13 research outputs found

    Customer-Centric Knowledge Creation For Customer Relationship Management

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    As the pace of today’s world increases with advances in technology and globalization, the heat of rivalry and competition in the business world is also rising. It is a wake-up call for many firms that they can no longer just convince customers to buy whatever they sell. They have to understand their customers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can assist firms to “know your customer” and “construct good relationships with customers.” In order to know your customer and construct a good relationship, customer knowledge must be acquired and managed. However, this is no easy task since customer knowledge can be subjective and difficult to extract or manage. An approach is needed to acquire and manage customer knowledge. Knowledge management, including knowledge creation, can assist in terms of acquiring and managing customer knowledge. Knowledge management not only improves understanding of the customer, but also improves business process performance by enabling response to customer needs in a timely manner with better quality of service. Customer-Centric Knowledge Creation is the process for the creation of knowledge based on customer knowledge within the CRM contexts which are enterprise-wide, customer-centric, technology-driven, and cross-functional. The aims of this process are to assist organizations to gain more understanding of the customer, embedding customer knowledge into organization knowledge, and creating a customer-focused mindset in organizational members. In other words, it is to sustainably create knowledge focusing on customer knowledge in an organization

    Customer Knowledge Management towards Customer Attraction from managers’ perspective; a Case Study of Arab Bank in Amman City, Jordan

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    The daily accelerating changes in business environment has recently made the banks competition amongst banking industry more complicated; as a result there has been increased focus on customer and Customer Knowledge Management (CKM) concept. Moreover, customer knowledge has become a key competitive factor and developed to be highly considered in globally, as a result; being a successful competitor in banking industry needs to put into consideration an important element which is called ‘Customer’. This paper aims to introduce a theoretical framework of CKM combined with Customer Attraction process by employing CKM toward gaining new customers in Arab Bank in Jordan. The methodology conducted as a data collection tool using a questionnaire and the data was collected from (38) branches managers of Arab Bank in Amman, Jordan. Besides, literature review was conducted to determine the concepts of integrating CKM toward customer attraction process to deliver the suggested Customer Knowledge Attraction Model (CKAM). The study findings reveal that there is a positive effect of customer knowledge management towards customer attraction in Arab Bank Keywords: Knowledge Management, Customer Knowledge Management, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Attraction, CKAM, Arab Bank, Jordan

    The Influence of Managerial Competencies on the Business Performance in the Small Business Funded by Jordan River Foundation

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    Rapid changes in the business environment are associated with the development of managerial competencies within organizations. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are critical in the economic and social development of most countries. The relationship between managerial competencies and organizational performance remains an important issue within organizational literature. However, there were limited studies conducted to assess the relationship between managerial competencies and organizational performance on small and medium enterprises. For this reason, this study aimed to determine whether there is a significant relationship between managerial competencies and the business performance in the small businesses funded by the Jordan River Foundation in Jordan. The empirical approach consists of data collection through the use of a self-administered questionnaire in a survey. A structured questionnaire was administered to 220 managers of small businesses funded by the Jordan River Foundation to establish the influence of their managerial competencies on the performance of their businesses. A total of 176 questionnaires were retrieved and analyzed by using the SPSS program for the statistical analysis, to reach the results of this study. The results revealed that managerial competencies are significantly correlated to business performance. There is a significant relationship between managerial competencies (Communication, Planning, and organizing) and efficiency. Three assortments of managerial competencies were evident to influence sales, namely, communication, planning and organizing, and customer focus. There is a significant relationship between managerial competencies (communication, team building, and customer focus) and customer satisfaction. The result will help the managers on how their competencies support and contribute to the firm's overall success as well as their improvement in the organization. Keywords: Managerial competencies, business performance, small businesses, Jordan River Foundation. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-20-06 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Customer Knowledge Management (CKM): Perspectives & Practices

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    While Customer Relationship Management (CRM) refers to building strategies and tools for managing relationships with customers, Customer Knowledge Management (CKM) refers to strategies that help companies derive valuable insights about customers that get stored in the form of customer data / information to be shared across the value chain, which when preserved would become a knowledge repository for the future generation of managers.CKM is an art of managing business and attempts to integrate implicit and explicit knowledge and aligns it with CRM goals for realizing long term business objectives of sustained efficiency and competitive advantage.CKM aims at preserving customer knowledge for truly understanding how customers behave based on the changes in the environment from the insights obtained about the customers over a period of time.Thus the dynamics of CKM emerge from the fact that it records changes in the customer behavior across the customer lifecycle and also provides for co-creation effort with customers.This characteristic feature provides an edge for CKM to score above CRM.This paper would attempt to provide insights on those areas that truly distinguishes between CRM and CKM and would explain why companies should have broad strategies defined to achieve common goals of CKM in the long-run.It would also place a discussion on how companies can stand to gain a competitive advantage by preserving customer knowledge through a few best practices caselets


