and simplicity. During the content validity, the number of measurement items was reduced from 50 to 46. Moreover, the survey questionnaire of this study can be used as the foundation for the development of policy as well as strategy to enhance the probability of successful implementing the CKM

    Customer knowledge management antecedent factors for enterprise software quality

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    Customer Knowledge Management (CKM) plays an important role in the production of high quality software products. Previous studies have only focused on the technical aspects of software quality. However, because of the nature of enterprise software, there is a greater dependence on CKM for customization, enhancement, maintenance, and training. As CKM in Enterprise Software (ES) development is still immature, this raises questions on how CKM can help ES development companies to improve their software quality. In this research, Knowledge-Based View (KBV) and Theory of Technology were used to demonstrate the Organizational, Human, and Technological antecedent factors that enable the CKM process and lead to ES quality. Human, Organizational and Technological CKM antecedent factors were identified from the literature. The importance degree of each factor was determined by experts from ES development companies using Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Moreover, based on high priority factors, a theoretical model was developed. The proposed model was evaluated by distributing a survey questionnaire to decision-makers in ES development companies. With 164 valid questionnaires received, the collected data was analyzed using the Partial Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. The results show that Customer Involvement together with Senior Management Support were the most influential factors. There was no impact from Organizational Training, Customer Knowledge Map, and CKM Strategy Development. The results revealed that the impact of CKM on software quality is significant. The model developed in this research can be used as a guideline for the successful application of CKM in enterprise software development companies to improve the software quality

    Knowledge management model for the commercial channel of the agents and agencies of Seguros Bolívar Bucaramanga branch

