4 research outputs found

    Abordagens da relação entre diversidade cultural e experiência do usuário em produtos de design : uma revisão sistemática

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    This paper aims to identify different theories that guide methods of studying the influence of cultural diversity on users' experience with design products. To this end, a systematic review of the literature, comprising 80 academic papers in the scope of design for cultural diversity is carried out. The central procedure of the work unfolds in the classification and analysis of these papers. The study identifies the recurrent use of some methods of cultural analysis, indicating the tendency of research in the area to develop as cross-cultural comparisons – or transcultural studies. Other models, such as multicultural or intercultural studies, are recent and still scarce. The results obtained also point to the predominance of the North America/Europe axis as motivators of research in the area, in addition to highlighting the lower number of those that focus on the Latin America/Africa axis.Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar diferentes teorias que orientam métodos de estudo da influência da diversidade cultural na experiência dos usuários com produtos de design. Para tanto, é realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura, composta por 80 trabalhos acadêmicos no âmbito do design para a diversidade cultural. O procedimento central do trabalho se desdobra na classificação e análise desses artigos. O estudo identifica o uso recorrente de alguns métodos de análise cultural, indicando a tendência das pesquisas na área se desenvolverem como comparações transculturais – ou estudos transculturais. Outros modelos, como os estudos multiculturais ou interculturais, são recentes e ainda escassos. Os resultados obtidos também apontam para a predominância do eixo América do Norte/Europa como motivadores de pesquisas na área, além de destacar o menor número daquelas que se concentram no eixo América Latina/África

    A Culturally Aware Approach to Learning System Interface Design

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    This mixed methods research explored interface design strategies for users from different cultures and localized settings. Guided by the cultural-historical development theory and HCI research, four critical factors—navigation design, information organization, layout design, and visuals—were investigated in designing culturally relevant interfaces for Americans and Taiwanese. American and Taiwanese groups—both contained two sub-groups of 30 participants—were recruited for the quantitative phase. Each participant was exposed to only one interface with content composed in their native language. However, one sub-group in each ethnic group was exposed to a culturally relevant interface and another was exposed to an alien interface. MANOVA on overall performance in both American and Taiwanese groups were significant. Americans performed better using the American interface (Wilks’s Λ=.85, F= 5.15, p< .01). They had significantly shorter performance time in the American (M=775) than the Taiwanese (M=1003) interface (F=6.29, p<.05), but differences on performance accuracy were not significant (F=2.74, p=.103). Taiwanese performed better using the Taiwanese interface (Wilks’s Λ=.67, F=14.06, p< .01). They had shorter performance time in the Taiwanese (M=743) than the American (M=1353) interface (F=6.29, p<.05), and they also had higher performance accuracy on the Taiwanese (M=11.7) than the American (M=10.0) interface (F=7.94, p<.01). In addition, t-test on overall preference in both American and Taiwanese groups were significant. Americans preferred the American (M=58.5) over the Taiwanese (M=53.0) interface (t=2.11, p< .05). And Taiwanese preferred the Taiwanese (M=58.7) over the American (M=46.9) interface (t=3.48, p<.01). Qualitative interviews of six American and six Taiwanese participants revealed three themes: First, when searching, Taiwanese were explorative and relied on hierarchical relationships; while Americans relied on prior experiences and analytical categorizations. Second, both groups have higher affiliation with design features matching their preferences. Finally, matching design features with users’ expectations and needs promotes positive perceptions and enhances interface usability. Both quantitative and qualitative Results imply that user interface designers should consider cultural perspectives when designing interfaces for online learning systems. Further studies might consider the relative impacts of the navigation, information structure, layout, and visual design on a broad range of user differences might have on learning

    Lineamientos de diseño con enfoque cultural adaptados al entorno peruano: Un caso de estudio en una entidad gubernamental

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    El presente proyecto de fin de carrera tiene como objetivo elaborar lineamientos de diseño para sitios web gubernamentales enfocado en el entorno cultural peruano para incrementar la usabilidad y el nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios gracias al análisis de modelos culturales y la validación de lineamientos de diseño obtenidos mediante evaluación de usabilidad con usuarios. Hoy en día, considerar aspectos de usabilidad en productos de software es de suma importancia para lograr atraer y retener usuarios. Si bien la importancia de la usabilidad ha ido en aumento y es considerada clave, la inclusión de aspectos culturales en el diseño y evaluación de sitios web aún no es ampliamente difundida. Según la revisión de literatura, existen estudios que relacionan la usabilidad con temas culturales en páginas web. Sin embargo, pocos estudios incluyen a Perú dentro de su análisis, así como también son mayormente aplicados en sitios de comercio electrónico por su exposición a usuarios de diferentes culturas. Este proyecto es consistente con los componentes que definen a la usabilidad y realiza un análisis comparativo de elementos de diseño presentes en sitios web y su relación con las características culturales asociadas a un modelo cultural, el cual se selecciona en base a un análisis de modelos culturales presentes en la literatura. Finalmente, el presente estudio obtiene un listado de lineamientos de diseño que incluyen características culturales peruanas, los cuales al ser aplicados pueden demostrar una mejora en el nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios peruanos

    Cross-cultural language learning and web design complexity

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    Accepting the fact that culture and language are interrelated in second language learning (SLL), the web sites should be designed to integrate with the cultural aspects. Yet many SLL web sites fail to integrate with the cultural aspects and/or focus on language acquisition only. This study identified three issues: (1) anthropologists’ cultural models mostly adopted in cross-cultural web user interface have been superficially used; (2) web designers deal with culture as a fixed one which needs to be modeled into interface design elements, so (3) there is a need for a communication framework between educators and design practitioners, which can be utilized in web design processes. This paper discusses what anthropology can contribute to language learning, mediated through web design processes and suggests a cultural user experience framework for web-based SLL by presenting an exemplary matrix. To evaluate the effectiveness of the framework, the key stakeholders (learners, teachers, and designers) participated in a case scenario-based evaluation. The result shows a high possibility that the framework can enhance the effective communication and collaboration for the cultural integration