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    Abstract - Custommer knowledge management (CKM) is the business model of the integration of interrelated concepts, techniques, and methodologies that are rooted in the people, process and technology and aims to create a profitable and loyal customers. On www.sikumis.com that is already running, but the feature has not been used optimally CKM. With the problem the authors look for indicators that affect the consciousness of the user in using the features of CKM. The methods used to SECI Model, Model Gebbert and KM Infrastructure, analysis method with likert Scale, Factor Analysis for data collection questionnaire. Of the 65 respondents fill out questionnaires in the test is valid and reliable. The results of the analysis of the factors resulting in the 3 factors. Dominant factor related to the use of information, communication, interaction, distribution and sharing of cultural knowledge, search and support structure orgrnisasi in the dissemination of knowledge. Keywords: Knowledge Management, Customer Knowledge Management, E-commerce, Analysis

    Customer Relationship Management and Organizational Performance: a Survey of Selected Private Hospitals in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Tmanagement on organizational performance in selected private hospitals in Ogun state, Nigeria. This research work deals with fourobjectives and datawas gathered to answerthe research questions:- Howtrustinfluences customerloyalty; relationshipcommitmentaffects customer retention; service quality such as tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy influences on customer satisfaction; and customer knowledge management affects customer citizenship behaviour. The researchers tested four null hypotheses in ordertomakedecisions eithertoaccepting orrejecting the effectsof four independent variables on each of the four dependent variables. The study employed a survey research design in selected private hospitals in Ogun state, Nigeria. The selected private hospitals were:-Royal Cottage Hospital, Amazing Grace Hospital, Cornerstone Hospital, and First Alpha Medical Hospital. The population for the study were the registered adult patients of the four (4) selected registered private hospitals from the four main divisions of Ogun State which includes; Remo, Ijebu, Yewa and Egba. The total number of registered adult patients of the selected private hospitals altogether was 30,667. Using a purposive sampling and simple random sampling design, a sample size of 395with addition of a 30% safeguard against unreturned questionnaires making 513 was employed for the study. The study employed a well-structured questionnaire for gathering primary data and both descriptive and inferential statistical analysis techniques were employed to test the four hypotheses of the study. The study concluded that trust had a significant effect on customer loyalty to the private hospitals, there is a relationship between relationship commitment and customerretention, service quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction, and customer knowledge management had a significant effect on customer citizenship behaviour in the selected private hospitals. The study recommended that management and staff of private hospitals in Nigeria should ensure that they build in trust, reliance and dependability intowhattheydo inordertoensure thattheir patients become loyal to them. Also, there is need forrelationships to be enhanced between the hospitals and their patients. The management of the hospitals can decide to give discounts to patients based on different group categories such as: staff of a particular organization, family based considerations and even church based. The service delivered by the hospitals should be of enhanced quality. Finally, patient knowledge should be managed effectively in the organization, their birth dates, anniversaries, daytheyentered thehospital and the frequencyof visits

    Customer knowledge management antecedent factors for enterprise software quality

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    Customer Knowledge Management (CKM) plays an important role in the production of high quality software products. Previous studies have only focused on the technical aspects of software quality. However, because of the nature of enterprise software, there is a greater dependence on CKM for customization, enhancement, maintenance, and training. As CKM in Enterprise Software (ES) development is still immature, this raises questions on how CKM can help ES development companies to improve their software quality. In this research, Knowledge-Based View (KBV) and Theory of Technology were used to demonstrate the Organizational, Human, and Technological antecedent factors that enable the CKM process and lead to ES quality. Human, Organizational and Technological CKM antecedent factors were identified from the literature. The importance degree of each factor was determined by experts from ES development companies using Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Moreover, based on high priority factors, a theoretical model was developed. The proposed model was evaluated by distributing a survey questionnaire to decision-makers in ES development companies. With 164 valid questionnaires received, the collected data was analyzed using the Partial Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. The results show that Customer Involvement together with Senior Management Support were the most influential factors. There was no impact from Organizational Training, Customer Knowledge Map, and CKM Strategy Development. The results revealed that the impact of CKM on software quality is significant. The model developed in this research can be used as a guideline for the successful application of CKM in enterprise software development companies to improve the software quality