3,206 research outputs found

    A survey of performance enhancement of transmission control protocol (TCP) in wireless ad hoc networks

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    This Article is provided by the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund - Copyright @ 2011 Springer OpenTransmission control protocol (TCP), which provides reliable end-to-end data delivery, performs well in traditional wired network environments, while in wireless ad hoc networks, it does not perform well. Compared to wired networks, wireless ad hoc networks have some specific characteristics such as node mobility and a shared medium. Owing to these specific characteristics of wireless ad hoc networks, TCP faces particular problems with, for example, route failure, channel contention and high bit error rates. These factors are responsible for the performance degradation of TCP in wireless ad hoc networks. The research community has produced a wide range of proposals to improve the performance of TCP in wireless ad hoc networks. This article presents a survey of these proposals (approaches). A classification of TCP improvement proposals for wireless ad hoc networks is presented, which makes it easy to compare the proposals falling under the same category. Tables which summarize the approaches for quick overview are provided. Possible directions for further improvements in this area are suggested in the conclusions. The aim of the article is to enable the reader to quickly acquire an overview of the state of TCP in wireless ad hoc networks.This study is partly funded by Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST), Pakistan, and the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Cross-layer Congestion Control, Routing and Scheduling Design in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

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    This paper considers jointly optimal design of crosslayer congestion control, routing and scheduling for ad hoc wireless networks. We first formulate the rate constraint and scheduling constraint using multicommodity flow variables, and formulate resource allocation in networks with fixed wireless channels (or single-rate wireless devices that can mask channel variations) as a utility maximization problem with these constraints. By dual decomposition, the resource allocation problem naturally decomposes into three subproblems: congestion control, routing and scheduling that interact through congestion price. The global convergence property of this algorithm is proved. We next extend the dual algorithm to handle networks with timevarying channels and adaptive multi-rate devices. The stability of the resulting system is established, and its performance is characterized with respect to an ideal reference system which has the best feasible rate region at link layer. We then generalize the aforementioned results to a general model of queueing network served by a set of interdependent parallel servers with time-varying service capabilities, which models many design problems in communication networks. We show that for a general convex optimization problem where a subset of variables lie in a polytope and the rest in a convex set, the dual-based algorithm remains stable and optimal when the constraint set is modulated by an irreducible finite-state Markov chain. This paper thus presents a step toward a systematic way to carry out cross-layer design in the framework of “layering as optimization decomposition” for time-varying channel models

    Distributed QoS Guarantees for Realtime Traffic in Ad Hoc Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a new cross-layer framework, named QPART ( QoS br>rotocol for Adhoc Realtime Traffic), which provides QoS guarantees to real-time multimedia applications for wireless ad hoc networks. By adapting the contention window sizes at the MAC layer, QPART schedules packets of flows according to their unique QoS requirements. QPART implements priority-based admission control and conflict resolution to ensure that the requirements of admitted realtime flows is smaller than the network capacity. The novelty of QPART is that it is robust to mobility and variances in channel capacity and imposes no control message overhead on the network

    Dynamic Queue Utilization Based MAC for multi-hop Ad Hoc networks

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    The end-to-end throughput in single flow multi-hop Ad Hoc networks decays rapidly with path length. Along the path, the success rate of delivering packets towards the destination decreases due to higher contention, interference, limited buffer size and limited shared bandwidth constraints. In such environments the queues fill up faster in nodes closer to the source than in the nodes nearer the destination. In order to reduce buffer overflow and improve throughput for a saturated network, this paper introduces a new MAC protocol named Dynamic Queue Utilization Based Medium Access Control (DQUB-MAC). The protocol aims to prioritise access to the channel for queues with higher utilization and helps in achieving higher throughput by rapidly draining packets towards the destination. The proposed MAC enhances the performance of an end-to-end data flow by up to 30% for a six hop transmission in a chain topology and is demonstrated to remain competitive for other network topologies and for a variety of packet sizes

    Hop-Based dynamic fair scheduler for wireless Ad-Hoc networks

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    In a typical multihop Ad-Hoc network, interference and contention increase when flows transit each node towards destination, particularly in the presence of cross-traffic. This paper observes the relationship between throughput and path length, self-contention and interference and it investigates the effect of multiple data rates over multiple data flows in the network. Drawing from the limitations of the 802.11 specification, the paper proposes a scheduler named Hop Based Multi Queue (HBMQ), which is designed to prioritise traffic based on the hop count of packets in order to provide fairness across different data flows. The simulation results demonstrate that HBMQ performs better than a Single Drop Tail Queue (SDTQ) scheduler in terms of providing fairness. Finally, the paper concludes with a number of possible directions for further research, focusing on cross-layer implementation to ensure the fairness is also provided at the MAC layer. © 2013 IEEE

    Queue utilization with hop based enhanced arbitrary inter frame spacing MAC for saturated ad HOC networks

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    © 2015 IEEE. Path length of a multi hop Ad Hoc networks has an adverse impact on the end-to-end throughput especially during network saturation. The success rate of forwarding packets towards destination is limited due to interference, contention, limited buffer space, and bandwidth. Real time applications streaming data fill the buffer space at a faster rate at the source and its nearby forwarding nodes since the channel is shared. The aim of this paper is to increase the success rate of forwarding the packets to yield a higher end-to-end throughput. In order to reduce loss of packets due to buffer overflow and enhance the performance of the network for a saturated network, a novel MAC protocol named Queue Utilization with Hop Based Enhanced Arbitrary Inter Frame Spacing based (QU-EAIFS) MAC is proposed for alleviating the problems in saturated Ad Hoc networks. The protocol prioritises the nodes based on its queue utilization and hops travelled by the packet and it helps achieving higher end-toend performance by forwarding the packets with higher rate towards the destination during network saturation. The proposed MAC enhances the end-to-end performance by approximately 40% and 34% for a 5hop and 6hop communication respectively in a chain topology as compared to the standard IEEE802.11b. The performance of the new MAC also outperforms the performance of IEEE 802.11e MAC. In order to validate the protocol, it is also tested with short hops and varying packet sizes and more realistic random topologies

    Fuzzy based load and energy aware multipath routing for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Routing is a challenging task in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) due to their dynamic topology and lack of central administration. As a consequence of un-predictable topology changes of such networks, routing protocols employed need to accurately capture the delay, load, available bandwidth and residual node energy at various locations of the network for effective energy and load balancing. This paper presents a fuzzy logic based scheme that ensures delay, load and energy aware routing to avoid congestion and minimise end-to-end delay in MANETs. In the proposed approach, forwarding delay, average load, available bandwidth and residual battery energy at a mobile node are given as inputs to a fuzzy inference engine to determine the traffic distribution possibility from that node based on the given fuzzy rules. Based on the output from the fuzzy system, traffic is distributed over fail-safe multiple routes to reduce the load at a congested node. Through simulation results, we show that our approach reduces end-to-end delay, packet drop and average energy consumption and increases packet delivery ratio for constant bit rate (CBR) traffic when compared with the popular Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) routing protocol