138 research outputs found

    SGML-based publishing

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    Xml Beyond The Tags

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    XML is quickly being utilized in the field of technical communication to transfer information from database to person and company to company. Often communicators will structure information without a second thought of how or why certain tags are used to mark up the information. Because the company or a manual says to use those tags, the communicator does so. However, if professionals want to unlock the true potential of XML for better sharing of information across platforms, they need to understand the effects the technology using XML as well as political and cultural factors have on the tags being used. This thesis reviewed literature from multiple fields utilizing XML to find how tag choices can be influenced. XML allows for the sharing of information across multiple platforms and databases. Because of this efficiency, XML is utilized by many technologies. Often communicators must tag information so that the technologies can find the marked up information; therefore, technologies like single sourcing, data mining, and knowledge management influence the types of tags created. Additionally, cultural and political influences are analyzed to see how they play a role in determining what tags are used and created for specific documents. The thesis concludes with predictions on the future of XML and the technological, political, and cultural influences associated with XML tag sets based on information found within the thesis

    Teknisen dokumentaation luonti konfiguroitavalle tuotteelle PLM -järjestelmässä

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    In recent years companies have put more effort to developing their product documentation processes. One reason is shortened time-to-market cycles and increase of the more complex products on markets. Companies are turning more and more to systems which offer more efficiency and cost-effective processes for their document creation. Companies and their document authors have been bombarded for several years now about single sourcing methodology and content management systems (CMS), which has been told to fulfill the needs that companies and authors nowadays has, when speaking of documentation. This study focuses on Siemens PLM Software solution for creating documentation in PLM environment. Solution is called Teamcenter Content Management (Teamcenter CMS) which enables producing documents in XML language and publishing them in different delivery formats for instance in paper, PDF or HTML format . The main point in this study is to find out how Teamcenter CMS can answer the requirements that demanding, international machinery industry enterprise set for their user documentation and documentation process. Study is divided into two sections, to the literary part and to case study part. The first part explores the content management system and the structured documentation in overall. In the part the document and documentation process requirements are researched from the literary. In this thesis the case study part shows as an example of the one type of configurable product manual and its documentation process in Konecranes Oyj. Example demonstrates the documentation and its creation process in demanding machinery industry. Konecranes is one of the world largest producers of lifting equipments. In the results section all requirements are gathered together and Teamcenter functionalities and capabilities is assimilated to them. In conclusion Teamcenter CMS is a create tool for producing the configurable, standard documentation with multi languages. Teamcenter offers also easy environment for authoring and integration with Teamcenter PLM enables authors to use the benefits that PLM environment brings for the system. However some further development should be done to make the Teamcenter CMS to work seamlessly with Teamcenter PLM system and to connect documentation process fully as part of the product development process. /Kir1

    Multiple Format Dynamic Document Generation of Project Gutenberg Texts

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    Project Gutenberg consists of over seven thousand eBooks of various and inconsistent file formats. While most books are accessible to all through ASCII format, this not necessarily the preferred format for all users of Project Gutenberg texts. The proposed solution to this problem consists of multiple parts to create a comprehensive package that can be implemented in a production environment. This project demonstrates how converting Project Gutenberg eBooks to XML (eXtensible Markup Language), using a standard DTD (Document Type Definition) or XML Schema, creates the opportunity for all available texts to automatically become available in multiple formats by applying stylesheets to the XML. These formats can include, but are not limited to, HTML (HyperText Markup Language), plain text, or PDF (Portable Document Format). This should provide a framework for future Project Gutenberg collection development

    The Evolution, current status, and future direction of XML

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    The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is now established as a multifaceted open-ended markup language and continues to increase in popularity. The major players that have shaped its development include the United States government, several key corporate entities, and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This paper will examine these influences on XML and will address the emergence, the current status, and the future direction of this language. In addition, it will review best practices and research that have contributed to the continued development and advancement of XML

