3 research outputs found

    A model for enhancing customer satisfaction for quality services and awareness through community participation

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    Customer satisfaction as a means of measuring government performance has been on top of global debates of developmental programs at local government. The background of this study highlighted the position of customer satisfaction in many municipal coun-cils in the world and with special focus on Batu Pahat Municipal Council (BPMC). The research problem statement was that it has been observed that municipal aware-ness and community participation have not been harnessed for customer satisfaction for municipal councils’ service delivery. The aim and objectives of the study were to investigate the effects of Community Participation (CP) on customer satisfaction. Four research questions and five hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study population was 401,902 defined as a group of service users who are directly involved in receiving the services provided by the BPMC. The sample for the study was 400 survey respondents from the citizens living within BPMC. A structured questionnaire was presented to the respondents, selected through simple random sampling. Explor-atory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used to test the validity and reliability of the conceptual research model. The survey results sup-ported three hypotheses (H1, H2, H3) confirming that community participation has a mediating effect on customer satisfaction in BPMC. Hypothesis five (H5) was sup-ported in the main research, which indicates that CP has a mediating effects on cus-tomer satisfaction and also confirmed the pilot study that municipal awareness has an effect on customer satisfaction. The unique finding of the study is that, it has espoused the importance of CP as a mediator towards achieving customer satisfaction. This re-search has only been applied to BPMC, and further testing across different MC’s in Malaysia is needed to generalise the findings. The researcher concludes that commu-nity participation can enhance customer satisfaction through comprehensive model at the grass root level