30 research outputs found

    Understanding Subcultures and Change Dynamics in E-Government: An Empirical Study of a Local Government in Malaysia

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    Governments worldwide are faced with a rapidly changing business environment, with reform and modernization at the forefront of many agendas. One country which has embarked on a significant programme of E-Government transformation is Malaysia. A key goal of E-Government transformation is to harness the potential of information communication technology (ICT), particularly web-based systems, to improve how governments function internally and externally (Moon et al. 2014). While ICT offers the potential to revolutionize how governments operate, the extent to which ICT is being used effectively to support E-Government services, particularly at the local government council level, has been brought into question (Wong et al. 2010). One important factor, which can act as an enabler or barrier (more often the latter) to E-Government, is organizational culture. Increasingly, researchers (e.g. Choudrie et al. 2010; Zhao and Khan, 2013) have suggested that a lack of effort in understanding organizational culture is a key reason why many E-Government change programs encounter problems. Regardless of the budding literature emphasizing the importance of understanding the relationship between organizational culture and E-Government, research on understanding different subcultures, and the dynamic of change, which influence the ability to manage and implement E-Government projects, still remains an area to be explored in more detail

    An exploration of the role of web and mobile social media in the implementation of e-Government in Malaysia

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    This paper reports on an exploratory study of the role of web and social media in e-governments, especially in the context of Malaysia, with some comparisons and contrasts from other countries where such governmental efforts have been underway for awhile. It describes the current e-government efforts in Malaysia, and proposes that applying a theoretical framework would help understand the context and streamline these ongoing efforts. Specifically, it lays out a theoretical and cultural framework based on Mary Douglas’ (1996) Grid-Group Theory, Mircea Georgescu’s (2005) Three Pillars of E-Government, and Gerald Grant’s and Derek Chau’s (2006) Generic Framework for E-Government. Although this study is in its early stages, it has relevance to everyone who is interested in e-government efforts across the world, and especially relevant to developing countries

    Developing e-Services for Lagos State: Understanding the impact of Cultural Perceptions and Working Practices

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    The development of e-services is not only a technological phenomenon, but involves organizational and social complexities. In this paper, we build upon an interpretive case study, and examine Lagos State\u27s initiative, in order to showcase how the implementation of public sector e-services have been affected by organizational and cultural perceptions and the working practices of individuals in a developing country. This research provides insights for international organizations that determine the status of countries by providing online access, products and services to their citizens, and to Internet Service Providers who pursue new territories for the provision of new products and services. It also informs governments around the globe about cultural perceptions and working practices, thereby helping them determine their developmental progress and decide their future endeavors

    Determinants of continuance intention of user on smartphone-based traveller information systems in the greater Klang Valley

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    In these modern-days, the use of mobile traveller information service is pivotal in the efficient and effective running of the transportation system for an urban area. The role of urban facilities managers in urban transportation planning is to develop a plan to provide drivers with real-time traveller information services to enable regional economic growth and transition. Existing research in the mobile information traveller information services area has not deeply investigated the determinants of continuance intention to use smartphone-based traveller information systems (STIS). The purpose of this study is to attempt to do so by investigating STIS users’ continuance intention at the post-adoption phase. This study developed and validated an extended framework based on the expectation-confirmation model (ECM). The 280 STIS users from the Klang Valley highways and major streets participated in the study. The extended ECM results revealed that STIS users’ continuance intention is determined by perceived enjoyment and perceived usefulness of continued STIS use, followed by satisfaction with STIS use. In this study, satisfaction and perceived usefulness are determined primarily by confirmation of expectation from participants’ previous use, except for the perceived enjoyment. The findings of this study have implications for the transportation sectors in planning their strategies to increase users’ continuance intention to use STIS services. Most of the current literature in mobile information services studies focused only on pre-adoption and have paid little attention to user’s continuance intention, especially in the context of smartphone apps or electronic information in the transportation system services. This study fills the theoretical and practical gaps by focusing on the post-adoption phase and developed an extended framework based on the ECM to explain the STIS continuance intention context. In addition, the topic is timely, as mobile information services have been flourishing in the current worldwide transportation sector services

