16 research outputs found

    Références bibliographiques

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    ANDERSEN, R. (1989). « The theoretical status of variation in Interlanguage Development », in S. GASS & coll. (eds). Variation in Second Language Acquisition. Vol II : Psycholinguistic Issues, 46-64, Clarendon, Multilingual Matters. ARDITTY, J. (Ed) (1987). « Paroles en construction », Encrages, 18/19, Vincennes, UniversitĂ© de Paris VIII. ARDITTY, J. & D. COSTE (1987). « Rapport sur  “Interactions” », in H. BLANC et alii (eds).S’approprier une langue Ă©trangĂšre... Actes du 6e colloque internat..

    Références bibliographiques

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    ANDERSEN, R. (1989). « The theoretical status of variation in Interlanguage Development », in S. GASS & coll. (eds). Variation in Second Language Acquisition. Vol II : Psycholinguistic Issues, 46-64, Clarendon, Multilingual Matters. ARDITTY, J. (Ed) (1987). « Paroles en construction », Encrages, 18/19, Vincennes, UniversitĂ© de Paris VIII. ARDITTY, J. & D. COSTE (1987). « Rapport sur  “Interactions” », in H. BLANC et alii (eds).S’approprier une langue Ă©trangĂšre... Actes du 6e colloque internat..

    Références bibliographiques

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    ANDERSEN, R. (1989). « The theoretical status of variation in Interlanguage Development », in S. GASS & coll. (eds). Variation in Second Language Acquisition. Vol II : Psycholinguistic Issues, 46-64, Clarendon, Multilingual Matters. ARDITTY, J. (Ed) (1987). « Paroles en construction », Encrages, 18/19, Vincennes, UniversitĂ© de Paris VIII. ARDITTY, J. & D. COSTE (1987). « Rapport sur  “Interactions” », in H. BLANC et alii (eds).S’approprier une langue Ă©trangĂšre... Actes du 6e colloque internat..

    A consideration of the factors involved in native language acquisition and foreign language learning and their relevance to modern languages methodology

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    Theory and practice converge to show that the complexity of the native and foreign language learning process must account for many factors. The literature would appear to suggest that the foreign language learning process is still far from understood and fundamental research has to be conducted still in this field. At present, many theories are centred around general principles of psychology and native language acquisition, which have been applied in the various teaching methods.It would seem pertinent to query whether the various procedures employed for language teaching are congruent with contemporary knowledge of the process of learning, thinking and remembering. It has been suggested in the study that insight into pattern is the key element in language learning, aptitude and that the ultimate objective is the native speaker's competence. The learner has succeeded if he has internalised the syntactic patterns well enough to communicate naturally in an uncontrived situation. To attain perfect competence or mastery, it is necessary for him to have acquired the semantic, cultural, social and emotional propensities of the native speaker.The intricacies of the learning process can be met only with adaptable, flexible and varied strategies. Over-emphasis on one or several aspects of the development of language has been responsible for the claim of each method of having unique value. Teachers should adopt the philosophy of language learning as a multivariate approach and accordingly of ensuring that methodological decisions are open to new adaptations and contributions, in most of which there is a grain of truth. Theorists and practitioners are sharing a feeling that effective techniques need to be based on the consideration of many facets and that any one particular method should be envisaged only as a partial set of principles and strategies to be integrated in a more comprehensive, procedural framework

    An Effective Way of Teaching English Grammar to Improve Communicative Competence in an EFL Environment

