7 research outputs found

    TFHE-rs: A library for safe and secure remote computing using fully homomorphic encryption and trusted execution environments

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    Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) and Trusted Execution Environ-ments (TEEs) are complementing approaches that can both secure computa-tions running remotely on a public cloud. Existing FHE schemes are, however, malleable by design and lack integrity protection, making them susceptible to integrity breaches where an adversary could modify the data and corrupt the output. This paper describes how both confidentiality and integrity of remote compu-tations can be assured by combining FHE with hardware based secure enclave technologies. We provide a software library for performing FHE within the Intel SGX TEE, written in the memory-safe programming language Rust to strengthen the internal safety of software and reduce its attack surface. We evaluate a sample application written with our library. We demonstrate that we can feasibly combine these concepts and provide stronger security guar-antees with a minimal development effort

    Correlated Product Security from Any One-Way Function

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    It is well-known that the k-wise product of one-way functions remains one-way, but may no longer be when the k inputs are correlated. At TCC 2009, Rosen and Segev introduced a new notion known as Correlated Product secure functions. These functions have the property that a k-wise product of them remains one-way even under correlated inputs. Rosen and Segev gave a construction of injective trapdoor functions which were correlated product secure from the existence of Lossy Trapdoor Functions (introduced by Peikert and Waters in STOC 2008). The first main result of this work shows the surprising fact that a family of correlated prod-uct secure functions can be constructed from any one-way function. Because correlated product secure functions are trivially one-way, this shows an equivalence between the existence of these two cryptographic primitives. In the second main result of this work, we consider a natural decisional variant of correlated product security. Roughly, a family of functions are Decisional Correlated Product (DCP) secure if f1(x1),..., fk(x1) is indistinguishable from f1(x1),..., fk(xk) when x1,..., xk are chosen uniformly at random


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    Generalized Selective Decryption (GSD), introduced by Panjwani [TCC’07], is a game for a symmetric encryption scheme Enc that captures the difficulty of proving adaptive security of certain protocols, most notably the Logical Key Hierarchy (LKH) multicast encryption protocol. In the GSD game there are n keys k1,..., kn, which the adversary may adaptively corrupt (learn); moreover, it can ask for encryptions Encki (kj) of keys under other keys. The adversary’s task is to distinguish keys (which it cannot trivially compute) from random. Proving the hardness of GSD assuming only IND-CPA security of Enc is surprisingly hard. Using “complexity leveraging” loses a factor exponential in n, which makes the proof practically meaningless. We can think of the GSD game as building a graph on n vertices, where we add an edge i → j when the adversary asks for an encryption of kj under ki. If restricted to graphs of depth ℓ, Panjwani gave a reduction that loses only a factor exponential in ℓ (not n). To date, this is the only non-trivial result known for GSD. In this paper we give almost-polynomial reductions for large classes of graphs. Most importantly, we prove the security of the GSD game restricted to trees losing only a quasi-polynomial factor n3 log n+5. Trees are an important special case capturing real-world protocols like the LKH protocol. Our new bound improves upon Panjwani’s on some LKH variants proposed in the literature where the underlying tree is not balanced. Our proof builds on ideas from the “nested hybrids” technique recently introduced by Fuchsbauer et al. [Asiacrypt’14] for proving the adaptive security of constrained PRFs

    On the State of Crypto-Agility

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    The demand for crypto-agility, although dating back for more than two decades, recently started to increase in the light of the expected post-quantum cryptography (PQC) migration. Nevertheless, it started to evolve into a science on its own. Therefore, it is important to establish a unified definition of the notion, as well as its related aspects, scope, and practical applications. This paper presents a literature survey on crypto-agility and discusses respective development efforts categorized into different areas, including requirements, characteristics, and possible challenges. We explore the need for crypto-agility beyond PQC algorithms and security protocols and shed some light on current solutions, existing automation mechanisms, and best practices in this field. We evaluate the state of readiness for crypto-agility, and offer a discussion on the identified open issues. The results of our survey indicate a need for a comprehensive understanding. Further, more agile design paradigms are required in developing new IT systems, and in refactoring existing ones, in order to realize crypto-agility on a broad scale

    Efficient Protocols for Multi-Party Computation

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    Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) allows a group of parties to compute a join function on their inputs without revealing any information beyond the result of the computation. We demonstrate secure function evaluation protocols for branching programs, where the communication complexity is linear in the size of the inputs, and polynomial in the security parameter. Our result is based on the circular security of the Paillier\u27s encryption scheme. Our work followed the breakthrough results by Boyle et al. [9; 11]. They presented a Homomorphic Secret Sharing scheme which allows the non-interactive computation of Branching Programs over shares of the secret inputs. Their protocol is based on the Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption. Additionally, we offer a verification technique to directly check correctness of the actual computation, rather than the absence of a potential error as in [9]. This results in fewer repetitions of the overall computation for a given error bound. We also use Paillier’s encryption as the underlying scheme of publicly perceptual hashing. Perceptual hashing allows the computation of a robust fingerprint of media files, such that the fingerprint can be used to detect the same object even if it has been modified in per- ceptually non-significant ways (e.g., compression). The robustness of such functions relies on the use of secret keys both during the computation and the detection phase. We present examples of publicly evaluatable perceptual hash functions which allow a user to compute the perceptual hash of an image using a public key, while only the detection algorithm will use the secret key. Our technique can be used to encourage users to submit intimate images to blacklist databases to stop those images from ever being posted online – indeed using a publicly evaluatable perceptual hash function the user can privately submit the fingerprint, without ever revealing the image. We present formal definitions for the security of perceptual hash, a general theoretical result that uses Fully Homomorphic Encryption, and a specific construction using Paillier’s encryption. For the latter we show via extensive implementation tests that the cryptographic overhead can be made minimal, resulting in a very efficient construction

    On the Joint Security of Encryption and Signature, Revisited

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    Abstract. We revisit the topic of joint security for combined public key schemes, wherein a single keypair is used for both encryption and signature primitives in a secure manner. While breaking the principle of key separation, such schemes have attractive properties and are sometimes used in practice. We give a general construction for a combined public key scheme having joint security that uses IBE as a component and that works in the standard model. We provide a more efficient direct construction, also in the standard model. We then consider the problem of how to build signcryption schemes from jointly secure combined public key schemes. We provide a construction that uses any such scheme to produce a triple of schemes – signature, encryption, and signcryption – that are jointly secure in an appropriate and strong security model.

    Cryptographic agility and its relation to circular encryption

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    We initiate a provable-security treatment of cryptographic agility. A primitive (for example PRFs, authenticated encryption schemes or digital signatures) is agile when multiple, individually secure schemes can securely share the same key. We provide a surprising connection between two seemingly unrelated but challenging questions. The first, new to this paper, is whether wPRFs (weak-PRFs) are agile. The second, already posed several times in the literature, is whether every secure (IND-R) encryption scheme is secure when encrypting cycles. We resolve the second question in the negative and thereby the first as well. We go on to provide a comprehensive treatment of agility, with definitions for various different primitives. We explain the practical motivations for agility. We provide foundational results that show to what extent it is achievable and practical constructions to achieve it to the best extent possible. On the theoretical side our work uncovers new notions and relations and settles stated open questions, and on the practical side it serves t