    Digitalisering i offentlig sektor: En single case studie av lĂžsningen SvarUt

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    I denne studien skal jeg utforske mulighetene og utfordringene som finnes ved innfÞring av digitale lÞsninger i offentlig sektor. Det er utfÞrt en singel case studie for Ä fÄ tatt et dypdykk ned i en spesifikk teknologi, SvarUt. FormÄlet med studien er Ä Þke forstÄelsen rundt hvordan digitalisering av offentlig sektor fungerer i praksis. Ved Ä undersÞke ett spesifikt case, SvarUt i Stavanger kommune, kan vi innhente et tydelig bilde av hvordan teknologi kan skape muligheter. Videre kan man ogsÄ fÄ frem utfordringer som kan vÊre med pÄ Ä forme morgendagens teknologi. ForskningsspÞrsmÄlet er: Hvilke muligheter og utfordringer finnes ved bruk av lÞsningen SvarUt i kommunal sektor? For Ä svare pÄ forskningsspÞrsmÄlet ble det teoretiske rammeverket eGovWSF benyttet. Rammeverket er en videreutvikling av Work System Framework som passer bedre til Ä analysere informasjonsteknologi i offentlig sektor. Det ble gjennomfÞrt en kvalitativ studie med intervjuer av representanter fra Stavanger kommune, Kommunenes sentralforbund (KS) og andre leverandÞrer. I tillegg til intervjuer ble det innhentet dokumenter tilhÞrende Stavanger kommune, KS og andre relevante parter. Resultatene viser at SvarUt er en lÞsning som fungerer og som av flere blir kalt en suksesshistorie. LÞsningen gir muligheten for mer effektiv og trygg levering av bÄde vanlig og sensitiv dokumentasjon. Samtidig viser funnene at det finnes utfordringer som begrenser SvarUt som en god offentlig tjeneste. Noen av utfordringene som kommer frem er kompleksiteten i det offentlige, bÄde nÄr det kommer til utforming av interne strategier og sammensettingen av komponenter pÄ tvers av forvaltningsorganene. PÄ grunn av kompleksiteten skapes det for eksempel en stÞrre sÄrbarhet da systemet er avhengig av hvert eneste element for Ä fungere

    Factors influencing cloud computing adoption in Yemen higher education institutions

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    Cloud-based technology, which is now well established, helps reducing costs and providing accessibility, reliability and flexibility. However, the Yemen Higher educational system has not yet embraced cloud computing due to security and privacy concerns, lack of trust, negative cultural attitudes (i.e. tribalism), and most importantly, little digital devices experience in educational settings as well as lack of knowledge and technical know-how. Thus, this study proposes a conceptual model of cloud computing (CC) adoption in Yemen HEIs by investigating the influence of Technology, Organization and Environment (TOE) factors. In addition, this study investigates the moderating effect of tribalism culture in the relationships between the identified factors and CC adoption. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches. A preliminary study through semi-structured interviews with ten (10) participants from top management of HEIs to refine and confirm the proposed model. The quantitative approach was used to determine the factors that influence CC adoption in Yemen HEIs through a questionnaire survey. Data were collected from 328 respondents in 38 HEIs and analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results showed that relative advantage, reliability, compatibility, security, technology readiness, top management support, regulatory policy and competitive pressure have a positive significant impact on CC adoption. However, tribalism culture has a negative significant impact towards CC adoption. The study also found that tribalism culture moderates the relationship between compatibility, reliability, security, relative advantage, regulatory policy and CC adoption. This study contributes to TOE model adoption by including the cultural factor as a moderator towards CC adoption in Yemen HEIs. The study also provides a model and insights for HEIs, technology consultants, vendors and policy makers in better understanding of the factors that influence CC adoption in least developed countries (LDCs), specifically, Yemen

    A model for citizens' self-knowledge that influences intention to participate in e-government public decision making

