2,937 research outputs found

    Crystallization in large wireless networks

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    We analyze fading interference relay networks where M single-antenna source-destination terminal pairs communicate concurrently and in the same frequency band through a set of K single-antenna relays using half-duplex two-hop relaying. Assuming that the relays have channel state information (CSI), it is shown that in the large-M limit, provided K grows fast enough as a function of M, the network "decouples" in the sense that the individual source-destination terminal pair capacities are strictly positive. The corresponding required rate of growth of K as a function of M is found to be sufficient to also make the individual source-destination fading links converge to nonfading links. We say that the network "crystallizes" as it breaks up into a set of effectively isolated "wires in the air". A large-deviations analysis is performed to characterize the "crystallization" rate, i.e., the rate (as a function of M,K) at which the decoupled links converge to nonfading links. In the course of this analysis, we develop a new technique for characterizing the large-deviations behavior of certain sums of dependent random variables. For the case of no CSI at the relay level, assuming amplify-and-forward relaying, we compute the per source-destination terminal pair capacity for M,K converging to infinity, with K/M staying fixed, using tools from large random matrix theory.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, submitted to journal IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Asymptotic Capacity and Optimal Precoding Strategy of Multi-Level Precode & Forward in Correlated Channels

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    We analyze a multi-level MIMO relaying system where a multiple-antenna transmitter sends data to a multipleantenna receiver through several relay levels, also equipped with multiple antennas. Assuming correlated fading in each hop, each relay receives a faded version of the signal transmitted by the previous level, performs precoding on the received signal and retransmits it to the next level. Using free probability theory and assuming that the noise power at the relay levels - but not at the receiver - is negligible, a closed-form expression of the end-to-end asymptotic instantaneous mutual information is derived as the number of antennas in all levels grow large with the same rate. This asymptotic expression is shown to be independent from the channel realizations, to only depend on the channel statistics and to also serve as the asymptotic value of the end-to-end average mutual information. We also provide the optimal singular vectors of the precoding matrices that maximize the asymptotic mutual information : the optimal transmit directions represented by the singular vectors of the precoding matrices are aligned on the eigenvectors of the channel correlation matrices, therefore they can be determined only using the known statistics of the channel matrices and do not depend on a particular channel realization.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to be published in proceedings of IEEE Information Theory Workshop 200

    Approximating Mexican highways with slime mould

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    Plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum is a single cell visible by unaided eye. During its foraging behavior the cell spans spatially distributed sources of nutrients with a protoplasmic network. Geometrical structure of the protoplasmic networks allows the plasmodium to optimize transport of nutrients between remote parts of its body. Assuming major Mexican cities are sources of nutrients how much structure of Physarum protoplasmic network correspond to structure of Mexican Federal highway network? To find an answer undertook a series of laboratory experiments with living Physarum polycephalum. We represent geographical locations of major cities by oat flakes, place a piece of plasmodium in Mexico city area, record the plasmodium's foraging behavior and extract topology of nutrient transport networks. Results of our experiments show that the protoplasmic network formed by Physarum is isomorphic, subject to limitations imposed, to a network of principle highways. Ideas and results of the paper may contribute towards future developments in bio-inspired road planning

    Physics-inspired methods for networking and communications

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    Advances in statistical physics relating to our understanding of large-scale complex systems have recently been successfully applied in the context of communication networks. Statistical mechanics methods can be used to decompose global system behavior into simple local interactions. Thus, large-scale problems can be solved or approximated in a distributed manner with iterative lightweight local messaging. This survey discusses how statistical physics methodology can provide efficient solutions to hard network problems that are intractable by classical methods. We highlight three typical examples in the realm of networking and communications. In each case we show how a fundamental idea of statistical physics helps solve the problem in an efficient manner. In particular, we discuss how to perform multicast scheduling with message passing methods, how to improve coding using the crystallization process, and how to compute optimal routing by representing routes as interacting polymers

    Deep Learning Reveals Underlying Physics of Light-matter Interactions in Nanophotonic Devices

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    In this paper, we present a deep learning-based (DL-based) algorithm, as a purely mathematical platform, for providing intuitive understanding of the properties of electromagnetic (EM) wave-matter interaction in nanostructures. This approach is based on using the dimensionality reduction (DR) technique to significantly reduce the dimensionality of a generic EM wave-matter interaction problem without imposing significant error. Such an approach implicitly provides useful information about the role of different features (or design parameters such as geometry) of the nanostructure in its response functionality. To demonstrate the practical capabilities of this DL-based technique, we apply it to a reconfigurable optical metadevice enabling dual-band and triple-band optical absorption in the telecommunication window. Combination of the proposed approach with existing commercialized full-wave simulation tools offers a powerful toolkit to extract basic mechanisms of wave-matter interaction in complex EM devices and facilitate the design and optimization of nanostructures for a large range of applications including imaging, spectroscopy, and signal processing. It is worth to mention that the demonstrated approach is general and can be used in a large range of problems as long as enough training data can be provided

    Throughput Scaling of Wireless Networks With Random Connections

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    This work studies the throughput scaling laws of ad hoc wireless networks in the limit of a large number of nodes. A random connections model is assumed in which the channel connections between the nodes are drawn independently from a common distribution. Transmitting nodes are subject to an on-off strategy, and receiving nodes employ conventional single-user decoding. The following results are proven: 1) For a class of connection models with finite mean and variance, the throughput scaling is upper-bounded by O(n1/3)O(n^{1/3}) for single-hop schemes, and O(n1/2)O(n^{1/2}) for two-hop (and multihop) schemes. 2) The Θ(n1/2)\Theta (n^{1/2}) throughput scaling is achievable for a specific connection model by a two-hop opportunistic relaying scheme, which employs full, but only local channel state information (CSI) at the receivers, and partial CSI at the transmitters. 3) By relaxing the constraints of finite mean and variance of the connection model, linear throughput scaling Θ(n)\Theta (n) is achievable with Pareto-type fading models.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Англійська мова для навчання і роботи Т. 4. Професійне іншомовне письмо

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    Подано всі види діяльності студентів з вивчення англійської мови, спрямовані на розвиток мовної поведінки, необхідної для ефективного спілкування в академічному та професійному середовищах. Містить завдання і вправи, типові для різноманітних академічних та професійних сфер і ситуацій. Структура організації змісту – модульна, охоплює певні мовленнєві вміння залежно від мовної поведінки. Даний модуль має на меті розвиток у студентів умінь і навичок писемного спілкування, що пов’язане з майбутньою професією студентів, та основ медіації і письмового перекладу, які спрямовані на розвиток умінь писати тексти різних типів і жанрів, такі як резюме, листи, анотації тощо. Ресурси для самостійної роботи (частина ІІ) містять завдання та вправи для розвитку словникового запасу та розширення діапазону функціональних зразків, необхідних для виконання певних функцій, та завдання, які спрямовані на організацію самостійної роботи студентів. За допомогою засобів діагностики (частина ІІІ) студенти можуть самостійно перевірити засвоєння навчального матеріалу та оцінити свої досягнення. Граматичні явища і вправи для їх засвоєння наводяться в томі 5. Призначений для студентів технічних університетів гірничого профілю. Може використовуватися для викладання вибіркових курсів з англійської мови, а також для самостійного вивчення англійської мови викладачами, фахівцями і науковцями різних інженерних галузей