7 research outputs found

    Transfer Value Iteration Networks

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    Value iteration networks (VINs) have been demonstrated to have a good generalization ability for reinforcement learning tasks across similar domains. However, based on our experiments, a policy learned by VINs still fail to generalize well on the domain whose action space and feature space are not identical to those in the domain where it is trained. In this paper, we propose a transfer learning approach on top of VINs, termed Transfer VINs (TVINs), such that a learned policy from a source domain can be generalized to a target domain with only limited training data, even if the source domain and the target domain have domain-specific actions and features. We empirically verify that our proposed TVINs outperform VINs when the source and the target domains have similar but not identical action and feature spaces. Furthermore, we show that the performance improvement is consistent across different environments, maze sizes, dataset sizes as well as different values of hyperparameters such as number of iteration and kernel size

    Cross-Domain Action-Model Acquisition for Planning via Web Search

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    Applying learning techniques to acquire action models is an area of intense research interest. Most previous works in this area have assumed that there is a significant amount of training data available in a planning domain of interest, which we call target domain, where action models are to be learned. However, it is often difficult to acquire sufficient training data to ensure that the learned action models are of high quality. In this paper, we develop a novel approach to learning action models with limited training data in the target domain by transferring knowledge from related auxiliary or source domains. We assume that the action models in the source domains have already been created before, and seek to transfer as much of the the available information from the source domains as possible to help our learning task. We first exploit a Web searching method to bridge the target and source domains, such that transferrable knowledge from source domains is identified. We then encode the transferred knowledge together with the available data from the target domain as constraints in a maximum satisfiability problem, and solve these constraints using a weighted MAX-SAT solver. We finally transform the solutions thus obtained into high-quality target-domain action models. We empirically show that our transfer-learning based framework is effective in several domains, including the International Planning Competition (IPC) domains and some synthetic domains

    Analysis and Decision-Making with Social Media

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    abstract: The rapid advancements of technology have greatly extended the ubiquitous nature of smartphones acting as a gateway to numerous social media applications. This brings an immense convenience to the users of these applications wishing to stay connected to other individuals through sharing their statuses, posting their opinions, experiences, suggestions, etc on online social networks (OSNs). Exploring and analyzing this data has a great potential to enable deep and fine-grained insights into the behavior, emotions, and language of individuals in a society. This proposed dissertation focuses on utilizing these online social footprints to research two main threads – 1) Analysis: to study the behavior of individuals online (content analysis) and 2) Synthesis: to build models that influence the behavior of individuals offline (incomplete action models for decision-making). A large percentage of posts shared online are in an unrestricted natural language format that is meant for human consumption. One of the demanding problems in this context is to leverage and develop approaches to automatically extract important insights from this incessant massive data pool. Efforts in this direction emphasize mining or extracting the wealth of latent information in the data from multiple OSNs independently. The first thread of this dissertation focuses on analytics to investigate the differentiated content-sharing behavior of individuals. The second thread of this dissertation attempts to build decision-making systems using social media data. The results of the proposed dissertation emphasize the importance of considering multiple data types while interpreting the content shared on OSNs. They highlight the unique ways in which the data and the extracted patterns from text-based platforms or visual-based platforms complement and contrast in terms of their content. The proposed research demonstrated that, in many ways, the results obtained by focusing on either only text or only visual elements of content shared online could lead to biased insights. On the other hand, it also shows the power of a sequential set of patterns that have some sort of precedence relationships and collaboration between humans and automated planners.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201