29,784 research outputs found

    Cross-lingual automatic speech recognition using tandem features

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    Automatic speech recognition requires many hours of transcribed speech recordings in order for an acoustic model to be effectively trained. However, recording speech corpora is time-consuming and expensive, so such quantities of data exist only for a handful of languages — there are many languages for which little or no data exist. Given that there are acoustic similarities between different languages, it may be fruitful to use data from a well-supported source language for the task of training a recogniser in a target language with little training data. Since most languages do not share a common phonetic inventory, we propose an indirect way of transferring information from a source language model to a target language model. Tandem features, in which class-posteriors from a separate classifier are decorrelated and appended to conventional acoustic features, are used to do that. They have the advantage that the language used to train the classifier, typically a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) need not be the same as the target language being recognised. Consistent with prior work, positive results are achieved for monolingual systems in a number of different languages. Furthermore, improvements are also shown for the cross-lingual case, in which the tandem features were generated using a classifier not trained for the target language. We examine factors which may predict the relative improvements brought about by tandem features for a given source and target pair. We examine some cross-corpus normalization issues that naturally arise in multilingual speech recognition and validate our solution in terms of recognition accuracy and a mutual information measure. The tandem classifier in work up to this point in the thesis has been a phoneme classifier. Articulatory features (AFs), represented here as a multi-stream, discrete, multivalued labelling of speech, can be used as an alternative task. The motivation for this is that since AFs are a set of physically grounded categories that are not language-specific they may be more suitable for cross-lingual transfer. Then, using either phoneme or AF classification as our MLP task, we look at training the MLP using data from more than one language — again we hypothesise that AF tandem will resulting greater improvements in accuracy. We also examine performance where only limited amounts of target language data are available, and see how our various tandem systems perform under those conditions

    Automated speech and audio analysis for semantic access to multimedia

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    The deployment and integration of audio processing tools can enhance the semantic annotation of multimedia content, and as a consequence, improve the effectiveness of conceptual access tools. This paper overviews the various ways in which automatic speech and audio analysis can contribute to increased granularity of automatically extracted metadata. A number of techniques will be presented, including the alignment of speech and text resources, large vocabulary speech recognition, key word spotting and speaker classification. The applicability of techniques will be discussed from a media crossing perspective. The added value of the techniques and their potential contribution to the content value chain will be illustrated by the description of two (complementary) demonstrators for browsing broadcast news archives

    Articulatory and bottleneck features for speaker-independent ASR of dysarthric speech

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    The rapid population aging has stimulated the development of assistive devices that provide personalized medical support to the needies suffering from various etiologies. One prominent clinical application is a computer-assisted speech training system which enables personalized speech therapy to patients impaired by communicative disorders in the patient's home environment. Such a system relies on the robust automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology to be able to provide accurate articulation feedback. With the long-term aim of developing off-the-shelf ASR systems that can be incorporated in clinical context without prior speaker information, we compare the ASR performance of speaker-independent bottleneck and articulatory features on dysarthric speech used in conjunction with dedicated neural network-based acoustic models that have been shown to be robust against spectrotemporal deviations. We report ASR performance of these systems on two dysarthric speech datasets of different characteristics to quantify the achieved performance gains. Despite the remaining performance gap between the dysarthric and normal speech, significant improvements have been reported on both datasets using speaker-independent ASR architectures.Comment: to appear in Computer Speech & Language - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2019.05.002 - arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1807.1094

    Robust audio indexing for Dutch spoken-word collections

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    Abstract—Whereas the growth of storage capacity is in accordance with widely acknowledged predictions, the possibilities to index and access the archives created is lagging behind. This is especially the case in the oral history domain and much of the rich content in these collections runs the risk to remain inaccessible for lack of robust search technologies. This paper addresses the history and development of robust audio indexing technology for searching Dutch spoken-word collections and compares Dutch audio indexing in the well-studied broadcast news domain with an oral-history case-study. It is concluded that despite significant advances in Dutch audio indexing technology and demonstrated applicability in several domains, further research is indispensable for successful automatic disclosure of spoken-word collections

    English Broadcast News Speech Recognition by Humans and Machines

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    With recent advances in deep learning, considerable attention has been given to achieving automatic speech recognition performance close to human performance on tasks like conversational telephone speech (CTS) recognition. In this paper we evaluate the usefulness of these proposed techniques on broadcast news (BN), a similar challenging task. We also perform a set of recognition measurements to understand how close the achieved automatic speech recognition results are to human performance on this task. On two publicly available BN test sets, DEV04F and RT04, our speech recognition system using LSTM and residual network based acoustic models with a combination of n-gram and neural network language models performs at 6.5% and 5.9% word error rate. By achieving new performance milestones on these test sets, our experiments show that techniques developed on other related tasks, like CTS, can be transferred to achieve similar performance. In contrast, the best measured human recognition performance on these test sets is much lower, at 3.6% and 2.8% respectively, indicating that there is still room for new techniques and improvements in this space, to reach human performance levels.Comment: \copyright 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Towards Affordable Disclosure of Spoken Word Archives

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    This paper presents and discusses ongoing work aiming at affordable disclosure of real-world spoken word archives in general, and in particular of a collection of recorded interviews with Dutch survivors of World War II concentration camp Buchenwald. Given such collections, the least we want to be able to provide is search at different levels and a flexible way of presenting results. Strategies for automatic annotation based on speech recognition – supporting e.g., within-document search– are outlined and discussed with respect to the Buchenwald interview collection. In addition, usability aspects of the spoken word search are discussed on the basis of our experiences with the online Buchenwald web portal. It is concluded that, although user feedback is generally fairly positive, automatic annotation performance is still far from satisfactory, and requires additional research

    DNN adaptation by automatic quality estimation of ASR hypotheses

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    In this paper we propose to exploit the automatic Quality Estimation (QE) of ASR hypotheses to perform the unsupervised adaptation of a deep neural network modeling acoustic probabilities. Our hypothesis is that significant improvements can be achieved by: i)automatically transcribing the evaluation data we are currently trying to recognise, and ii) selecting from it a subset of "good quality" instances based on the word error rate (WER) scores predicted by a QE component. To validate this hypothesis, we run several experiments on the evaluation data sets released for the CHiME-3 challenge. First, we operate in oracle conditions in which manual transcriptions of the evaluation data are available, thus allowing us to compute the "true" sentence WER. In this scenario, we perform the adaptation with variable amounts of data, which are characterised by different levels of quality. Then, we move to realistic conditions in which the manual transcriptions of the evaluation data are not available. In this case, the adaptation is performed on data selected according to the WER scores "predicted" by a QE component. Our results indicate that: i) QE predictions allow us to closely approximate the adaptation results obtained in oracle conditions, and ii) the overall ASR performance based on the proposed QE-driven adaptation method is significantly better than the strong, most recent, CHiME-3 baseline.Comment: Computer Speech & Language December 201