13,564 research outputs found

    Critical behavior in inhomogeneous random graphs

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    We study the critical behavior of inhomogeneous random graphs where edges are present independently but with unequal edge occupation probabilities. The edge probabilities are moderated by vertex weights, and are such that the degree of vertex i is close in distribution to a Poisson random variable with parameter w_i, where w_i denotes the weight of vertex i. We choose the weights such that the weight of a uniformly chosen vertex converges in distribution to a limiting random variable W, in which case the proportion of vertices with degree k is close to the probability that a Poisson random variable with random parameter W takes the value k. We pay special attention to the power-law case, in which P(W\geq k) is proportional to k^{-(\tau-1)} for some power-law exponent \tau>3, a property which is then inherited by the asymptotic degree distribution. We show that the critical behavior depends sensitively on the properties of the asymptotic degree distribution moderated by the asymptotic weight distribution W. Indeed, when P(W\geq k) \leq ck^{-(\tau-1)} for all k\geq 1 and some \tau>4 and c>0, the largest critical connected component in a graph of size n is of order n^{2/3}, as on the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph. When, instead, P(W\geq k)=ck^{-(\tau-1)}(1+o(1)) for k large and some \tau\in (3,4) and c>0, the largest critical connected component is of the much smaller order n^{(\tau-2)/(\tau-1)}.Comment: 26 page

    Scaling limits for critical inhomogeneous random graphs with finite third moments

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    We identify the scaling limits for the sizes of the largest components at criticality for inhomogeneous random graphs when the degree exponent Ï„\tau satisfies Ï„>4\tau>4. We see that the sizes of the (rescaled) components converge to the excursion lengths of an inhomogeneous Brownian motion, extending results of \cite{Aldo97}. We rely heavily on martingale convergence techniques, and concentration properties of (super)martingales. This paper is part of a programme to study the critical behavior in inhomogeneous random graphs of so-called rank-1 initiated in \cite{Hofs09a}.Comment: Final versio

    Homogeneous and Scalable Gene Expression Regulatory Networks with Random Layouts of Switching Parameters

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    We consider a model of large regulatory gene expression networks where the thresholds activating the sigmoidal interactions between genes and the signs of these interactions are shuffled randomly. Such an approach allows for a qualitative understanding of network dynamics in a lack of empirical data concerning the large genomes of living organisms. Local dynamics of network nodes exhibits the multistationarity and oscillations and depends crucially upon the global topology of a "maximal" graph (comprising of all possible interactions between genes in the network). The long time behavior observed in the network defined on the homogeneous "maximal" graphs is featured by the fraction of positive interactions (0≤η≤10\leq \eta\leq 1) allowed between genes. There exists a critical value ηc<1\eta_c<1 such that if η<ηc\eta<\eta_c, the oscillations persist in the system, otherwise, when η>ηc,\eta>\eta_c, it tends to a fixed point (which position in the phase space is determined by the initial conditions and the certain layout of switching parameters). In networks defined on the inhomogeneous directed graphs depleted in cycles, no oscillations arise in the system even if the negative interactions in between genes present therein in abundance (ηc=0\eta_c=0). For such networks, the bidirectional edges (if occur) influence on the dynamics essentially. In particular, if a number of edges in the "maximal" graph is bidirectional, oscillations can arise and persist in the system at any low rate of negative interactions between genes (ηc=1\eta_c=1). Local dynamics observed in the inhomogeneous scalable regulatory networks is less sensitive to the choice of initial conditions. The scale free networks demonstrate their high error tolerance.Comment: LaTeX, 30 pages, 20 picture

    Annealed central limit theorems for the Ising model on random graphs

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    The aim of this paper is to prove central limit theorems with respect to the annealed measure for the magnetization rescaled by N\sqrt{N} of Ising models on random graphs. More precisely, we consider the general rank-1 inhomogeneous random graph (or generalized random graph), the 2-regular configuration model and the configuration model with degrees 1 and 2. For the generalized random graph, we first show the existence of a finite annealed inverse critical temperature 0≤βcan<∞0 \leq \beta^{\mathrm \scriptscriptstyle an}_c < \infty and then prove our results in the uniqueness regime, i.e., the values of inverse temperature β\beta and external magnetic field BB for which either β<βcan\beta < \beta^{\mathrm \scriptscriptstyle an}_c and B=0B=0, or β>0\beta>0 and B≠0B \neq 0. In the case of the configuration model, the central limit theorem holds in the whole region of the parameters β\beta and BB, because phase transitions do not exist for these systems as they are closely related to one-dimensional Ising models. Our proofs are based on explicit computations that are possible since the Ising model on the generalized random graph in the annealed setting is reduced to an inhomogeneous Curie-Weiss model, while the analysis of the configuration model with degrees only taking values 1 and 2 relies on that of the classical one-dimensional Ising model.Comment: 40 page

    Degree correlations in scale-free null models

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    We study the average nearest neighbor degree a(k)a(k) of vertices with degree kk. In many real-world networks with power-law degree distribution a(k)a(k) falls off in kk, a property ascribed to the constraint that any two vertices are connected by at most one edge. We show that a(k)a(k) indeed decays in kk in three simple random graph null models with power-law degrees: the erased configuration model, the rank-1 inhomogeneous random graph and the hyperbolic random graph. We consider the large-network limit when the number of nodes nn tends to infinity. We find for all three null models that a(k)a(k) starts to decay beyond n(τ−2)/(τ−1)n^{(\tau-2)/(\tau-1)} and then settles on a power law a(k)∼kτ−3a(k)\sim k^{\tau-3}, with τ\tau the degree exponent.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    A Two-populations Ising model on diluted Random Graphs

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    We consider the Ising model for two interacting groups of spins embedded in an Erd\"{o}s-R\'{e}nyi random graph. The critical properties of the system are investigated by means of extensive Monte Carlo simulations. Our results evidence the existence of a phase transition at a value of the inter-groups interaction coupling J12CJ_{12}^C which depends algebraically on the dilution of the graph and on the relative width of the two populations, as explained by means of scaling arguments. We also measure the critical exponents, which are consistent with those of the Curie-Weiss model, hence suggesting a wide robustness of the universality class.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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