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    The purpose of this study is intended to explore an effective way of teaching English grammar, which is geared toward improving students' communicative competence in the English languagemoreover, they ought to be schooled in the grammar so that they may develop their grammatical knowledge and abilities to commonly apply it, both of which are going along with each other as their foundation of communicative competence. Thus, this study is proposed for the grammar instructions placing the focus upon the improvement in communicative competence. First, it is logically effective to explain the form, meaning and pragmatics of the English grammatical rules to such learners in an EFL environment. Second, the learners ought to be given the instructions concerned with grammatical patterns dealing altogether with the language constructions, structures, and meaning which can enable them to produce correct sentences or expressions by themselves. Third, the learners have to understand grammatical structures and the meaning expressed by the structures on the basis of word orders. Therefore, the reasonably suggested steps, so far, of grammar instructions are as follows. In the first step of grammatical instructions, such students in an EFL environment must learn and understand the illustrations of grammatical structures which show both grammatical rules and communicative functions. In the second step, they are further brought to repeated practices of grammatical constructions enough to unconsciously make practical application of them. And lastly, their communicative practices, such as descriptions and role plays, are sure to include proper grammar instructions of integrating grammar practices and communicative language usages, especially with regards to their particular meanings.because grammatical competence is extremely important to communicative competence. Seemingly it is essential to enhance grammatical competence in terms of acquiring communicative competence as well. Because grammatical knowledge can never be unconsciously acquired by the students in an EFL environment, such as in Korea. Therefore, the learners have to take English grammar courses1. ì„œëĄ                       3 2. 돞ëČ•ì  ëŠ„ë „êłŒ ì˜ì‚Źì†Œí†”ëŠ„ë „           6 2.1 돞ëČ•ì˜ 정의                  6 2.2 ì˜ì‚Źì†Œí†”ëŠ„ë „                 8 2.3 ì˜ì‚Źì†Œí†” 유형의 ê”Źë¶„             9 2.4 돞ëČ•ëŠ„ë „ì— 대한 학슔자의 신념         11 3. 의식적 돞ëČ•ê”ìœĄì˜ 필요성            13 3.1 ìŽëĄ ì  êł ì°°                  13 3.2 돞ëČ•ê”ìœĄì— 대한 학슔자듀의 ìš”ê”Ź        14 3.3 ì˜ì–ŽëŹžëČ•ì§€ë„ì™€ ì˜ì–Žê”ìœĄ            16 4. 볮펾묾ëȕ ìŽëĄ êłŒ 제 2 얞얎슔득 ì—°ê”Ź        19 5. ì˜ì–Žê”ìœĄì— 유용한 돞ëČ•ìŽëĄ  개ꎀ         23 5.1 ëȘšê”­ì–Ž ìŠ”ë“êłŒ 제 2 ì–žì–Ž 슔득         23 5.2 읞지늄렄의 작용               25 5.3 ìŠ”êŽ€êłŒ 찜의성                25 5.4 읎핎와 연슔                 26 5.5 얞얎간의 ëŒ€ìĄ°ë¶„ì„              27 6. 돞ëČ•ìŽëĄ ì„ 적용시킚 돞ëČ•ê”ìœĄ         29 6.1 돞ëČ•ê·œìč™ì˜ ì„€ëȘ…               29 6.2 ê”ŹëŹžíŒší„Žì— 대한 지도            31 6.3 얎순에 귌거한 돞ëČ•ì§€ë„           37 7. 돞ëČ•ì§€ë„ ë‹šêł„                40 7.1 예시화 ë‹šêł„                 41 7.2 연슔 ë‹šêł„                  43 7.3 ì˜ì‚Źì†Œí†” ë‹šêł„                46 8. êȰ률                     48 ì°žêł ëŹží—Œ                     5

    Psycho-Social Factors Influencing the Learning of a Second or a Foreign Language

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    Problem. With bilingualism now a world-wide phenomenon, language has become a powerful force for unity both at home and abroad. This, along with increased immigration, has emphasized the need for the study of second or foreign languages. In the United States, bilingualism and the learning of English as a second language are outstanding educational problems. Psycho-socio-cultural factors, attitudes, and motivation affect second language learning perhaps even more than age, aptitude, or methodology. The second language teacher must be aware of the existence and importance of these factors and their inherent problems. This study sought to classify and rate the importance of certain factors influencing the learning of a second language; to compare the interests, attitudes, activities, concerns, and study habits of students learning English as a second language with those of students learning French, German, and Spanish; and to recommend a counseling-teaching approach which would alleviate psychosocial or socio-cultural problems related to the learning of a second language. Method. Forty- four teachers and forty-five students responded to a Factor Rating List (FRL) to classify, rate, and rank factors influencing the learning of a second language. The Second Language Attitude Questionnaire (SLAQ) was administered to one hundred and eighty-nine students in the French, German, Spanish, and English as a second language (ESL) classes at Andrews University during the winter quarter, 1978. The questionnaire was used to compare six variables related to learning a second language: interests, importance, attitudes, activities, satisfaction, and study habits. Five null hypotheses were tested using chi-square analysis, categorical scaling, product-moment correlation, paired-comparison scaling, multivariate analysis, and discriminant analysis. Findings. Teachers and students responded very similarly in most of their classifications of factors related to second language learning, classifying the majority of the factors as primarily pychosocial or socio-cultural. Both groups indicated that motivation and the willingness to learn and be taught were the most important factors. Hypothesis 1, that there is no significant difference in the classifications by teachers and students of a second language of certain factors related to the learning of a second or a foreign language, was partially supported. Hypotheses 2 and 3, that there is no significant correlation between the ratings and rankings of these factors, were both rejected. Results of the statistical tests for hypotheses 4 and 5 revealed significant differences in the responses of the language groups to the items in the six subscales of the SLAQ. The major differences among the groups were in their activities involving the use of the language, their satisfaction with various aspects of, and their attitudes towards, the learning of the language. The ESL students were generally more negative in their attitudes towards learning the language than were the students of Spanish, German, or French. There was no significant difference in the study habits of the four groups. Conclusions. Second language learning involves the interaction of motive, attitude, method, and teacher-student relations. Psycho-socio-cultural factors may determine the success or failure of second language learners. The teacher must be aware of these factors as he seeks to help the student. Teacher-student interaction is a primary step towards breaking down language and cultural barriers. A Counseling Approach for Language Teaching (CALT) will aid in understanding and alleviating psycho-socio-cultural problems related to learning a second or a foreign language