1,645 research outputs found

    Synthetic Data for Video Surveillance Applications of Computer Vision: A Review

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    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in synthetic data for several computer vision applications, such as automotive, detection and tracking, surveillance, medical image analysis and robotics. Early use of synthetic data was aimed at performing controlled experiments under the analysis by synthesis approach. Currently, synthetic data are mainly used for training computer vision models, especially deep learning ones, to address well-known issues of real data, such as manual annotation effort, data imbalance and bias, and privacy-related restrictions. In this work, we survey the use of synthetic training data focusing on applications related to video surveillance, whose relevance has rapidly increased in the past few years due to their connection to security: crowd counting, object and pedestrian detection and tracking, behaviour analysis, person re-identification and face recognition. Synthetic training data are even more interesting in this kind of application, to address further, specific issues arising, e.g., from typically unconstrained image or video acquisition conditions and cross-scene application scenarios. We categorise and discuss the existing methods for creating synthetic data, analyse the synthetic data sets proposed in the literature for each of the considered applications, and provide an overview of their effectiveness as training data. We finally discuss whether and to what extent the existing synthetic data sets mitigate the issues of real data, highlight existing open issues, and suggest future research directions in this field

    Spatiotemporal Event Graphs for Dynamic Scene Understanding

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    Dynamic scene understanding is the ability of a computer system to interpret and make sense of the visual information present in a video of a real-world scene. In this thesis, we present a series of frameworks for dynamic scene understanding starting from road event detection from an autonomous driving perspective to complex video activity detection, followed by continual learning approaches for the life-long learning of the models. Firstly, we introduce the ROad event Awareness Dataset (ROAD) for Autonomous Driving, to our knowledge the first of its kind. Due to the lack of datasets equipped with formally specified logical requirements, we also introduce the ROad event Awareness Dataset with logical Requirements (ROAD-R), the first publicly available dataset for autonomous driving with requirements expressed as logical constraints, as a tool for driving neurosymbolic research in the area. Next, we extend event detection to holistic scene understanding by proposing two complex activity detection methods. In the first method, we present a deformable, spatiotemporal scene graph approach, consisting of three main building blocks: action tube detection, a 3D deformable RoI pooling layer designed for learning the flexible, deformable geometry of the constituent action tubes, and a scene graph constructed by considering all parts as nodes and connecting them based on different semantics. In a second approach evolving from the first, we propose a hybrid graph neural network that combines attention applied to a graph encoding of the local (short-term) dynamic scene with a temporal graph modelling the overall long-duration activity. Finally, the last part of the thesis is about presenting a new continual semi-supervised learning (CSSL) paradigm.Comment: PhD thesis, Oxford Brookes University, Examiners: Prof. Dima Damen and Dr. Matthias Rolf, 183 page

