60 research outputs found

    KLEIN: A New Family of Lightweight Block Ciphers

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    Resource-efficient cryptographic primitives become fundamental for realizing both security and efficiency in embedded systems like RFID tags and sensor nodes. Among those primitives, lightweight block cipher plays a major role as a building block for security protocols. In this paper, we describe a new family of lightweight block ciphers named KLEIN, which is designed for resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and RFID tags. Compared to the related proposals, KLEIN has advantage in the software performance on legacy sensor platforms, while in the same time its hardware implementation can also be compact

    Symmetric block ciphers with a block length of 32 bit

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    Subject of the thesis at hand is the analysis of symmetric block ciphers with a block length of 32 bit. It is meant to give a comprising overview over the topic of 32 bit block ciphers. The topic is divided in the examination of three questions. It contains a list of state of the art block ciphers with a block length of 32 bit. The block ciphers are being described, focussing on the encryption function. An SPN-based cipher with 32 bit block length is being proposed by rescaling the AES cipher. The 32 bit block length results in certain security issues. These so called risk factors are analysed and mitigating measures are proposed. The result of the thesis is, that 32 bit block ciphers can be implemented in a secure manner. The use of 32 bit ciphers should be limited to specific use-cases and with a profound risk analysis, to determine the protection class of the data to be encrypted

    Security in 1-wire system : case study : Home automation /

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    La automatización de viviendas es un campo de la tecnología que siempre se encuentra en crecimiento, desarrollando sistemas que reducen los costos de los dispositivos. Por esto, se ha logrado que la domótica esté al alcance de todos. Desde la aparición de productos que permiten crear tu propio sistema domótico, y la reciente popularidad que ha tenido el Internet de las cosas (IoT), la industria de la automatización de viviendas ha cambiado mucho. Tener la habilidad de controlar dispositivos a través de Internet crea numerosas vulnerabilidades al sistema, permitiendo a un atacante controlar y ver todo lo que ocurre. En este trabajo se estudia un sistema domótico que usa 1-wire como protocolo de comunicación. Originalmente, el sistema carece de seguridad. Nuestro objetivo es implementar seguridad de la información a través de la encriptación de los comandos del sistema, para así poder proveer Confidencialidad, Integridad y Disponibilidad (CIA). Los resultados muestran no sólo la implementación exitosa del módulo criptográfico dentro del sistema domótico para proveer seguridad, sino que también se demuestra que añadir este proceso no afectaría el modo en que el usuario maneja sus dispositivos.Incluye referencias bibliográfica

    RECTANGLE: A Bit-slice Lightweight Block Cipher Suitable for Multiple Platforms

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    In this paper, we propose a new lightweight block cipher named RECTANGLE. The main idea of the design of RECTANGLE is to allow lightweight and fast implementations using bit-slice techniques. RECTANGLE uses an SP-network. The substitution layer consists of 16 4 x 4 S-boxes in parallel. The permutation layer is composed of 3 rotations. As shown in this paper, RECTANGLE offers great performance in both hardware and software environment, which provides enough flexibility for different application scenario. The following are 3 main advantages of RECTANGLE. First, RECTANGLE is extremely hardware-friendly. For the 80-bit key version, a one-cycle-per-round parallel implementation only needs 1600 gates for a throughput of 246 Kbits/sec at 100 KHz clock and an energy efficiency of 3.0 pJ/bit. Second, RECTANGLE achieves a very competitive software speed among the existing lightweight block ciphers due to its bit-slice style. Using 128-bit SSE instructions, a bit-slice implementation of RECTANGLE reaches an average encryption speed of about 3.9 cycles/byte for messages around 3000 bytes. Last, but not least, we propose new design criteria for the RECTANGLE S-box. Due to our careful selection of the S-box and the asymmetric design of the permutation layer, RECTANGLE achieves a very good security-performance tradeoff. Our extensive and deep security analysis shows that the highest number of rounds that we can attack, is 18 (out of 25)

    The LED Block Cipher

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    Abstract. We present a new block cipher LED. While dedicated to compact hardware implementation, and offering the smallest silicon footprint among comparable block ciphers, the cipher has been designed to simultaneously tackle three additional goals. First, we explore the role of an ultra-light (in fact non-existent) key schedule. Second, we consider the resistance of ciphers, and LED in particular, to related-key attacks: we are able to derive simple yet interesting AES-like security proofs for LED regarding related- or single-key attacks. And third, while we provide a block cipher that is very compact in hardware, we aim to maintain a reasonable performance profile for software implementation. Key words: lightweight, block cipher, RFID tag, AES.