    Rakenteiset Dokumentointiprosessit - Yksittäistutkimus

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    Kaksi tärkeintä päämäärää, joiden takia SGML:n käyttö teknisessä dokumentaatiossa yleensä aloitetaan, ovat dokumentointiprosessin nopeuttaminen ja yksinkertaistaminen. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, saavutetaanko tavoitteet siirryttäessä perinteisestä tekstinkäsittelydokumentaatiosta SGML:ään. Myös uuden SGML-pohjaisen prosessin heikkouksia kartoitettiin käytettävyystutkimuksen avulla. Teoreettinen tarkastelu perustuu yleiseen prosessiteoriaan ja saatavilla olevaan ohjelmisto- ja hypermediatutkimuksen tuloksiin, kuten myös tietämykseen rakenteellisen dokumentaation käytön eduista ja haitoista. Näiden teorioiden pohjalta tämä diplomityö esittelee sekä vanhan että uuden dokumentointiprosessin vaiheet teknisestä näkökulmasta. Dokumenttien läpimenoaika mitattiin sekä vanhassa että uudessa prosessissa viiden kirjoittajan kanssa. Tulokset osoittivat, ettei kirjoitusympäristöjen välillä ollut tilastollista eroa, vaikka SGML-mittaustulokset kertoivatkin keskiarvollisesti paremmasta tehokkuudesta. Dokumenttiin kirjoitetun uuden materiaalin määrän nähtiin korreloivan hyvin sivua kohti kuluneen kirjoitusajan kanssa vanhassa ympäristössä, muttei ainakaan vielä merkittävästi SGML-ympäristössä. Taustatyöhön kulunut aika näytti korreloivan hyvin dokumenttiin lisätyn uuden materiaalin määrän kanssa molemmissa ympäristöissä. Vaikka kokonaisläpimenoaika olikin pidempi SGML-pohjaisessa prosessissa, paikallisten vaiheiden määrä väheni ja vertailukelpoisempi, teknisessä mielessä tärkeämpi paikallinen läpimenoaika myös Iyheni. Dokumentointiprosessin käytettävyyden evaluointi suoritettiin tarkkailuna ja arviointilomakkeilla niille samoille kirjoittajille, jotka osallistuivat myös kirjoitusprosessin mittauksiin. Tarkkailu ja avoimet kysymykset paljastivat joitakin hyötyjä, mutta myös monia ratkaisua kaipaavia heikkouksia käytetyissä SGML-työkaluissa ja dokumentointiprosessissa. Esille tuli myös monia ongelmakohtia, jotka onneksi voidaan ratkaista koulutuksen ja lisäharjoituksen avulla. Suljetut kysymykset paljastivat, että SGML-työkalut mielletään käytettävyydeltään kohtalaisen hyviksi, mutta dokumentointiprosessin käytännön seikat ovat vielä aika vaikeita eikä niitä kaikkia ole vielä täysin omaksuttu. Kaiken kaikkiaan, nykyinen SGML-pohjainen dokumentointiympäristö tyydytti suurinta osaa osallistuneista kirjoittajista varsin hyvin

    Using XML for EDI

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    This paper examines XML and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to see how XML can be used for EDI. The paper is concerned with the ability of XML to actually provides solutions to EDI's adoption barriers. An overview of XML's components and constraints is presented. Next, EDI is addressed, paying particular attention to its components and the barriers to EDI adoption. Finally, a discussion of how XML can be used for EDI occurs with focus also given to the impact of XML on EDI's adoption barriers. This paper concludes that if properly implemented, XML does offer solutions to EDI's problems. Sources include published literature, publicly accessible web pages, and standards body produced specifications

    Using XML in conjunction with EDI

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    This paper is an examines Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Extensible Markup Language (XML) to discover if XML can be used as a solution to the implementation problems inherent in EDI. EDI is discussed within the realm of electronic commerce. Focus is placed on the needs for EDI and the Electronic Data Interchange standards. Next, XML is discussed. The discussion focuses on the history of XML and the need for XML. Finally, the problems inherent in EDI are addressed. XML is discussed as a possible solution to these probems. There is a focus on the XML/EDI group, who are currently actively involved in designing standards for XML/EDI. This paper concludes that it seems that XML could be a solution to the many problems within EDI, however, XML is a new technology that has to address its own problems before any XML/EDI implementation could occur

    Metadata State of Play - Compliance Testing and Interoperability Checking

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    The document contains an inventory of existing solutions for compliance testing and interoperability checking of metadata taking into account the draft INSPIRE metadata implementing rules, the assumptions that the metadata will be available in the XML format following an INSPIRE metadata schema definition file, may contain other items that are data theme specific and not included in the Implementing Rules and will be accessible for compliance testing and interoperability checking through a push and pull mechanism. Even if the emphasis is on geographical information and therefore on Geographical Information Systems, the document describes applicable solutions outside the geographical Information System domain.JRC.H.6-Spatial data infrastructure