17 research outputs found

    MCMC Learning

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    The theory of learning under the uniform distribution is rich and deep, with connections to cryptography, computational complexity, and the analysis of boolean functions to name a few areas. This theory however is very limited due to the fact that the uniform distribution and the corresponding Fourier basis are rarely encountered as a statistical model. A family of distributions that vastly generalizes the uniform distribution on the Boolean cube is that of distributions represented by Markov Random Fields (MRF). Markov Random Fields are one of the main tools for modeling high dimensional data in many areas of statistics and machine learning. In this paper we initiate the investigation of extending central ideas, methods and algorithms from the theory of learning under the uniform distribution to the setup of learning concepts given examples from MRF distributions. In particular, our results establish a novel connection between properties of MCMC sampling of MRFs and learning under the MRF distribution.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    From average case complexity to improper learning complexity

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    The basic problem in the PAC model of computational learning theory is to determine which hypothesis classes are efficiently learnable. There is presently a dearth of results showing hardness of learning problems. Moreover, the existing lower bounds fall short of the best known algorithms. The biggest challenge in proving complexity results is to establish hardness of {\em improper learning} (a.k.a. representation independent learning).The difficulty in proving lower bounds for improper learning is that the standard reductions from NP\mathbf{NP}-hard problems do not seem to apply in this context. There is essentially only one known approach to proving lower bounds on improper learning. It was initiated in (Kearns and Valiant 89) and relies on cryptographic assumptions. We introduce a new technique for proving hardness of improper learning, based on reductions from problems that are hard on average. We put forward a (fairly strong) generalization of Feige's assumption (Feige 02) about the complexity of refuting random constraint satisfaction problems. Combining this assumption with our new technique yields far reaching implications. In particular, 1. Learning DNF\mathrm{DNF}'s is hard. 2. Agnostically learning halfspaces with a constant approximation ratio is hard. 3. Learning an intersection of Ο‰(1)\omega(1) halfspaces is hard.Comment: 34 page

    Homomorphic evaluation requires depth

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    We show that homomorphic evaluation of any non-trivial functionality of sufficiently many inputs with respect to any CPA secure homomorphic encryption scheme cannot be implemented by circuits of polynomial size and constant depth, i.e., in the class AC0. In contrast, we observe that there exist ordinary public-key encryption schemes of quasipolynomial security in AC0 assuming noisy parities are exponentially hard to learn. We view this as evidence that homomorphic evaluation is inherently more complex than basic operations in encryption schemes

    Low-degree learning and the metric entropy of polynomials

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    Let Fn,d\mathscr{F}_{n,d} be the class of all functions f:{βˆ’1,1}nβ†’[βˆ’1,1]f:\{-1,1\}^n\to[-1,1] on the nn-dimensional discrete hypercube of degree at most dd. In the first part of this paper, we prove that any (deterministic or randomized) algorithm which learns Fn,d\mathscr{F}_{n,d} with L2L_2-accuracy Ξ΅\varepsilon requires at least Ξ©((1βˆ’Ξ΅)2dlog⁑n)\Omega((1-\sqrt{\varepsilon})2^d\log n) queries for large enough nn, thus establishing the sharpness as nβ†’βˆžn\to\infty of a recent upper bound of Eskenazis and Ivanisvili (2021). To do this, we show that the L2L_2-packing numbers M(Fn,d,βˆ₯β‹…βˆ₯L2,Ξ΅)\mathsf{M}(\mathscr{F}_{n,d},\|\cdot\|_{L_2},\varepsilon) of the concept class Fn,d\mathscr{F}_{n,d} satisfy the two-sided estimate c(1βˆ’Ξ΅)2dlog⁑n≀log⁑M(Fn,d,βˆ₯β‹…βˆ₯L2,Ξ΅)≀2Cdlog⁑nΞ΅4c(1-\varepsilon)2^d\log n \leq \log \mathsf{M}(\mathscr{F}_{n,d},\|\cdot\|_{L_2},\varepsilon) \leq \frac{2^{Cd}\log n}{\varepsilon^4} for large enough nn, where c,C>0c, C>0 are universal constants. In the second part of the paper, we present a logarithmic upper bound for the randomized query complexity of classes of bounded approximate polynomials whose Fourier spectra are concentrated on few subsets. As an application, we prove new estimates for the number of random queries required to learn approximate juntas of a given degree, functions with rapidly decaying Fourier tails and constant depth circuits of given size. Finally, we obtain bounds for the number of queries required to learn the polynomial class Fn,d\mathscr{F}_{n,d} without error in the query and random example models

    Learning Versus Pseudorandom Generators in Constant Parallel Time

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    Cryptographic Sensing

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    Is it possible to measure a physical object in a way that makes the measurement signals unintelligible to an external observer? Alternatively, can one learn a natural concept by using a contrived training set that makes the labeled examples useless without the line of thought that has led to their choice? We initiate a study of ``cryptographic sensing\u27\u27 problems of this type, presenting definitions, positive and negative results, and directions for further research