6 research outputs found

    Sistema de valoraci贸n funcional para sistemas de aeronavegaci贸n no tripulados a partir de la calidad de la informaci贸n

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    Unmanned aerial navigation systems are not used in many military and non-military applications. However, these systems are susceptible be operated by hackers partially or completely. Therefore, in this article based on the JDL model for safety assessment of the drone鈥檚 framework it is proposed. Metrics for each level of the merger in conjunction with a mapping system in order to determine the dependence of data between different levels are proposed, considering the contextual user ratings.Los sistemas de aeronavegaci贸n no tripulados son utilizados en m煤ltiples aplicaciones militares y no militares. Sin embargo, estos sistemas son susceptibles de ser intervenidos por delincuentes inform谩ticos parcial o totalmente. En este art铆culo se propone un framework basado en el modelo JDL para la evaluaci贸n de la seguridad de los drones y se establecen criterios de evaluaci贸n de desempe帽o y de calidad de la informaci贸n para cada nivel de la fusi贸n, en conjunto con un sistema de mapeo de estas m茅tricas, con el fin de determinar la dependencia de los datos entre diferentes niveles, contemplando la valoraci贸n contextual del usuario

    Classifiers for modeling of mineral potential

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    [Extract] Classification and allocation of land-use is a major policy objective in most countries. Such an undertaking, however, in the face of competing demands from different stakeholders, requires reliable information on resources potential. This type of information enables policy decision-makers to estimate socio-economic benefits from different possible land-use types and then to allocate most suitable land-use. The potential for several types of resources occurring on the earth's surface (e.g., forest, soil, etc.) is generally easier to determine than those occurring in the subsurface (e.g., mineral deposits, etc.). In many situations, therefore, information on potential for subsurface occurring resources is not among the inputs to land-use decision-making [85]. Consequently, many potentially mineralized lands are alienated usually to, say, further exploration and exploitation of mineral deposits. Areas with mineral potential are characterized by geological features associated genetically and spatially with the type of mineral deposits sought. The term 'mineral deposits' means .accumulations or concentrations of one or more useful naturally occurring substances, which are otherwise usually distributed sparsely in the earth's crust. The term 'mineralization' refers to collective geological processes that result in formation of mineral deposits. The term 'mineral potential' describes the probability or favorability for occurrence of mineral deposits or mineralization. The geological features characteristic of mineralized land, which are called recognition criteria, are spatial objects indicative of or produced by individual geological processes that acted together to form mineral deposits. Recognition criteria are sometimes directly observable; more often, their presence is inferred from one or more geographically referenced (or spatial) datasets, which are processed and analyzed appropriately to enhance, extract, and represent the recognition criteria as spatial evidence or predictor maps. Mineral potential mapping then involves integration of predictor maps in order to classify areas of unique combinations of spatial predictor patterns, called unique conditions [51] as either barren or mineralized with respect to the mineral deposit-type sought

    Enhancing wireless sensor networks functionalities

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     The main objective of this thesis is to develop solutions for the existing research problems in wireless sensor networks that negatively influence their performances. To achieve that four main research gaps from collecting, aggregating and transferring data with considering different deployment methods of sensor nodes were addressed

    Distributed Random Set Theoretic Soft/Hard Data Fusion

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    Research on multisensor data fusion aims at providing the enabling technology to combine information from several sources in order to form a unifi ed picture. The literature work on fusion of conventional data provided by non-human (hard) sensors is vast and well-established. In comparison to conventional fusion systems where input data are generated by calibrated electronic sensor systems with well-defi ned characteristics, research on soft data fusion considers combining human-based data expressed preferably in unconstrained natural language form. Fusion of soft and hard data is even more challenging, yet necessary in some applications, and has received little attention in the past. Due to being a rather new area of research, soft/hard data fusion is still in a edging stage with even its challenging problems yet to be adequately de fined and explored. This dissertation develops a framework to enable fusion of both soft and hard data with the Random Set (RS) theory as the underlying mathematical foundation. Random set theory is an emerging theory within the data fusion community that, due to its powerful representational and computational capabilities, is gaining more and more attention among the data fusion researchers. Motivated by the unique characteristics of the random set theory and the main challenge of soft/hard data fusion systems, i.e. the need for a unifying framework capable of processing both unconventional soft data and conventional hard data, this dissertation argues in favor of a random set theoretic approach as the first step towards realizing a soft/hard data fusion framework. Several challenging problems related to soft/hard fusion systems are addressed in the proposed framework. First, an extension of the well-known Kalman lter within random set theory, called Kalman evidential filter (KEF), is adopted as a common data processing framework for both soft and hard data. Second, a novel ontology (syntax+semantics) is developed to allow for modeling soft (human-generated) data assuming target tracking as the application. Third, as soft/hard data fusion is mostly aimed at large networks of information processing, a new approach is proposed to enable distributed estimation of soft, as well as hard data, addressing the scalability requirement of such fusion systems. Fourth, a method for modeling trust in the human agents is developed, which enables the fusion system to protect itself from erroneous/misleading soft data through discounting such data on-the-fly. Fifth, leveraging the recent developments in the RS theoretic data fusion literature a novel soft data association algorithm is developed and deployed to extend the proposed target tracking framework into multi-target tracking case. Finally, the multi-target tracking framework is complemented by introducing a distributed classi fication approach applicable to target classes described with soft human-generated data. In addition, this dissertation presents a novel data-centric taxonomy of data fusion methodologies. In particular, several categories of fusion algorithms have been identifi ed and discussed based on the data-related challenging aspect(s) addressed. It is intended to provide the reader with a generic and comprehensive view of the contemporary data fusion literature, which could also serve as a reference for data fusion practitioners by providing them with conducive design guidelines, in terms of algorithm choice, regarding the specifi c data-related challenges expected in a given application

    Credibility Models for Multi-Source Fusion

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    This paper presents a technical approach for fusing information from diverse sources. Fusion requires appropriate weighting of information based on the quality of the source of the information. A credibility model characterizes the quality of information based on the source and the circumstances under which the information is collected. In many cases credibility is uncertain, so inference is necessary. Explicit probabilistic credibility models provide a computational model of the quality of the information that allows use of prior information, evidence when available, and opportunities for learning from data. This paper provides an overview of the challenges, describes the advanced probabilistic reasoning tools used to implement credibility models, and provides an example of the use of credibility models in a multi-source fusion process