46,344 research outputs found

    Cross-pose Facial Expression Recognition

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    In real world facial expression recognition (FER) applications, it is not practical for a user to enroll his/her facial expressions under different pose angles. Therefore, a desirable property of a FER system would be to allow the user to enroll his/her facial expressions under a single pose, for example frontal, and be able to recognize them under different pose angles. In this paper, we address this problem and present a method to recognize six prototypic facial expressions of an individual across different pose angles. We use Partial Least Squares to map the expressions from different poses into a common subspace, in which covariance between them is maximized. We show that PLS can be effectively used for facial expression recognition across poses by training on coupled expressions of the same identity from two different poses. This way of training lets the learned bases model the differences between expressions of different poses by excluding the effect of the identity. We have evaluated the proposed approach on the BU3DFE database [1]. We experiment with intensity values and Gabor filters for local face representation. We demonstrate that two representations perform similarly in case frontal is the input pose, but Gabor outperforms intensity for other pose pairs. We also perform a detailed analysis of the parameters used in the experiments. We have shown that it is possible to successfully recognize expressions of an individual from arbitrary viewpoints by only having his/her expressions from a single pose, for example frontal pose as the most practical case. Especially, if the difference in view angle is relatively small, that is less than 30 degrees, then the accuracy is over 90%. The correct recognition rate is often around 99% if there is only 15 degrees difference between view angles of the matched faces. Overall, we achieved an average recognition rate of 87.6% when using frontal images as gallery and 86.6% when considering all pose pairs

    Automatic 3D face recognition using Fourier descriptors.

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    3D face recognition is attracting more attention due to the recent development in 3D facial data acquisition techniques. It is strongly believed that 3D Face recognition systems could overcome the inherent problems of 2D face recognition such as facial pose variation, illumination, and variant facial expression. In this paper we present a novel technique for 3D face recognition system using a set of parameters representing the central region of the face. These parameters are essentially vertical and cross sectional profiles and are extracted automatically without any prior knowledge or assumption about the image pose or orientation. In addition, these profiles are stored in terms of their Fourier Coefficients in order to minimize the size of input data. Our approach is validated and verified against two different datasets of 3D images covers enough systematic and pose variation. High recognition rate was achieved

    Mode Variational LSTM Robust to Unseen Modes of Variation: Application to Facial Expression Recognition

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    Spatio-temporal feature encoding is essential for encoding the dynamics in video sequences. Recurrent neural networks, particularly long short-term memory (LSTM) units, have been popular as an efficient tool for encoding spatio-temporal features in sequences. In this work, we investigate the effect of mode variations on the encoded spatio-temporal features using LSTMs. We show that the LSTM retains information related to the mode variation in the sequence, which is irrelevant to the task at hand (e.g. classification facial expressions). Actually, the LSTM forget mechanism is not robust enough to mode variations and preserves information that could negatively affect the encoded spatio-temporal features. We propose the mode variational LSTM to encode spatio-temporal features robust to unseen modes of variation. The mode variational LSTM modifies the original LSTM structure by adding an additional cell state that focuses on encoding the mode variation in the input sequence. To efficiently regulate what features should be stored in the additional cell state, additional gating functionality is also introduced. The effectiveness of the proposed mode variational LSTM is verified using the facial expression recognition task. Comparative experiments on publicly available datasets verified that the proposed mode variational LSTM outperforms existing methods. Moreover, a new dynamic facial expression dataset with different modes of variation, including various modes like pose and illumination variations, was collected to comprehensively evaluate the proposed mode variational LSTM. Experimental results verified that the proposed mode variational LSTM encodes spatio-temporal features robust to unseen modes of variation.Comment: Accepted in AAAI-1

    Learn to synthesize and synthesize to learn

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    Attribute guided face image synthesis aims to manipulate attributes on a face image. Most existing methods for image-to-image translation can either perform a fixed translation between any two image domains using a single attribute or require training data with the attributes of interest for each subject. Therefore, these methods could only train one specific model for each pair of image domains, which limits their ability in dealing with more than two domains. Another disadvantage of these methods is that they often suffer from the common problem of mode collapse that degrades the quality of the generated images. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose attribute guided face image generation method using a single model, which is capable to synthesize multiple photo-realistic face images conditioned on the attributes of interest. In addition, we adopt the proposed model to increase the realism of the simulated face images while preserving the face characteristics. Compared to existing models, synthetic face images generated by our method present a good photorealistic quality on several face datasets. Finally, we demonstrate that generated facial images can be used for synthetic data augmentation, and improve the performance of the classifier used for facial expression recognition.Comment: Accepted to Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU
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