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    La sucursal de la compañía Seguros Bolívar en Bucaramanga se ha caracterizado en la última década por soportar, en gran parte su operación comercial, en el canal de Agentes y Agencias; con relación a la formación de los integrantes de este Canal, indicamos que principalmente se ha fundamentado en información suministrada a través de capacitaciones realizadas por la Compañía y la experiencia obtenida en el ejercicio de sus labores comerciales. Frente a este panorama, se deseaba sacar provecho del conocimiento adquirido por cada integrante del canal de Agentes y Agencias y con ello, generar acciones que beneficiaran la funcionalidad de la Sucursal. Acorde a lo planteado, se evidenció la necesidad de generar propuestas disruptivas que conllevaran a romper paradigmas; siendo esto esencial en la implementación de estrategias innovadoras con la finalidad de obtener ventajas competitivas y garantizar la sostenibilidad en el mundo actual que está caracterizado por su volatilidad e incertidumbre, por lo tanto, se definió establecer una propuesta relacionada con la gestión del conocimiento. Gestionar el conocimiento en una empresa se realiza para facilitar su competitividad, siendo ello una estrategia para manejar este recurso intangible de acuerdo a las características del entorno, por ello, se plantea en el presente trabajo de investigación, construir un modelo de gestión del conocimiento enfocado en canal de Agentes y Agencias de Seguros Bolívar sucursal Bucaramanga. Para el desarrollo de la investigación, la metodología seleccionada y utilizada, fue, el estudio de caso; en detalle, dicho estudio de caso tuvo un enfoque mixto, combinando el análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo, obteniendo con ello los beneficios de ambos. Buscando construir el modelo, era relevante analizar modelos de gestión del conocimiento teniendo en cuenta los retos, las metas y oportunidades de la Sucursal; también, se debía efectuar un diagnóstico del estado en el que se encontraban los integrantes del Canal para adaptarse a un modelo de gestión del conocimiento. Con el análisis y diagnóstico se contribuiría al desarrollo estructurado de un modelo de gestión del conocimiento el cual lograra, a través de unas estrategias establecidas, trascender y ser visible por medio de la implementación de procesos, todo esto, facilitado por la intención de los miembros del Canal.CAPITULO I. PROBLEMA U OPORTUNIDAD ______________________ 19 1.1. Antecedentes del problema ________________________________________ 19 1.2. Problema de la investigación _______________________________________ 21 1.3. Justificación ______________________________________________________ 24 1.4. Objetivos de la investigación _______________________________________ 27 Objetivo general ____________________________________________________ 27 Objetivos específicos ________________________________________________ 28 1.5. Manejo de supuestos cualitativos ___________________________________ 28 1.6. Limitaciones y Delimitaciones _______________________________________ 29 Limitaciones________________________________________________________ 29 Delimitaciones ______________________________________________________ 30 1.7. Definición de términos ____________________________________________ 30 CAPITULO II. MARCO TEÓRICO __________________________________ 34 2.1. Conocimiento. ____________________________________________________ 34 2.1.1. Diferencia entre conocimiento, datos e información. ________________ 35 2.1.2. Perspectivas del conocimiento. __________________________________ 37 2.1.3. Tipos principales de conocimiento. ______________________________ 39 2.2. Gestión del Conocimiento (GC). ____________________________________ 40 2.3. Procesos de la gestión del conocimiento. ____________________________ 42 2.3.1. Creación _____________________________________________________ 43 2.3.2. Almacenamiento ______________________________________________ 44 2.3.3. Trasferencia __________________________________________________ 44 2.3.4. Aplicación ____________________________________________________ 45 2.4. Importancia de la GC en la cultura de las organizaciones _______________ 46 2.5 Antecedentes de la Gestión del Conocimiento, en las organizaciones ____ 48 2.6. Modelos de Gestión del Conocimiento (MGC) ________________________ 50 2.6.1 Modelo de GC de Wiig (1993) ___________________________________ 52 2.6.2 Modelo Nonaka y Takeuchi (1995) _______________________________ 54 2.6.3 Unified Model of Dynamic Knowledge Creation – SECI (2000) _______ 56 2.6.4 Modelo de Bustelo y Amarilla (2001) _____________________________ 58 2.6.5 Modelo de Integración de Tecnología de Kerschberg (2001) _________ 62 2.6.6 Modelo Integrado Situacional de Riesco (2004).____________________ 64 2.6.7 Knowledge management issues in knowledge-intensive SMEs (2005) 68 2.6.8 Modelo de gestión tecnológica del conocimiento de Paniagua y López (2007) ___________________________________________________________________ 70 2.6.9 Modelo Holístico Angulo y Negrón (2008) _________________________ 74 CAPITULO III. METODOLOGÍA ____________________________________ 78 3.1. Método de Investigación ___________________________________________ 78 3.1.1 Inmersión Literaria _____________________________________________ 81 3.1.2 Interiorización en la Muestra _____________________________________ 81 3.1.3 Propuesta de Modelo de Gestión del Conocimiento_________________ 81 3.1.4 Prueba Piloto __________________________________________________ 82 3.2. Población, participantes y selección de la muestra. ____________________ 82 3.3. Marco Contextual _________________________________________________ 84 3.4. Instrumentos de recolección de datos ________________________________ 84 CAPITULO IV. RESULTADOS _____________________________________ 89 4.1. Revisión Literaria _________________________________________________ 89 4.2. Análisis de Entrevistas y Encuestas _________________________________ 98 4.3. Propuesta Modelo de Gestión del Conocimiento _____________________ 117 4.4 Prueba Piloto ____________________________________________________ 130 CAPITULO V. CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES ___________ 141 BIBLIOGRAFÍA _________________________________________________ 145 ANEXOS _______________________________________________________ 154MaestríaThe branch office of Seguros Bolivar in Bucaramanga has been characterized, in the last decade, for having a marketing strength due to their Agents and Agencies’ Channel, which has been based on information provided through professional development workshops provided by the Company, and the experience obtained by the consultants on their commercial duty. Given this scenario, it was desired to take advantage of the knowledge obtained by the Agents and Agencies’ Channel to generate better services and create new options that beneficiate the branch office. According to what was proposed, it is imperative to break paradigms, which is a key element in the implementation of innovative strategies to obtain advantages against competitors and ensure sustainability in today’s world that is characterized by its volatility and uncertainty. Therefore, it was decided to establish a proposal related to managing knowledge. Managing knowledge in a company is a way to facilitate its competitiveness, which becomes a strategy to manage this intangible resource taking into consideration the milieu’s characteristics. Consequently, it is proposed in this research study to build a knowledge managing model that is focused on the channel of Agents and Agencies subscribed to the branch office of Bucaramanga. For the development of this research study, the selected and utilized research method was the Case Study. This case study had a mixed approach combined with quantitative and qualitative analysis to obtain the benefits of both types. In the building of the model, it was relevant to analyze the management models of knowledge taking onto consideration the challenges, goals and current opportunities of the branch office; it is also vital to carry out a diagnosis of the current state of the consultants of the marketing channel of Agents and Agencies subscribed to the branch office of Bucaramanga to adapt to a management model of knowledge. With this analysis and diagnosis, it was desired to contribute to the structured development of a management model of knowledge, whose purpose is to transcend and be visible through processes and procedures implemented in the company by using established strategies, facilitated by the members of the Channel