2 research outputs found

    Ambient Intelligence Environment for Home Cognitive Telerehabilitation

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    Higher life expectancy is increasing the number of age-related cognitive impairment cases. It is also relevant, as some authors claim, that physical exercise may be considered as an adjunctive therapy to improve cognition and memory after strokes. Thus, the integration of physical and cognitive therapies could offer potential benefits. In addition, in general these therapies are usually considered boring, so it is important to include some features that improve the motivation of patients. As a result, computer-assisted cognitive rehabilitation systems and serious games for health are more and more present. In order to achieve a continuous, efficient and sustainable rehabilitation of patients, they will have to be carried out as part of the rehabilitation in their own home. However, current home systems lack the therapist’s presence, and this leads to two major challenges for such systems. First, they need sensors and actuators that compensate for the absence of the therapist’s eyes and hands. Second, the system needs to capture and apply the therapist’s expertise. With this aim, and based on our previous proposals, we propose an ambient intelligence environment for cognitive rehabilitation at home, combining physical and cognitive activities, by implementing a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) that gathers, as far as possible, the knowledge of a rehabilitation expert. Moreover, smart sensors and actuators will attempt to make up for the absence of the therapist. Furthermore, the proposed system will feature a remote monitoring tool, so that the therapist can supervise the patients’ exercises. Finally, an evaluation will be presented where experts in the rehabilitation field showed their satisfaction with the proposed system.This work was partially supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad/FEDER under TIN2016-79100-R grant. Miguel Oliver holds an FPU scholarship (FPU13/03141) from the Spanish Government

    Tecnología, innovación e investigación en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje

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    Este libro ha ganado el “PREMIO INTERNAZIONALE FRANCESCO SAVERIO NITTI PER IL MEDITERRANEO 2017” (NÁPOLES, ITALIA).Este libro pretende mostrar un compendio de aportaciones en torno a la tecnología, innovación e investigación en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, de ahí su título. Desde diversos contextos educativos, los autores respectivos de cada capítulo dan a conocer las posibilidades que ofrecen las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación [TIC] con respecto al diseño y desarrollo de nuevos escenarios de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Cabe considerar que las TIC deben asentarse en fundamentos pedagógicos cuando se trate de perfilar las características de dichos escenarios educativos. Así, se podrán mostrar reflexiones, innovaciones e investigaciones que añadan nuevos significados al conocimiento. En este sentido, las aportaciones de este libro se estructuran en cuatro grandes bloques temáticos: Innovación Educativa, Investigación Científica en Tecnología Educativa, Políticas Educativas y de Investigación, y Escenarios de aprendizaje basados en TIC. Se trata de cuatro pilares en los cuales consideramos debe fundamentarse el aporte de investigación, desarrollo e innovación que este libro contiene a fin de responder a las exigencias educativas del siglo XXI