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    The success of an e-government information system could be determined by the citizens' intention to participate in public decision-making to use the technology for future benefits. There is lack of participation of citizens in e-governments implementation in most developing countries where their opinions are not taken into considerations. This study has been conducted to identify the citizens' intentions to participate in the public decision-making of the e-government. The first objective of this research is to identify the factors that influence the citizens' intention to participate in the public decision-making of the e-government. The second objective examines the citizens‘ self-knowledge characteristics that will moderate the relationship between the influencing factors and the citizens‘ intentions to participate in the public decision-making of the e-government. The third objective is the development of a research model of the citizens' intentions to participate in the public decision-making of the e-government. The research utilised the quantitative approach by distributing 501 questionnaires to four groups of respondents. Only 474 questionnaires were usable, representing a 94.6 % rate. The data was analysed utilising SPSS v21 to examine the relationships between the study‘s contributing factors with the moderators. The following factors, the attitude towards act or behaviour (ATB), subjective norms (SN), social influence (SI), facilitating condition (FC), compatibility (CO), and culture (CU), were identified to influence citizen intention to participate. Their different requirements have a potential impact on the public decision-making in the e-government. The research also took into consideration other factors which would contribute as moderator factors like gender, age, level of education, social group, working sector, and Internet experiences. The research has contributed to the body of knowledge by merging the concepts of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), two concepts from the UTAUT2 theory, and one concept from the DOI theory in this research. A model for citizens‘ self-knowledge that influences intention to participate in e-government public decision making is presented

    Exploring the problems, issues and challenges of e - government in Kiribati

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    The use of e-government to deliver public service is a recent phenomenon for the small island developing states (SIDS) . This paper uses the Contingency approach to explore e-government in Kiribati. The Contingency approach is chosen for his paper on the grounds that it is able to adequately explain the ‘situational factors’ that affect the provision and delivery of e-government services in the context of Kiribati. Some of the situational factors present in the small island developing states that affect the provision and delivery of e-government services are poor infrastructure environment, technological environment, political environment, socio-economic conditions and dispersed geographical environment. The findings from this study showed that some of the problems, issues and challenges of e-government in Kiribati are poor internet connectivity, poor infrastructure environment, technical problems in developing and maintaining e-government website, low level of computer literacy rate, low level of computer and internet access, cultural issues and digital divide, lack of awareness on e-government services, privacy and trust issues, and language problems on the e-government website. Some of the ways how these problems can be addressed are development of infrastructure environment, training and development of staff, integrating e-government dynamics in the school curriculum, financial support, improving the e-government website and increasing awareness on e-government service, privacy and trust issues, and language problems on the e-government website. Some of the ways how these problems can be addressed are development of infrastructure environment, training and development of staff, integrating e-government dynamics in the school curriculum, financial support, improving the e-government website and increasing awareness on e-government service

    Developing e-services for Lagos State: Understanding the impact of cultural perceptions and working practices

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    The development of e-services is not only a technological phenomenon, but involves organizational and social complexities. In this paper, we build upon an interpretive case study, and examine Lagos State’s initiative, in order to showcase how the implementation of public sector e-services have been affected by organizational and cultural perceptions and the working practices of individuals in a developing country. This research provides insights for international organizations that determine the status of countries by providing online access, products and services to their citizens, and to Internet Service Providers who pursue new territories for the provision of new products and services. It also informs governments around the globe about cultural perceptions and working practices, thereby helping them determine their developmental progress and decide their future endeavors

    Co-creation of value model for E-service system of Malaysian E-government using hermeneutic phenomenology approach

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    Malaysian Government has placed high hopes 011 E-Service System (ESS) to facilitate Government to Citizen (G2C). ESS manages the operations in order to enhance a convenient lifestyle and most importantly to attract higher involvement of users. Previous studies have demonstrated remarkable dominant requirement of citizen in ESS context. Furthermore, investigations related to co-creation of ESS for G2C from end-user perspectives have been rarely explored in previous studies. Therefore, it is important to investigate co-creation of ESS for G2C. The aim of this study is to provide insight within the context of co-creation of ESS for G2C to understand the potential determinants that drive successful G2C implementation. This hermeneutic phenomenology case study integrates Co- Creation of Value with Activity Theory as theoretical fundamental in developing the Co-Creation of Value Model (COVA) of ESS for G2C Model. In Phase I, this research describes ESS study to identify common issues, followed with literature review analysis to analyse Co-Creation influences. In Phase II and Phase III, both focus group discussion and expert in depth interviews were conducted which involved twenty four end-users and seven experts of ESS through purposive sampling. Finally, in Phase XV the development of COVA model proceeds with expert validation. The result indicates loyalty and adaptability as enriching experience for end-users meanwhile provider’s value and approach serve as potential value for service provider as source for continual use of the ESS. In addition, the significant value for exchange and learning reduce to 30% of total service failure of ESS on the G2C dimension. Moreover, the Co-Creation factors will complement G2C service success especially in narrowing the gap between human and system