734 research outputs found

    Cryptanalysis of the Random Number Generator of the Windows Operating System

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    The pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) used by the Windows operating system is the most commonly used PRNG. The pseudo-randomness of the output of this generator is crucial for the security of almost any application running in Windows. Nevertheless, its exact algorithm was never published. We examined the binary code of a distribution of Windows 2000, which is still the second most popular operating system after Windows XP. (This investigation was done without any help from Microsoft.) We reconstructed, for the first time, the algorithm used by the pseudo-random number generator (namely, the function CryptGenRandom). We analyzed the security of the algorithm and found a non-trivial attack: given the internal state of the generator, the previous state can be computed in O(223)O(2^{23}) work (this is an attack on the forward-security of the generator, an O(1)O(1) attack on backward security is trivial). The attack on forward-security demonstrates that the design of the generator is flawed, since it is well known how to prevent such attacks. We also analyzed the way in which the generator is run by the operating system, and found that it amplifies the effect of the attacks: The generator is run in user mode rather than in kernel mode, and therefore it is easy to access its state even without administrator privileges. The initial values of part of the state of the generator are not set explicitly, but rather are defined by whatever values are present on the stack when the generator is called.Furthermore, each process runs a different copy of the generator, and the state of the generator is refreshed with system generated entropy only after generating 128 KBytes of output for the process running it. The result of combining this observation with our attack is that learning a single state may reveal 128 Kbytes of the past and future output of the generator. The implication of these findings is that a buffer overflow attack or a similar attack can be used to learn a single state of the generator, which can then be used to predict all random values, such as SSL keys, used by a process in all its past and future operation. This attack is more severe and more efficient than known attacks, in which an attacker can only learn SSL keys if it is controlling the attacked machine at the time the keys are used

    Design implementation and analysis of a dynamic cryptography algorithm with applications

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    Cryptographers need to provide the world with a new encryption standard. DES, the major encryption algorithm for the past fifteen years, is nearing the end of its useful life. Its 56-bit key size is vulnerable to a brute-force attack on powerful microprocessors and recent advances in linear cryptanalysis and differential cryptanalysis indicate that DES is vulnerable to other attacks as well. A more recent attack called XSL, proposes a new attack against AES and Serpent. The attack depends much more critically on the complexity of the nonlinear components than on the number of rounds. Ciphers with small S-boxes and simple structures are particularly vulnerable. Serpent has small S-boxes and a simple structure. AES has larger S-boxes, but a very simple algebraic description. If the attack is proven to be correct, cryptographers predict it to break AES with a 2; 80 complexity, over the coming years; Many of the other unbroken algorithms---Khufu, REDOC II, and IDEA---are protected by patents. RC2 is broken. The U.S. government has declassified the Skipjack algorithm in the Clipper and Capstone chips

    The Quasigroup Block Cipher and its Analysis

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    This thesis discusses the Quasigroup Block Cipher (QGBC) and its analysis. We first present the basic form of the QGBC and then follow with improvements in memory consumption and security. As a means of analyzing the system, we utilize tools such as the NIST Statistical Test Suite, auto and crosscorrelation, then linear and algebraic cryptanalysis. Finally, as we review the results of these analyses, we propose improvements and suggest an algorithm suitable for low-cost FPGA implementation

    Malicious Cryptology and Mathematics

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    Investigations of cellular automata-based stream ciphers

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    In this thesis paper, we survey the literature arising from Stephan Wolfram\u27s original paper, “Cryptography with Cellular Automata” [WOL86] that first suggested stream ciphers could be constructed with cellular automata. All published research directly and indirectly quoting this paper are summarized up until the present. We also present a novel stream cipher design called Sum4 that is shown to have good randomness properties and resistance to approximation using linear finite shift registers. Sum4 is further studied to determine its effective strength with respect to key size given that an attack with a SAT solver is more efficient than a bruteforce attack. Lastly, we give ideas for further research into improving the Sum4 cipher

    Trial encoding algorithms ensemble

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    Analysis of Password Cracking Methods & Applications

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    This project examines the nature of password cracking and modern applications. Several applications for different platforms are studied. Different methods of cracking are explained, including dictionary attack, brute force, and rainbow tables. Password cracking across different mediums is examined. Hashing and how it affects password cracking is discussed. An implementation of two hash-based password cracking algorithms is developed, along with experimental results of their efficiency