1,193 research outputs found

    Real-World Airline Crew Pairing Optimization: Customized Genetic Algorithm versus Column Generation Method

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    Airline crew cost is the second-largest operating cost component and its marginal improvement may translate to millions of dollars annually. Further, it's highly constrained-combinatorial nature brings-in high impact research and commercial value. The airline crew pairing optimization problem (CPOP) is aimed at generating a set of crew pairings, covering all flights from its timetable, with minimum cost, while satisfying multiple legality constraints laid by federations, etc. Depending upon CPOP's scale, several Genetic Algorithm and Column Generation based approaches have been proposed in the literature. However, these approaches have been validated either on small-scale flight datasets (a handful of pairings) or for smaller airlines (operating-in low-demand regions) such as Turkish Airlines, etc. Their search-efficiency gets impaired drastically when scaled to the networks of bigger airlines. The contributions of this paper relate to the proposition of a customized genetic algorithm, with improved initialization and genetic operators, developed by exploiting the domain-knowledge; and its comparison with a column generation based large-scale optimizer (developed by authors). To demonstrate the utility of the above-cited contributions, a real-world test-case (839 flights), provided by GE Aviation, is used which has been extracted from the networks of larger airlines (operating up to 33000 monthly flights in the US).Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Fuzzy-logic controlled genetic algorithm for the rail-freight crew-scheduling problem

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    AbstractThis article presents a fuzzy-logic controlled genetic algorithm designed for the solution of the crew-scheduling problem in the rail-freight industry. This problem refers to the assignment of train drivers to a number of train trips in accordance with complex industrial and governmental regulations. In practice, it is a challenging task due to the massive quantity of train trips, large geographical span and significant number of restrictions. While genetic algorithms are capable of handling large data sets, they are prone to stalled evolution and premature convergence on a local optimum, thereby obstructing further search. In order to tackle these problems, the proposed genetic algorithm contains an embedded fuzzy-logic controller that adjusts the mutation and crossover probabilities in accordance with the genetic algorithm’s performance. The computational results demonstrate a 10% reduction in the cost of the schedule generated by this hybrid technique when compared with a genetic algorithm with fixed crossover and mutation rates

    Aircraft Maintenance Routing Problem – A Literature Survey

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    The airline industry has shown significant growth in the last decade according to some indicators such as annual average growth in global air traffic passenger demand and growth rate in the global air transport fleet. This inevitable progress makes the airline industry challenging and forces airline companies to produce a range of solutions that increase consumer loyalty to the brand. These solutions to reduce the high costs encountered in airline operations, prevent delays in planned departure times, improve service quality, or reduce environmental impacts can be diversified according to the need. Although one can refer to past surveys, it is not sufficient to cover the rich literature of airline scheduling, especially for the last decade. This study aims to fill this gap by reviewing the airline operations related papers published between 2009 and 2019, and focus on the ones especially in the aircraft maintenance routing area which seems a promising branch

    Un modelo integrado para el enrutamiento de aeronaves y la programación de la tripulación: Relajación lagrangiana y algoritmo metaheurístico

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    [EN] Airline optimization is a significant problem in recent researches and airline industryl as it can determine the level of service, profit and competition status of the airline. Aircraft and crew are expensive resources that need efficient utilization. This paper focuses simultaneously on two major issues including aircraft maintenance routing and crew scheduling. Several key issues such as aircraft replacement, fairly night flights assignment and long-life aircrafts are considered in this model. We used the flight hours as a new framework to control aircraft maintenance. At first, an integrated mathematical model for aircraft routing and crew scheduling problems is developed with the aim of cost minimization. Then, Lagrangian relaxation and Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO) are used as the solution techniques. To evaluate the efficiency of solution approaches, model is solved with different numerical examples in small, medium and large sizes and compared with GAMS output. The results show that Lagrangian relaxation method provides better solutions comparing to PSO and also has a very small gap to optimum solution.[ES] La optimización de aerolíneas es un problema importante en investigaciones recientes e industria de aerolíneas, ya que puede determinar el nivel de servicio, el beneficio y el estado de competencia de la aerolínea. Las aeronaves y la tripulación son recursos costosos que necesitan una utilización eficiente. Este artículo se centra simultáneamente en dos cuestiones principales, incluyendo el enrutamiento de mantenimiento de aeronaves y la programación de la tripulación. En este modelo se consideran varios temas clave, como el reemplazo de aeronaves, la asignación de vuelos nocturnos y los aviones envejecidos. Usamos las horas de vuelo como un nuevo marco para controlar el mantenimiento de las aeronaves. Al principio, se desarrolla un modelo matemático integrado para el enrutamiento de aeronaves y los problemas de programación de la tripulación con el objetivo de la minimización de costos. A continuación, se utilizan como técnicas de solución la relajación lagran-giana y el algoritmo “Particle Swarm Optimization” (PSO). Para evaluar la eficiencia de los en-foques de la solución, el modelo se resuelve con diferentes ejemplos numéricos en tamaños pequeños, medianos y grandes y se compara con la salida GAMS. Los resultados muestran que el método de relajación lagrangiana proporciona mejores soluciones en comparación con PSO y también tiene una pequeña diferencia para una solución óptimaMirjafari, M.; Rashidi Komijan, A.; Shoja, A. (2020). An integrated model for aircraft routing and crew scheduling: Lagrangian Relaxation and metaheuristic algorithm. 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