104 research outputs found

    How blockchain impacts cloud-based system performance: a case study for a groupware communication application

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    This paper examines the performance trade-off when implementing a blockchain architecture for a cloud-based groupware communication application. We measure the additional cloud-based resources and performance costs of the overhead required to implement a groupware collaboration system over a blockchain architecture. To evaluate our groupware application, we develop measuring instruments for testing scalability and performance of computer systems deployed as cloud computing applications. While some details of our groupware collaboration application have been published in earlier work, in this paper we reflect on a generalized measuring method for blockchain-enabled applications which may in turn lead to a general methodology for testing cloud-based system performance and scalability using blockchain. Response time and transaction throughput metrics are collected for the blockchain implementation against the non-blockchain implementation and some conclusions are drawn about the additional resources that a blockchain architecture for a groupware collaboration application impose

    B-CoC: A Blockchain-Based Chain of Custody for Evidences Management in Digital Forensics

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    One of the main issues in digital forensics is the management of evidences. From the time of evidence collection until the time of their exploitation in a legal court, evidences may be accessed by multiple parties involved in the investigation that take temporary their ownership. This process, called Chain of Custody (CoC), must ensure that evidences are not altered during the investigation, despite multiple entities owned them, in order to be admissible in a legal court. Currently digital evidences CoC is managed entirely manually with entities involved in the chain required to fill in documents accompanying the evidence. In this paper, we propose a Blockchain-based Chain of Custody (B-CoC) to dematerialize the CoC process guaranteeing auditable integrity of the collected evidences and traceability of owners. We developed a prototype of B-CoC based on Ethereum and we evaluated its performance

    Oceanic Games: Centralization Risks and Incentives in Blockchain Mining

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    To participate in the distributed consensus of permissionless blockchains, prospective nodes -- or miners -- provide proof of designated, costly resources. However, in contrast to the intended decentralization, current data on blockchain mining unveils increased concentration of these resources in a few major entities, typically mining pools. To study strategic considerations in this setting, we employ the concept of Oceanic Games, Milnor and Shapley (1978). Oceanic Games have been used to analyze decision making in corporate settings with small numbers of dominant players (shareholders) and large numbers of individually insignificant players, the ocean. Unlike standard equilibrium models, they focus on measuring the value (or power) per entity and per unit of resource} in a given distribution of resources. These values are viewed as strategic components in coalition formations, mergers and resource acquisitions. Considering such issues relevant to blockchain governance and long-term sustainability, we adapt oceanic games to blockchain mining and illustrate the defined concepts via examples. The application of existing results reveals incentives for individual miners to merge in order to increase the value of their resources. This offers an alternative perspective to the observed centralization and concentration of mining power. Beyond numerical simulations, we use the model to identify issues relevant to the design of future cryptocurrencies and formulate prospective research questions.Comment: [Best Paper Award] at the International Conference on Mathematical Research for Blockchain Economy (MARBLE 2019


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    Blockchain Technology had the most effect on our ways of life in the most recent decade. Numerous individuals actually mistake Blockchain for Bit coin; however they are not the equivalent. Spot coin is an application that utilizes Blockchain innovation. Notwithstanding, as a dispersed innovation block chain as an amazing asset can be used for tremendous day by day life applications. There is a wide range of square chain applications going from digital money, hazard the executives, web of things (IoT), and monetary administrations to public and social administrations. Blockchain innovation has indicated its impressive versatility as of late as an assortment of market areas requires methods of incorporating its possibilities into their activities. Blockchain has various advantages, for example, decentralization, persistency, and secrecy and review capacity. There is a wide range of square chain applications going from digital currency, monetary administrations, hazard the executives, web of things IoT to public and social administrations. In spite of the fact that various examinations centre on utilizing the square chain innovation in different application viewpoints, there is no far reaching study on the square chain innovation in both mechanical and application points of view. To fill this hole, we direct an exhaustive overview on the square chain innovation. Specifically, this paper gives the square chain scientific categorization, presents run of the mill block chain agreement a calculation, surveys block chain applications and examines specialized difficulties just as late advances in handling the difficulties. Additionally, this paper likewise calls attention to the future bearings in the square chain innovation

    Transaction Propagation on Permissionless Blockchains: Incentive and Routing Mechanisms

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    Existing permissionless blockchain solutions rely on peer-to-peer propagation mechanisms, where nodes in a network transfer transaction they received to their neighbors. Unfortunately, there is no explicit incentive for such transaction propagation. Therefore, existing propagation mechanisms will not be sustainable in a fully decentralized blockchain with rational nodes. In this work, we formally define the problem of incentivizing nodes for transaction propagation. We propose an incentive mechanism where each node involved in the propagation of a transaction receives a share of the transaction fee. We also show that our proposal is Sybil-proof. Furthermore, we combine the incentive mechanism with smart routing to reduce the communication and storage costs at the same time. The proposed routing mechanism reduces the redundant transaction propagation from the size of the network to a factor of average shortest path length. The routing mechanism is built upon a specific type of consensus protocol where the round leader who creates the transaction block is known in advance. Note that our routing mechanism is a generic one and can be adopted independently from the incentive mechanism.Comment: 2018 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technolog
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