18 research outputs found

    Cross-spectral analysis of physiological tremor and muscle activity. I. Theory and application to unsynchronized EMG

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    We investigate the relationship between the extensor electromyogram (EMG) and tremor time series in physiological hand tremor by cross-spectral analysis. Special attention is directed to the phase spectrum and the effects of observational noise. We calculate the theoretical phase spectrum for a second order linear stochastic process and compare the results to measured tremor data recorded from subjects who did not show a synchronized EMG activity in the corresponding extensor muscle. The results show that physiological tremor is well described by the proposed model and that the measured EMG represents a Newtonian force by which the muscle acts on the hand.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Biological Cybernetic

    Entrainment to extinction of physiological tremor by spindle afferent input

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    In this study the systematic modulation of wrist flexor muscle activity by imposed joint movement was examined. Ten subjects maintained a constant contraction level (25% of maximum; trial duration: 20 s) in flexor carpi radialis while their wrists were perturbed with 50 different quasi-sinusoidal signals (frequency range: 0.5 - 9.5 Hz; amplitude: 0.3° - 4.2°). Frequency spectra of wrist position and the rectified and filtered electromyogram (EMG) were determined. The muscle activity was only weakly entrained to imposed movements of small amplitude and low frequency, as shown by a small peak in the EMG spectrum at the frequency of movement, while the most prominent peak in the spectrum was between 9 - 15 Hz, corresponding to the frequency range of physiological tremor. The entrainment of muscle activity increased markedly as the amplitude and frequency of the imposed movement increased, to the point of saturation of modulation and harmonic peaks in the spectrum. In parallel with this increase in entrainment, the 9 - 15 Hz tremor peak was progressively extinguished. The results are consistent with a coupled oscillator model in which the central oscillatory source(s) of tremor became fully entrained to the imposed movement at the highest amplitudes and frequencies. Such coupling depends on communication between the external forcing oscillator and the central oscillator(s), the Ia afferent signal from the imposed movement being the most likely candidate to provide the entraining signal for the central oscillator(s)

    Entrainment to extinction of physiological tremor by spindle afferent input

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    In this study the systematic modulation of wrist flexor muscle activity by imposed joint movement was examined. Ten subjects maintained a constant contraction level (25% of maximum; trial duration: 20 s) in flexor carpi radialis while their wrists were perturbed with 50 different quasi-sinusoidal signals (frequency range: 0.5 - 9.5 Hz; amplitude: 0.3° - 4.2°). Frequency spectra of wrist position and the rectified and filtered electromyogram (EMG) were determined. The muscle activity was only weakly entrained to imposed movements of small amplitude and low frequency, as shown by a small peak in the EMG spectrum at the frequency of movement, while the most prominent peak in the spectrum was between 9 - 15 Hz, corresponding to the frequency range of physiological tremor. The entrainment of muscle activity increased markedly as the amplitude and frequency of the imposed movement increased, to the point of saturation of modulation and harmonic peaks in the spectrum. In parallel with this increase in entrainment, the 9 - 15 Hz tremor peak was progressively extinguished. The results are consistent with a coupled oscillator model in which the central oscillatory source(s) of tremor became fully entrained to the imposed movement at the highest amplitudes and frequencies. Such coupling depends on communication between the external forcing oscillator and the central oscillator(s), the Ia afferent signal from the imposed movement being the most likely candidate to provide the entraining signal for the central oscillator(s)

    Regular and stochastic behavior of Parkinsonian pathological tremor signals

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    Regular and stochastic behavior in the time series of Parkinsonian pathological tremor velocity is studied on the basis of the statistical theory of discrete non-Markov stochastic processes and flicker-noise spectroscopy. We have developed a new method of analyzing and diagnosing Parkinson's disease (PD) by taking into consideration discreteness, fluctuations, long- and short-range correlations, regular and stochastic behavior, Markov and non-Markov effects and dynamic alternation of relaxation modes in the initial time signals. The spectrum of the statistical non-Markovity parameter reflects Markovity and non-Markovity in the initial time series of tremor. The relaxation and kinetic parameters used in the method allow us to estimate the relaxation scales of diverse scenarios of the time signals produced by the patient in various dynamic states. The local time behavior of the initial time correlation function and the first point of the non-Markovity parameter give detailed information about the variation of pathological tremor in the local regions of the time series. The obtained results can be used to find the most effective method of reducing or suppressing pathological tremor in each individual case of a PD patient. Generally, the method allows one to assess the efficacy of the medical treatment for a group of PD patients.Comment: 39 pages, 10 figures, 1 table Physica A, in pres

    Pharmacological and Physiological Characterization of the Tremulous Jaw Movement Model of Parkinsonian Tremor: Potential Insights into the Pathophysiology of Tremor

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    Tremor is a cardinal symptom of parkinsonism, occurring early on in the disease course and affecting more than 70% of patients. Parkinsonian resting tremor occurs in a frequency range of 3–7 Hz and can be resistant to available pharmacotherapy. Despite its prevalence, and the significant decrease in quality of life associated with it, the pathophysiology of parkinsonian tremor is poorly understood. The tremulous jaw movement (TJM) model is an extensively validated rodent model of tremor. TJMs are induced by conditions that also lead to parkinsonism in humans (i.e., striatal DA depletion, DA antagonism, and cholinomimetic activity) and reversed by several antiparkinsonian drugs (i.e., DA precursors, DA agonists, anticholinergics, and adenosine A2A antagonists). TJMs occur in the same 3–7 Hz frequency range seen in parkinsonian resting tremor, a range distinct from that of dyskinesia (1–2 Hz), and postural tremor (8–14 Hz). Overall, these drug-induced TJMs share many characteristics with human parkinsonian tremor, but do not closely resemble tardive dyskinesia. The current review discusses recent advances in the validation of the TJM model, and illustrates how this model is being used to develop novel therapeutic strategies, both surgical and pharmacological, for the treatment of parkinsonian resting tremor

    Design of an Assistive Device for Older Age People Suffering from Essential Tremor

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    Essential tremor (ET) is a nerve disorder characterized by uncontrollable shaking, or "tremors," in different parts and on different sides of the body. Areas affected often include the hands, arms, head, larynx (voice box), tongue, and chin. The lower body is rarely affected. ET is not a life-threatening disorder, unless it prevents a person from caring for him or herself. Essential tremor is characterised by rhythmic shaking that occurs during voluntary movement or while holding a position against gravity. The two types of tremor include: Action tremor – a voluntary movement such as lifting a cup to one's mouth and Postural tremor – a voluntary holding of a position against gravity such as reaching or extending one's hand or arm. Most people with essential tremor experience both postural and action tremor. Most people are able to live normal lives with this condition -- although they may find everyday activities like eating, dressing, or writing difficult. It is only when the tremors become severe that they actually cause disability. So, the aim of this project is to design an assistive device for older age people suffering from essential disorder which can be able to nullify the tremor produced in the hand with maximum percentage of efficiency and ergonomically designed for easy use. The main objective of the project is focusing on the design of an intelligent device that can recognize the tremor automatically by differentiating the frequency at normal stage and at the shaking stage in order to accomplish the neutralizing effect in the shortest possible tim