    Visual Analysis of Extremely Dense Crowded Scenes

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    Visual analysis of dense crowds is particularly challenging due to large number of individuals, occlusions, clutter, and fewer pixels per person which rarely occur in ordinary surveillance scenarios. This dissertation aims to address these challenges in images and videos of extremely dense crowds containing hundreds to thousands of humans. The goal is to tackle the fundamental problems of counting, detecting and tracking people in such images and videos using visual and contextual cues that are automatically derived from the crowded scenes. For counting in an image of extremely dense crowd, we propose to leverage multiple sources of information to compute an estimate of the number of individuals present in the image. Our approach relies on sources such as low confidence head detections, repetition of texture elements (using SIFT), and frequency-domain analysis to estimate counts, along with confidence associated with observing individuals, in an image region. Furthermore, we employ a global consistency constraint on counts using Markov Random Field which caters for disparity in counts in local neighborhoods and across scales. We tested this approach on crowd images with the head counts ranging from 94 to 4543 and obtained encouraging results. Through this approach, we are able to count people in images of high-density crowds unlike previous methods which are only applicable to videos of low to medium density crowded scenes. However, the counting procedure just outputs a single number for a large patch or an entire image. With just the counts, it becomes difficult to measure the counting error for a query image with unknown number of people. For this, we propose to localize humans by finding repetitive patterns in the crowd image. Starting with detections from an underlying head detector, we correlate them within the image after their selection through several criteria: in a pre-defined grid, locally, or at multiple scales by automatically finding the patches that are most representative of recurring patterns in the crowd image. Finally, the set of generated hypotheses is selected using binary integer quadratic programming with Special Ordered Set (SOS) Type 1 constraints. Human Detection is another important problem in the analysis of crowded scenes where the goal is to place a bounding box on visible parts of individuals. Primarily applicable to images depicting medium to high density crowds containing several hundred humans, it is a crucial pre-requisite for many other visual tasks, such as tracking, action recognition or detection of anomalous behaviors, exhibited by individuals in a dense crowd. For detecting humans, we explore context in dense crowds in the form of locally-consistent scale prior which captures the similarity in scale in local neighborhoods with smooth variation over the image. Using the scale and confidence of detections obtained from an underlying human detector, we infer scale and confidence priors using Markov Random Field. In an iterative mechanism, the confidences of detections are modified to reflect consistency with the inferred priors, and the priors are updated based on the new detections. The final set of detections obtained are then reasoned for occlusion using Binary Integer Programming where overlaps and relations between parts of individuals are encoded as linear constraints. Both human detection and occlusion reasoning in this approach are solved with local neighbor-dependent constraints, thereby respecting the inter-dependence between individuals characteristic to dense crowd analysis. In addition, we propose a mechanism to detect different combinations of body parts without requiring annotations for individual combinations. Once human detection and localization is performed, we then use it for tracking people in dense crowds. Similar to the use of context as scale prior for human detection, we exploit it in the form of motion concurrence for tracking individuals in dense crowds. The proposed method for tracking provides an alternative and complementary approach to methods that require modeling of crowd flow. Simultaneously, it is less likely to fail in the case of dynamic crowd flows and anomalies by minimally relying on previous frames. The approach begins with the automatic identification of prominent individuals from the crowd that are easy to track. Then, we use Neighborhood Motion Concurrence to model the behavior of individuals in a dense crowd, this predicts the position of an individual based on the motion of its neighbors. When the individual moves with the crowd flow, we use Neighborhood Motion Concurrence to predict motion while leveraging five-frame instantaneous flow in case of dynamically changing flow and anomalies. All these aspects are then embedded in a framework which imposes hierarchy on the order in which positions of individuals are updated. The results are reported on eight sequences of medium to high density crowds and our approach performs on par with existing approaches without learning or modeling patterns of crowd flow. We experimentally demonstrate the efficacy and reliability of our algorithms by quantifying the performance of counting, localization, as well as human detection and tracking on new and challenging datasets containing hundreds to thousands of humans in a given scene

    A Wide Area Multiview Static Crowd Estimation System Using UAV and 3D Training Simulator

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    Crowd size estimation is a challenging problem, especially when the crowd is spread over a significant geographical area. It has applications in monitoring of rallies and demonstrations and in calculating the assistance requirements in humanitarian disasters. Therefore, accomplishing a crowd surveillance system for large crowds constitutes a significant issue. UAV-based techniques are an appealing choice for crowd estimation over a large region, but they present a variety of interesting challenges, such as integrating per-frame estimates through a video without counting individuals twice. Large quantities of annotated training data are required to design, train, and test such a system. In this paper, we have first reviewed several crowd estimation techniques, existing crowd simulators and data sets available for crowd analysis. Later, we have described a simulation system to provide such data, avoiding the need for tedious and error-prone manual annotation. Then, we have evaluated synthetic video from the simulator using various existing single-frame crowd estimation techniques. Our findings show that the simulated data can be used to train and test crowd estimation, thereby providing a suitable platform to develop such techniques. We also propose an automated UAV-based 3D crowd estimation system that can be used for approximately static or slow-moving crowds, such as public events, political rallies, and natural or man-made disasters. We evaluate the results by applying our new framework to a variety of scenarios with varying crowd sizes. The proposed system gives promising results using widely accepted metrics including MAE, RMSE, Precision, Recall, and F1 score to validate the results

    Human Centered Computer Vision Techniques for Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems

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    Nowadays, intelligent video surveillance systems are being developed to support human operators in different monitoring and investigation tasks. Although relevant results have been achieved by the research community in several computer vision tasks, some real applications still exhibit several open issues. In this context, this thesis focused on two challenging computer vision tasks: person re-identification and crowd counting. Person re-identification aims to retrieve images of a person of interest, selected by the user, in different locations over time, reducing the time required to the user to analyse all the available videos. Crowd counting consists of estimating the number of people in a given image or video. Both tasks present several complex issues. In this thesis, a challenging video surveillance application scenario is considered in which it is not possible to collect and manually annotate images of a target scene (e.g., when a new camera installation is made by Law Enforcement Agency) to train a supervised model. Two human centered solutions for the above mentioned tasks are then proposed, in which the role of the human operators is fundamental. For person re-identification, the human-in-the-loop approach is proposed, which exploits the operator feedback on retrieved pedestrian images during system operation, to improve system's effectiveness. The proposed solution is based on revisiting relevance feedback algorithms for content-based image retrieval, and on developing a specific feedback protocol, to find a trade-off between the human effort and re-identification performance. For crowd counting, the use of a synthetic training set is proposed to develop a scene-specific model, based on a minimal amount of information of the target scene required to the user. Both solutions are empirically investigated using state-of-the-art supervised models based on Convolutional Neural Network, on benchmark data sets
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